
Rare Phenomenon

Seeing a gigantic shadow above him, Minos realized that if he didn't act quickly, his entire yacht would be destroyed by the gigantic thing falling on him.

An entire island was falling over where he was passing, an island that was not small, by the way.

For comparison, this island was so large that it could easily contain a city of 100,000 inhabitants on it.

Its size was many times that of Minos' yacht, large enough to cast a huge shadow over where he was passing, even when it was still kilometers away.

Minos then set his yacht to sail at its maximum speed while using Chaotic Gravity and all his compression on Gravitational Law to escape.

He tried to open a spatial crack to escape through a wormhole. Still, as he tried to do so, he felt the spatial distortion caused by that falling island hindering his escape attempt.

'Shit! The damn island is stabilizing the space it's falling into!' He realized the problem.
