
Proper Teachings Part 2

Lord Yong's face turned black. He looked at the disciple from the Rising Cloud sect whose face had gone pale and had dropped to his knees and shook his head. "Your elder will be here soon. We will deal with this when he gets here."

"Was I in the wrong?" Kana asked. She did not see anything wrong with getting rid of people who would kill their own peoples' side over some stupid treasure.

"No…. Technically, you did not do anything wrong, but things will get sticky between two major sects." Lord Yong replied with a sigh. It was true that Kana really had not done anything wrong. But it still did not make things easy. Even if she was in the right, she should not have said anything out loud like she did. But now, she has announced it to all the disciples that came from the other sects. 
