
Chapter 1560. Wasted Operation?

Inside the hut near the Eltis Shrine, Ragorth and Janus were still waiting for something to happen.

"It has been hours," Janus said.

"It has…," Ragorth remarked.

"I guess it was a bad intel, after all," Janus said. He moved away from the window. "I still have important things to attend to. I guess we will just deal with this assassin business another time. Anyway, it's good seeing you, again Master Ragorth."

"The feeling is mutual," Ragorth replied.

Janus used an item that caused the air in front of him to shimmer. A portal appeared. Janus stepped into this portal and disappeared.

Once the portal was gone, someone emerged from the shadow in the corner. It was an ethereal covered in a hood and cloak.

"The intel is indeed bad. Where do you get this intel, you said? The Themisphere king? You shouldn't have been so trusting of outworlders," the hooded ethereal said.

"Gruff trusts him. I trust Gruff's judgment," Ragorth said.
