
Crossing the Mountains part 3

Erin just listened to all their conversations and watched everyone.'

"You should rest too, Erin." She turned when she heard Liza's soft voice. Liza brought her stool with her and sat beside Erin.

"I'm resting already," Erin remarked.

"Then. that's good to hear." Liza said. Then the air was filled with silence but it was not an awkward one. They just looked ahead where they could see the view from beyond this mountain completely. 


Meanwhile, Drellaxis finally reached the top of the mountain in less than twenty speed. With his inhumane speed, he make a run for it when he saw that he was already out of everyone's sight. He didn't mind the cold air hitting his face as he continued to dash towards the summit of the mountain.

And since there were no people that is with him as he made his way up, there was no one who could hinder him. And besides, that was not the only thing that caused him to came to the mountain top...
