
The Last Year in Oqia

Months passed, and Minos' group was still in Marrin.

Earlier, they had split up to find Tiolos and search for navigators with experience of at least part of the Violent Sea in one of the local ports.

While Minos and his group had ordered the construction of the ship that would transport them to Uzira, the rest of the group invested their time in talking to the locals, in particular, experienced sailors.

Over the next few weeks, the group would learn about the stories of a group of interesting individuals who claimed to have sailed and survived surreal experiences, or who at least had great fame in the area.

They would investigate the situation of these navigators and thus arrive at those who were most reliable and most likely to actually be individuals with useful skills.

In the meantime, Leger's group set off from Marrin, beginning the countdown to the departure of Minos' people.
