
He Would Be Mine Alone

Three weeks later...

At this point, several people were formally positioned on the Black Plain royal throne hall, with Minos seated on his throne, Abby on his left side on a throne similar to his, and Ruth on his right side.

In addition to this trio, there were 15 other Spiritual Emperors there, all of them dressed in the armor of the Black Plain Army. 

Some of them were profiled on the right side of the room, holding banners with the royal family crest. 

This crest was a little different from the symbol of the Black Plain. Instead of just a golden tree, there were also a pair of swords and a serpent wrapped around the tree trunk in it.

In front of these people holding such banners were the other individuals, each with a different coat of arms on their armor, indicating that they were of different orders within the army. 
