
Goodnight Sunshine

As we approached my house I was disappointed the walk was almost over, but also a little relieved since I blurted out I thought he was yummy. I felt very embarrassed and didn't know what to say to him anymore.

"Sunny", he spoke startling me. "I don't know where you live so I need you to let me know when we are close", he said a little awkwardly.

"Ah right! Of course, I live just at the end of this street", I tried to say words jumbled in my head. He looked disappointed. "I can go the rest of the way myself if you're worried about the time", I suggested. He pressed his hand to his whole face, like he said the wrong thing.

"I'm such an idiot! I'm making you think I have better things to do", he exhaled in a groan. "I'm a little sad that we are almost at your house because …", he darted his eyes around shrugging his shoulders. "I'll tell you tomorrow", he trailed off looking defeated. I pulled myself closer to his arm and rested my head against it. He was so warm and his arms where toned, thinking yummy really was the best way to describe them. He looked down at me warmly smiling as I smiled cheerily pressing myself to him.

I started to slow down to a stop as we reached my house. "This is me", I scutched up my lips not wanting to let him go. A thought briefly crossed my mind to sneak him inside but it was quickly pushed out realising my mom would be too nosey and embarrass me.

"About tomorrow", he started to say, my heart sank anticipating he'd changed his mind. "Where do you wanna go?", I relaxed in relief that he wasn't cancelling our date.

"No no no, I want to be surprised!", I said squeezing his arm tighter as I started to feel cold. "Besides, I wanna see what you do for fun around here", I nuzzles my head into his arm smiling gleefully.

"Not making it easy for me I see", he sighed resting his cheek on his shoulder looking down at me. I looked up at him giggling to myself, his deep chocolatey eyes capturing my entire attention.

"Hmm sorry gotta keep you guessing, it's more fun this way", I said whilst starting to shiver from the cold. He brought his free hand up to my arm and stroked it gently.

"Sunny you're getting cold, you should probably go inside now", he looked worried and a little sad as he spoke. I let go of his arm and wrapped both arms around his waist squeezing him tightly, I buried my face into his chest.

I breathed in his smell deeply, "Mmmnn", enjoying how it surrounded me. He smelt like dark chocolate and cinnamon, it was intoxicatingly yummy. He wrapped his arms around me putting his hand on the back of my head. I could feel his heart thumping, it was so soothing I wanted to fall asleep.

"I could stay like his all night", he rested his chin on the top of my head. "But then we won't get tomorrow and I'd feel so bad if we didn't have our date", he said sounding not really sad. I pulled myself away from him and looked at his face. Sure enough he had a cheeky smile etched across it.

"Okay time for me to go, good night Sweet", I said sweetly putting my hand on his cheek.

"Goodnight Sunshine, I'm really going to miss you but I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up", he said softly.

"What time tomorrow?", I said realising we hadn't decided anything.

"How about 10?", he suggested leaning in waiting for the answer. I nodded smiling trying not to blush as he beamed a huge smile. He swiftly took me into a long sweet kiss, wrapping his fingers in my hair as I savoured the feel of his lips.

We parted from the kiss and panting a little he pulled me into a tight hug then let me go. I walked slowly to my front door, reaching the step I blew him a kiss. He threw his chest back holding it with his hand as if my kiss had hit him and almost knocked him over. I rolled my eyes and waved him goodbye as he walked away.

The house was quiet as I crept inside, I assumed my mom must be out or in her room. I tiptoed up the stairs hoping to not draw any attention, when suddenly *creeeek* a floorboard had given me away.

"Daisy is that you honey?", I heard my mom call from the kitchen, her footsteps coming my way. I resigned myself to turn around and talk to her. I walked back down the stairs and met her in the kitchen. "It's a late hon I was getting a little worried when you didn't call", she looked at me with a hint of disappointment.

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't realise the time, I promise to call and let you know I'm okay next time", I tried to placate her avoiding follow up questions.

"Next time? Do you have more plans to go out all day?", she stared at me unblinking over her coffee cup. She was on to me that I had something going on but she didn't know exactly what.

"Well.. tomorrow… kinda will be… I mean… I sorta have.. ", she was getting a little impatient.

"You have….", she repeated attempting to lure out more information. I looked away from her folding my arms.

"A date", I said almost as one word getting out as quickly as I could. He eyes lit up in an instant, she became immediately excited and leapt out of her chair. She hurried over to me desperate for more information.

"A date!", she repeated enthusiastically. "Tell me what's he like?", she took hold of both my hand with excited anticipation.

"Well he's tall and very handsome, he has brown eyes and Sandy blonde hair that's kinda messy at the front but in a fun way", I started reeling things off without a breath. "He's funny and a bit cheeky, oh and he's really sweet!", I was grinning really hard and my mom was nodding and grinning right back at me. "Oh oh and he bakes!", I was starting to feel giddy thinking about him.

"So He's funny, handsome, sweet and a baker, my girl knows how to land a winner that's for sure", she praised looking quiet proud of me.

"Mom, don't be weird!", I scoffed at her feeling a little embarrassed. "I really like him though, his name is Ben by the way before you ask a million more questions", I looked at her with playful suspicion.

"I promise not to be 'weird', she she said emphasising the last word. "So when can I meet him?", she asked getting excited all over again.

"Be patient", I pointed my finger at her, "you will eventually, when it's time". She huffed grumpily, but accepted my ruling on the matter. After that we talked a little about her day then I went off to bed.

Crawling into bed in my pjs I hugged my pillow to me tightly, wrapping my legs around it. I sighed shallowly hardly making a sound. I drifted off to sleep thinking of Sweet, saying my name for him over and over softly. His smell, his touch, his voice, the taste of his lips twisted and turned in my head, I already missed his arms around me. I couldn't wait for tomorrow but it seemed so far away.

I woke up still holding my pillow that I had drooled on, very attractive I thought sarcastically. I sprang up sitting on my bed, realising it was morning and I had a date with Sweet. Looking at my clock it was 9am, I only had an hour to get myself ready. I rushed to get out of bed to fast and toppled off the side still wrapped in my sheets. I hit the floor with a thud and groggily rubbed my eyes. I had no time to waste I had to get showered and dressed.

After a quick shower I opened up my closet to find the perfect date outfit. Some clothing elimination later I had narrowed it down to a dress, shorts, or jeans. It was fairly warm that day so I threw the jeans aside now choosing between my yellow shorts and a blue dress. Yellow I thought, he liked yellow, I nodded to myself putting on my shorts. I found a white T-shirt with a bee on the front and tied my hair into a high pony.

Right I thought silver shoes have been lucky so far. I looked at myself one last time and slid my bee clip into my hair, this was as good as it's gonna get I thought. I looked at the clock it was 9:50 I was getting nervous, I felt all the butterflies building up in my stomach. I paced back and forth until I couldn't take it anymore and went downstairs.

"Have fun sweetheart", my mom called to me from the kitchen. Her words actually relieved some of the nervous energy I had been building up. Until a knock at the door it all rushed back.
