
a Receptionist

'Yun Seohui?' Daeho thought after looking at the sudden notification that he got.

He knew her, of course he is. The woman is one of antagonist in the 'Second Coming of Gluttony' novel. He got introduced to a world of novels by his boss at an IT company after his boss finds out that he passing his free time by playing games, watching anime, reading 'Japanese manga', and 'Korean manhwa'.

If he remembering the right person and the system didn't mistake her for someone else. He was in deep trouble. That woman is dangerous. So dangerous that her presence alone can bring destruction to the entire world if she had the power she needed and want to do so.

No, she already destroyed the world once although it was in Seol Jihu, the protagonist in SCOG novel 'Future Vision'— His unique skills that could see the future path and option.

Yun Seohui is a woman in her mid-twenties in the story, and she had a tendency to be crazy. Not the fun type of crazy but, the crazy type of crazy. She's like the embodiment of witch and devil in Christian Middle Ages descriptions— manipulative and dangerous. Perhaps it is better to liken her with Makima from Chainsaw man, minus the supernatural power of course. They both had the same crazy tendencies, after all.

'But how?' he thought while cupping his own chin.

As long as he remembered he wasn't her acquaintance. Heck, even the og Daeho never goes to Seoul alone. According to his memory, he holed himself in his neighborhood playing with his sisters and friends.

'Maybe it was just a notification? it wasn't a necessarily go to the list?' he thought about the possibility. Opened the [Harem Member] in the system, he looks for her name.

Turn out, the system had her name below 'harem member candidate'...


-Yun Seohui

Status : Basking in the afterglow.

A.P : +200 (Want to make user her boy-toy.)


'Fuck! how?!' he ruffled his hair roughly since he doesn't know how the heck she could enter the list and fell for him. He grunted in stress.

It lasted shortly, before he calmed himself by rubbing his chest. When he calmed his burning brain, he got a sudden rough idea. 'If the system lies to me then, the only way to prove it, is to test the notification on another woman that I don't have acquaintance with.' is what gotten on his mind.

Closing the system he quickly wears his sneaker and goes out from his hospital suite. On the outside was a desolate white marbled hospital corridor that had a red carpet and many old-looking vase decorations without a single person's insights. On the left side of the corridor is a lone high window that fixed in a dead-end corridor, so he walks to the right because it was the only available and logical choice, He couldn't jump out of the windows isn't he? it was a reinforced window anyway. He couldn't break it with his bare hand. Then again, that was a dumb train of thought coming from him.

He walks for some time until he sees the reception booth.

The VIP suite in Sinyoung hospital is equipped with a reception. 'Mmm?' the receptionist is a young woman seemingly in her late twenties. That means he could test the system's affection.

'{Normal Body Off}' he thought deactivating his skill to test the credibility of the system.

Arrived at the front he saw that the receptionist is busy with her phone and looking stressed. With his index finger he gently taps the counter table to gain her attention.

"Excuse me, Noona." said him with a soft tone in his voice.

"Ah! yes..." said the woman turns her head up to see the origin of the sound. Only to sit there in shock after seeing the face of a person who called her. with a flushed face she thought, 'Cute!'

'It seems like my high charisma status isn't wrong. look at the woman's reaction.' thought him before continuing, 'But,... I didn't get the notification. At least if the woman looks at me in a daze it's must mean that I entice her enough, right?'

He wasn't sure how the heck that crazy Yun Seohui got in his system list. The receptionist in front of him certainly looking at him with a flushed face and in a daze. But, he didn't get a notification of her affection.

'What in the...' he thought after scanning the receptionist's face.

It was a shocker to Daeho when he saw a droll coming out form the tip of her mouth.

"Excuse me, Noona..." said him to wake her from drooling at him, he couldn't take it any longer because he felt shivers. He got a flustered answer from her. "Ah! yes yes!"

She stands up fast like she's in the military or something. The droll on her mouth dropped somewhere in the desks and vanished from her mouth.

"Umm Noona... is this hospital had a Gym or Field for exercising?" said him looking straight at the woman's eyes.

His gaze made her feet weak. She averted her face to the side.

