''As I already told you, that isn't my secret to tell.'' With that, she walked out of the room. Other campers slowly followed suit.
Percy POV
I decided that I will reveal my identity to my sister, but I first need to find out more about her. This will be one awkward reunion of long-lost siblings. I decided to talk to Nico first. He seems the only logical option. He knows about everything that happened in the camp, but he didn't betray me, and he's also the only person that knows my identity except Chiron.
But there is one more reason. I missed him.
After a quick search, I narrowed a list of places where he could be just onto Hades cabin, so I started walking towards it. On my way, I passed some campers and got quite a few weird stares, but I ignored them all.
Once I reached my 'destination' I knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything so I knocked once more. Then I heard a loud crash from inside followed by some cursing. A few moments later, Nico stood in the doorway glaring at me and rubbing his arm where the bruise already started forming.
''You woke me from my nap.'' He said angrily. ''What do you want?''
''I want to talk to you. Can I come inside?'' I asked him.
He glared at me once more but removed himself from the doorway so I could come in. I walked after him after I closed the door, and cast a few protective enchantments that prevented any eavesdroppers.
I sat on the bed opposite od him. He is really cute.
Wait. Where did that thought come from? I'm confused. I should be focused on the current mission, and that is finding as much information about my sister I can before revealing myself to her. I think that she already knew that I'm me (if that makes any sense).
''Can you tell me about my sister?'' I asked him.
''Well,'' He said still rubbing his arm. I felt sorry for him. He's gonna have a big bruise tomorrow. ''she's sad that she never met you. She thought that you didn't even know that she existed. I guess she wasn't wrong though. But I think that she knows now. She hates Annabeth for what she did to you and they always argue. Estelle always backs you up, but Annabeth does anything possible to recruit younger campers. The older campers know the truth. But younger campers think that everything about you is fake. She told them that she always did all the work on quests.''
I was silent for a few moments trying to wrap my head around the newly-received information.
''Why does she hate me so much?'' I asked me. I really didn't understand.
''Wait, you really don't know?'' He asked me shocked.
''I don't know what?''
''Oh, gods,'' He sighed, ''Tyler got her pregnant. He left her when he heard that she's pregnant. The fact that Annabeth cheated on you wasn't exactly his fault. She told him that you broke up, so he taught that she's single. He left her when he found out because he didn't want to have a cheating girlfriend. But she wanted to tell everybody that the child is yours, to blackmail you, or whatever. But her plain was ruined when she left. She didn't want to take care of the child, so she just gave birth and abandoned her baby. Luckily, Athena decided to adopt the child, so she's now the daughter of Athena. She said that she can't just let the child suffer because of her daughters' mistakes.'' The fact that I was shocked was an understatement. Nico continued:
''Athena isn't the one to confess her own, or her children's' mistakes easily, but she apologized for Annabeth's actions. She couldn't fix what Annabeth has done to you, but when your sister Estelle came, she decided to bless her because she was the only demigod child of Poseidon. I guess that's the meaning behind the 'The blessed daughter of old rival shall be lost' line. Poseidon's and Athena's rivalry has its' roots in ancient times. But when she blessed Estelle, Posidons child, that act ended the rivalry.''
I was shocked once more. I thought that I'll never live to see, or even hear that any of Poseidon's children got Athena's blessing.
''I really think that you should reveal your identity to her. She deserves to know it. And as Rachel said, you'll probably be going on a quest with her soon. Maybe even sooner than you think.'' With that said he got up and walked away. I decided to go to the beach. I need to make a few life-changing decisions. The sea always made me relaxed and helped me think.
When I came to the beach, I saw the lone figure sitting on my old spot. I slowly crept closer and realized that it's Estelle. At that moment I knew the decision that I'm going to make. Even if it isn't right, I need to do this. But first, I need to tell Chaos. I mind messaged him:
Chaos, can I reveal my identity to my sister?
Yes, you can. But make her swear on the River Styx not to reveal it.
Ok. Thanks. I was extremely revealed. I knew that I'm doing the right thing if Chaos approves.
Before I can walk up to her, she said:
''Come out. I know you're there. I also know who you are.'' I froze in my tracks. I knew that she couldn't hear me because that's what I trained to avoid for thousands of years. That means that she sensed me with the powers that came with the 'curse'. That's creepy. I'll need to get used to that.
I walked forward and sat next to her. This time I looked at her closely. She didn't resemble me at all. You would never guess that we're siblings, much less twins. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She could be Jason's twin. But I knew better. I knew the truth.
''Can we speak somewhere more private, please?'' I asked her, my voice desperate. I couldn't reveal myself to her in public, I'd risk everything. Nobody, but a select few can know who I am. If the enemy knew... I shuddered at the thought. If the enemy knew, that could change the outcome of the war. And I don't know in whose favor it would turn out.
''Yes, of course.'' She replied. I nodded and grabbed her arm and teleported us inside Poseidon's cabin. We sat on two beds that were opposite one another. I quickly cast a few protective charms, including the sound barrier. When I was done I asked her:
''You already know who I am. Don't you?'' She smiled and nodded.
''I felt your presence as soon as you reappeared on Earth.'' I was shocked. She knew that I was here all this time. I flipped my hood down because there was no need for it anymore. She literally jumped on me when she saw my face. She hugged me and started crying.
''I knew you'd come back.'' She said between sobs. I felt awful. I couldn't stand the thought that I made my sister sad, that I hurt her. Eventually, she calmed down and went back to where she was sitting previously. She wiped the remaining tears off her face.
''So I guess that you already know my story, but what about you?'' I asked her awkwardly.
''Of course that I know everything about you.'' She said with a smile on her face. The smile quickly turned to a frown. ''Ok, that sounded creepy. But I know your story. As for me, I came into camp a little bit after you left, on the exact same date that you first came when you were twelve. I was being chased by a minotaur and defeated it the exact same way you did. It's funny and creepy at the same time.'' It really was creepy, I thought. I laughed out loud.
We talked for hours, telling each other about our lives. She seemed genuinely happy, so was I. That was the best day of my life. Being reunited with somebody I had no idea even existed, my sister. My blood. My family.