
First Discoveries

After a few more days of traveling through the North Sea, Minos and his party finally came face to face with the end of their peace.

Having reached more than halfway to the central area of the North Sea, where the core of the enemy forces lay, they spotted an islet in their path.

It was one of the various installations of the Mechanic Empire's space explorers, with a few guards on the outskirts.

Not knowing this was just one of the many enemy outposts around this sea, Minos and his group had attacked the place the previous morning, acting as if it were their last enemy.

After facing two robots similar to the previous one, the group fought a great battle in this place, achieving victory but suffering greatly, with even two deaths in their group.

As strong as they were, the enemies were extremely tough and fast, which had given them a chance to finish off Minos' people before they fell.