"Umm n-no... t-the gym is u-under renovation i-it will take m-month before it c-could be used..." said her that made Daeho face down. The receptionist with the face that still looking to the side takes a glance at him with her eyes. Seeing Daeho's sad face her heart sting and she got a sudden idea.

"A-altough hospital currently didn't have that. I r-recommend you to go into the park near here... it had s-some exercising equipment." said her with a forced smile while looking at him.

"Waaah for real? thank you Noona!." said Daeho bowing at her. The woman waved her left hand weakly to him while the other hand is fanning her flushed face.

He turns his body wanted to directly go into the park to complete his quest. But when he turned his body, he remembered that he doesn't know where the hell is hospital location at. He wasn't familiar with the area around Seoul too much. He turns back his body facing the flushed receptionist.

"Could Noona give me direction? I don't know the area around here..." said him looking down.

Seeing his down face, the woman quickly picks her phone and search for Naver Map apps. She tries to search for the park location clumsily— slipped her hand or frequently made typos.

Daeho looking at the receptionist's behavior felt amused. His 50 CHA status point could make a mature woman acting like a teenager. How about 100 status points and beyond? he couldn't imagine.

"Ah! here's the location!" said the receptionist while showing him her smartphone and the location of the park.

Daeho leaned at the counter to look at her phone. it made the heart of the receptionist beating fast. She takes a looks at his face that close to her. She could smell hospital soap on him. It made her imagining things that she shouldn't while looking at his face.

The park itself is 200 meters to the east of the hospital, that located in the center of the residential area in Gangnam. He looks at the direction and felt that he could finish the 'movement objective' on daily quest by circling around the block.

"Thank you again, Noona!" he smiles brightly at the flushed receptionist that makes her face became redder. Not waiting any longer he leaves the VIP suite reception and goes for the elevator.

The beet red receptionist didn't have any energy left on her feet, slumped weakly at her chair. Her heart beating so much that she felt that she got a nose bleed. Checking her nose to be sure she was surprised "!!!"

She really got a nose bleed from talking to a handsomely cute teenager. What a devil! thought her before going to the bathroom.

Daeho that recently got into the elevator felt helpless. His theory isn't right. He was certain that the receptionist had an affection for him, at least when he saw her flushed face and behavior. at least that alone could make an '+' on affection right? why didn't he get any notification?

He released a tired sigh. Although he got energized after leveling up his level and status, he felt tired again. Couldn't get with any better idea about what to do, he put the matter on the outmost side of his brain. He believes although she was on his system list she wasn't doing anything too radical to him that could harm him in any way.

He isn't Seol Jihu that got undivided attention from her. Then again, he didn't know if 'that place' really exist or not. Thinking like that, the matter seems smaller on his mind.

'Normal Body{On}' he thought of activating his skills. He doesn't want any unwanted attention during his quest so he activates the skill.

Ding! the lift showing an [1] on its indicator. He is now on the base floor of the hospital.

Walking outside the elevator to the entrance, he could see a tired-looking nurse and doctor alike having a chat in the lobby and halls. Some bringing their document, some carrying a coffee. It's a morning in the hospital, there isn't any rush or crowd in the waiting room to be concerned with.

'It's nice' he thought. and felt great looking at the hospital inhabitants that aren't wearing a mask. He felt really nostalgic seeing the scene of people talking without a mask or social distancing.

Arrived at the entrance a gust of winter wind blow through his body. He takes a deep breath and releases it with a content expression. "It's really great to not wear masks!" he exclaims loudly.

He breathes the cold winter air while holding his hand on his waist. Enjoying the air as he closed his eyes for a minute or two, honestly, he doesn't care. He was too emotional for this covid-free environment.

He couldn't enjoy the air long enough since he felt a pat on his shoulder. Turning his head, a nurse looking at him with a weird expression.

"Sir please don't stand on the entrance." said the nurse to Daeho. Although it was morning, the hospital couldn't let a person obstruct the way of patients.

Hearing that Daeho remember that he was standing right outside the entrance. his face became red, full of shame.

"I'm sorry..." he said while bowing and then quickly move away from the entrance.

"Sigh, youngster these days..." sigh the nurse before going inside again.


LeeZandacreators' thoughts