
Black Plain Situation 

Maisie had naturally heard from her father that Minos had agreed to become the master of the Gray Clouds Sect. So after hearing him talk about such plans, she could not help but question the validity of his words.

After all, if he was going to become the leader of that sect, how would he have time to lead an Empire in this region? Hell, she already thought he should leave the Black Plain to focus his attention on the sect, so now she could only worry.

"What does one thing have to do with the other?" Minos questioned in incomprehension at his mother's question.

Maisie frowned her eyebrows and said. "You will have to go to the Empire to live there. That will make it difficult for you to lead from that place or whatever you have in mind."

Minos smiled and shook his head negatively. "Who says I'm going to live in the Empire?"

"Then how will you lead the sect?"

"I will do that from the Black Plain, of course." He answered.
