
Important Concerns? (*)

At the same time, in which Ralf and Railan knew the new Dry City, Minos was in one of the residences of his mansion, together with the mother and daughter couple...

The three of them were doing what they most enjoyed doing while together, namely 'working' diligently on the bed!

The two beautiful women were around the young Stuart, with Mirya riding happily on his rod, while Viola had her little sister attacked by Minos' mouth and hands.

Other than that, the three were in a large bed, in a completely chaotic place, with clothes and armor thrown to different sides, in this room that was already marked by the body fragrances of the three.

They were very sweaty this instant and not for less. After all, three straight hours of sex wouldn't be easy for anyone, especially considering that those two women preferred wild sex...
