
Chapter 20: Spreading Across the Country

---------------- 10:43 pm 2/10/2009, Star Lab (secret base under construction)-------------

As Damien sits up on the table, his wounds are finally closed up. Once healed, he wipes his previously injured areas with sanitized wipes from the surgery tray. Then using his powers he begins to review the info from Zola that he copied earlier. While one partition of his mind begins to review the info he informs Alfred of their next course of action.

Damien- " Alfred. Send some cleaner and construction bots to take care of the virtual jail cell. Make sure that the room is hit with an isolated emp for 10 minutes before the bots begin cleaning and repair. Make sure all the materials and bots that leave the room are sent to the molecular forge to be melted down and reconstructed immediately. I'm now uploading diagnostics and system logs from the virtual containment unit. Find what allowed Zola to take control of the CPU, cooling, and power systems."

Alfred- "Right away sir. The construction and cleaner bots are on the way to the cell. The emergency emp for the isolated room has already activated and will continue for the next 9 minutes 42 seconds. I am also making sure that all bots, drones, and synthoids will stay clear of all areas leading to the molecular forge and the virtual cell. Would there be anything else to take care of sir?"

Finding out that project paperclip allowed Hydra agents to recreate their organization through the use of SHIELD resources wasn't a surprise to Damien. But what surprised him was the list of known double agents in SHIELD and the families around the world with the closest ties to Hydra. The Insight program made by Zola was also able to use info gathered to determine both known and unknown hydra agents.

Damien-*It may be early, but using the insight program and all the info Zola has access to, I can make a few programs that can help in the future. I will have to make a program that monitors Hydra agents in SHIELD and keep track of all info they access to, along with missions they give or go on. The second program will help identify all Hydra agents in SHIELD and will be able to control their access to all SHIELD materials or information. Making it so that anytime those Hydra agents copy files, the most important info in it will be deleted the moment it is read on any non-SHIELD devices. While at the same time it will copy all files they delete or edit in the SHIELD systems.*

While in his thoughts, Damien walks back to the Main Hall of Star Lab. (his hidden base) Looking at the lounge he walks to a clear section of wall and looks straight ahead. Stopping at what would have been the entrance of his sealed base with a smirk.

Damien- *Now for the first official use of my newest invention.* "Upgrade 0-1. Send me home."

After he says that, red beams scan him completely before a panel of the wall opens up. Showing a circular portal coming to life about 10 ft. in diameter. Damien then proceeds through the portal only to walk out of the closet in his bedroom. Where a door shaped portal on the back wall loses light the second he walks through. The inch thick frames of the door shaped portal then folds into the floor of the closet as if never there.

Damien-*Now that teleport tubes are working, I can have construction bots build them in cities all around the world. But first I need to get started on the programs and a few side projects.*

Sitting on his bed, Damien faces the supercomputer in his room disguised as a regular desktop. Closing his eyes he partitions his mind into 3 parts. One part starts using all the information he gained from Zola and his future knowledge of MCU to begin writing the programs mentioned earlier. Using his powers to begin writing and testing the programs with the help of Alfred. The second part dives into his mindscape to reinforce and improve its defenses and structure. The final one opened his eyes and viewed the screen as all types of knowledge and information about chemistry, physics, biology, and studies or research papers about molecules. Beginning a long study session to study molecules, how they interact, and how they react to the environment.

------------ 8:00 am 2/11/2009, Wayne Industries HQ NewYork---------------------

In the CEO's Office of Wayne Industries HQ was Mercy Graves and what everyone thought was Bruce Wayne. This Bruce Wayne was actually a Synthoid programmed to act as a person while following orders given by Damien and Alfred. Although the synthoid was only able to take over the Bruce Wayne persona 3 years ago, it was able to make major progress on improving and expanding the company.

The Wayne Waste was able to expand out of New York and is now in California, Texas, Washington DC, and Florida. All of which have a working and profitable recycling service for all the residential and commercial locations. Even going so far as to take loads from landfills for recycling. Organic waste such as old foods and biodegradable materials is turned to mulch for resale. Whereas all waste is further sorted through the facilities. With workers who go put it through sorting, and industrial sized molecular forge disguised as a smelter or other devices. Allowing the Company to make profit on selling the raw materials of glass, plastics, paper, and various metals. Wayne security was able to make multiple home security devices like ring doorbells, sensors for windows and doors, and many others. These devices were made in bulk and sold to many other home security services. On the other hand, Many retired veterans were more than happy to sign up for the security guard position for the Wayne securities subsidiary. Many of which work as guards for other stores and companies on retainer. Some who were accepting of going back in the field worked as mercenaries doing rescue, protection, and security for many clients. Wayne Tech has developed a few devices that have improved the personal lives of people. Making better bullet proof vests for police officers that are more durable and made of a thinner and more impact resistant material. Wayne Tech is also where the equipment made for Wayne Securities was invented. But the company was still expanding.

Currently in the office, that was exactly what the two were talking about.

Bruce-" Mercy, I think it is time for Wayne Industries to begin spreading throughout the rest of the US. We need to also work on Building Wayne Health and going into the medical field. There are a lot of medical devices in the world that could be further improved or pressed for ease of use. When do you think we can get started on that?"

Mercy-" Well we already had a few plans ready for it. A lot of hospitals on the verge of bankruptcy were purchased and are currently running under the subsidiary in name only. Once everything is set up we can begin working on Wayne health. As for spreading Wayne Industries throughout the US, we are slowly working on doing so. There are new recycling facilities and manufacturing plants being built currently. And although we have been making a slight profit, I suggest a new product be released soon to be able to cover the losses of the new subsidiary."

Bruce-" I'm sure we can think of a few things…."
