
Chapter 70. Fragment of Map

Finally, when they reached a house with a simple brown door, Gilbert fished out a key, unlocked the door and opened it. He ushered Jack and Samantha inside then he followed and hurriedly closed the door and locked it again. Immediately, the red aura around him dissipated and he fell onto a nearby chair. He was panting heavily.

Jack put Samantha down onto another chair, and took a seat next to Gilbert. The old man was having difficulty breathing. Jack sat there patiently waiting for him to catch his breath. Samantha got up and looked around the room. She found a glass and a bottle of water in a cupboard. She poured the water and brought it to Gilbert, who drank it slowly.

When he was calm enough, he started to speak, "I don't have much time left…"

Jack frowned. During his travel around the business district he had seen several healer shops. There was also a large hospital building. "If you are hurt, we could go to the business district to get you treated," he said.

Gilbert coughed a few times. After another drink, he set the glass down. "No use; what ails me is not something external. It's the result of having used a forbidden art too many times.

"I used to be one of the most devout members of that Cult. I didn't mind throwing my life away for the benefit of the Cult. Hence, I used the Life Burning Art often during my service. It ate away at my life force every time I used it. Now I guess it is finally time to pay the dues."

"Why did you leave the Cult?" Jack asked.

Gilbert was silent for a while and then he said, "Let's just say I finally had my eyes opened and saw the Cult for what it is; a bunch of fanatics doing the bidding of a mad God."

Jack didn't enquire further. Instead, he asked, "Is that why they came after you? To punish you for leaving the Cult?"

"If only it was that simple," Gilbert shook his head. "They were looking for something I took from them."

"What is it?" Jack asked.

Gilbert didn't answer. Instead, he looked at Samantha and said to her, "I'm sorry. I was the reason you were taken by them. They thought they could use you to pressure me."

Samantha put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a consoling look; her gaze telling him that she didn't blame him. Gilbert then turned back to Jack.

"I admire your courage and determination, young man. If not for you, we wouldn't have made it out of there. I am very much in your debt. However, I still would like to ask you for a favor."

"A favor?"

Gilbert took a deep breath, and then he rose up with difficulty. He walked slowly to a corner of the room. He removed one of the stones in the wall revealing a hollow recess. He took a piece of torn paper out of it and came back. He offered it to Jack who took it in confusion.

"I have been looking for someone trustworthy to pass this thing to," Gilbert said. "At first I considered Samantha, but if I gave it to her, it would only bring her disaster. She doesn't have the strength to protect it. You do."

Jack scanned the torn paper.


Fragment of Map (Special item)

One of three fragment pieces. Combine with the other two fragments to reveal the map.


"Fragment of Map? What is this for?" Jack asked Gilbert.

"All I know is that it's part of a map that's supposed to be very valuable. We found it during an excavation in an ancient ruin. The Cult places great importance on this Fragment. After I took it, I went through considerable trouble to lose myself and hide in this city, but they still managed to find me.

"I don't have much time left. They will continue to hunt for me to get that fragment back. My plan is to lead them away to another town while you keep it away from their reach."

Jack was conflicted. He wanted to return the fragment. This plan didn't seem to benefit him in any way. It would be different if he had the complete map. Then it might point him to a treasure that he could use. But as it was, holding the Fragment would just bring him trouble. What if the Cult came to hunt him next? He was still a long way from being able to deal with them. The Priest alone was already enough to beat the shit out of him, and he thought that the Priest was likely not among the upper echelon in the Cult.

Seeing Jack's hesitation, Gilbert said, "If you can find the other two fragments, it will point you to a treasure of unimaginable power. Trust me; this information is from a reliable source. The Cult wouldn't have wasted so much time hunting for it otherwise."

Jack gave him a wry smile, "That is only if I can get my hands on the other fragments. They are most likely in the Cult's hands. How am I going to take them from them?"

"No, this is the only fragment they had," Gilbert replied. "They still have no clue as to the whereabouts of the other fragments."

'That still doesn't make it any easier for me to find them, bro.' Jack thought.

"Don't worry; they won't know that you're the one who has the fragment. Although my time is short, I still have at least a couple of months left. I will lead them far away and leave several distracting clues for them. That will throw them off your scent. For all they know, you are just an adventurer who was only involved due to a quest."

Samantha, who was listening from the side, implored, "Please accept Mister Gilbert's request, Mister Storm Wind. It is a wish from a dying man. If you keep that thing, it will put his soul to rest when the time comes, knowing he had foiled the Cult's plan."

Jack glanced at Gilbert's hopeful gaze. Finally, he agreed.

"Fine, I will keep it as long as I can."

Gilbert exhaled in relief. He said, "Thank you. As a token of appreciation, and also to help you become stronger to oppose the Cult, I will give you these."

He took out two books and gave them to Jack.

'Technique books!' Peniel exclaimed from his side.

Jack received the books as he asked Peniel, 'What's a technique book?'

'Why don't you just check it yourself using that magnificent God-Eye of yours?' She replied.

'No need to be jealous,' Jack quipped back, and then did just that.


Technique Book: Sword of Light (Rare Consumable)

Grant the skill: Sword of light

Restriction: Warrior class


Technique Book: Life Burning Art (Super rare Consumable)

Grant the skill: Life Burning Art

Restriction: Any Advanced class


'Books that give you skills? These are good stuff.' He had thought that leveling up was the only way to get new skills.  Jack was surprised to find that there were other ways to get skills.

'Warrior class?' He asked Peniel.

'It's one of the two advanced classes that branch out from Fighter class,' she answered.

Before he could ask anything further, Gilbert spoke, "I hope you can become stronger. The Cult's plan is to bring chaos onto this world. As an adventurer, sooner or later you will clash with them. I also hope that you can find the other two map fragments before they do. Unfortunately, I have no clue where they might be found."

As he spoke, he took a backpack from another concealed compartment, and walked to the door.

"You should take the northern route to go back to the Business District. There's a guard office in that direction so the Cult people will not dare to attack. Samantha will lead you. Once you reach the Business District, it will be much safer as there are more regular guard patrols."

"Where will you be going?" Samantha asked, concerned.

"Away from here," Gilbert replied. "The sooner I start, the further I can lead them away in my remaining time."

"Good luck," Jack said to him.

"You too," he replied, and walked out the door and into the night.

Edited by OneFellSwoop

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