
John Must Remain Here, but Derek Must Leave

After two hours of searching, the groups returned. Derek, Glenn, and the others were two hours ahead of them, plus the two hours spent searching, they avoided the catastrophe of being found.


After a day of arduous travel, on the way, John, Derek, and the beast were attended to by the doctors Glenn always brings with him, in case of emergency.

Two days after Derek had recovered on the road, Glenn took him and stood in front of the same door where the young man who gave the order for the rescue, was.

"You may come in." The man's cold, aloof voice attracted Derek's curiosity.

As Derek entered, he was amazed to see absolutely nothing in the room, the white background. And only three cushions on the floor. One bigger than the other two, as ones in front of the bigger one. Paying no attention to the man sitting on the large cushion.

'This room is used for meditation?'
