
Final Preparations 

When they saw the black hole approaching them, the dozens of Spiritual Emperors in that camp did not understand at first what was happening.

They saw a dark dot flying towards them, while the space in the surroundings of such a thing seemed to distort with its passage. At the same time, the terrible feeling in their souls could not be ignored, and everyone there realized that they were facing a deadly situation.

Unfortunately for them, Minos had thrown the fusion of two of his techniques quite hard, causing this black dot to reach where most of these individuals were in a split second.

When this happened, no sound spread to the surroundings, but in the blink of an eye, the first individuals were sucked into such a thing, helping it become more 'bulky.'

As it devoured its first victims, the black hole developed by Minos quickly began to grow, increasing the range of its event horizon by meters in a few moments.
