
Into the depths

Lumas seemingly melted into a chair as a depressed aura surrounded him, every so often he would mutter to himself. Bell and Welf had already passed out quite a while ago, "All I wanted to do was delve into the dungeon but nooo…" with a grunt he continued "I did this to myself…"

As he muttered to himself he let his hair down, pulling a brush from a sheet of black Lumas began to brush his hair… after thoroughly brushing his head he carefully set it back up into a low bun since the previous high and tight bun was giving him a headache, not soon afterwards the door opened to reveal a tired Ais followed by a half asleep Lefiya

"She's fine, some signs of previously broken bones and umm…" Lumas gestured for Lefiya to stop realizing where the conversation was headed, Ais stepped forward staring Lumas in the eyes "Send her to the Castle…"

"What? Why?" Lumas seemed more curious then upset, he had no doubt that if that Renard had ill intent the various Service Corps in the castle would be able to deal with her before she was capable of bringing harm to Aria, Sebas had handpicked every single one of them from various orphanages through Orairo, each person in the Service Corps has undergone vigorous training in not only greeting and checking in guests, dining and entertainment arrangements, keeping various rooms and guest suites up to the castle and guest standards but also physical and verbal communication, active listening skills, Personalized Princess Care (PPC for short), leadership skills, patience, as well as hunting, (combat) awareness, surveillance, hand to hand combat, and Sebas' specialty 'Tray Combat' the art of combat with a serving tray…

An enticing smile rose to Ais' face as she sauntered over to Lumas; who seemed in a daze as he watched, although Lumas was completely focused his expression didn't reveal it, Bell who sat next to Welf gave the red head a nudge as he whispered "Critical Hit…", Welf solemnly nodded as he shifted his head.

Ais slid into Lumas' lap as she traced his jaw line, he slightly looked up with an expectant glimmer in his eyes "Aria's personal maid…" Lumas slightly flinched as he exclaimed "Eh, your serious? I thought we was about to-" Lumas keeled forward as a fist connected with his stomach, unlike previously his expression seemed real as he coughed slightly to right himself "Enter the dungeon! I was gonna say enter the dungeon…"

Ais rolled her eyes, but a smile was plastered on her face, "Right," Lumas nodded "Right…"

"So it's settled then," as if finished talking Ais with those words she walked away leaving Lumas behind, he watched her leave for a moment before he bounded to his feet "Wait that didn't mean yes," Ais turned around with a soft smile mouthing a few words. Lumas just dumbly nodded with a goofy smile on his face, rubbing the back of his head while he spoke "Sorry, I'll be right back," with an awkward smile on his face he followed Ais into the room.


[1 Week Later]

A blond haired woman, with proportionate yet exaggerated curves with two large conical ears, large green eyes that held a surprising amount of maturity was sprawled out on the floor drenched in sweat, the once baggy clothes stuck to her body as her chest rose and fell.

"That's it for today's physical training, be sure to continue studying the PPC guide book"

The woman Haruhime struggled to her feet to give the man opposite of her a deep bow, an almost alluring voice leaving her mouth as she did "Yes, Sir Sebas"

As Sebas left Haruhime knees collapsed under her as she closed her eyes thinking back to the hell she experienced before reaching this fairytale, never in her life would she had thought she'd see dragons flying in the sky, griffons nesting on the cliff face, or moving piles of sand however she had seen all this and even gone as far as gaining a baby griffon to take care of, she let out a smile unknowingly as she climbed to her feet and took uneasy steps back to her room.


Standing at the stairway to the 70th floor Lumas spoke up, "I'll take point from here, Lefiya and Welf will be in the middle taking care of the ones I let through, Bell while watch over them while Ais takes up rear guard"

Seeing a round of nods, Lumas became uncharacteristicly serious. The air around him seemed lifeless, Ais let out a minuscule frown at the sight of this she hated seeing him like this but she knew this was how he dealt with Susan's loss… the dungeon was his way to vent all his frustrations this was the main reason they have made it as far as they had, none of them would be able to push long enough to make it this far without him let alone in a party as small as this…

Bounding down the steps with speed comparable to a AGI built Level 3 Lumas ran through a large ape standing at the bottom of the steps, while this may seem odd this ape was merely an illusion for the large 3 headed hydra resting behind, pulling Shadow Steel from its sheath Lumas bent at the waist. With his chest nearly parallel to the ground he kicked off the floor leaving an indentation of his foot that soon collapsed into a small crater.

With a swipe of his blade blood spurted out from the left most head as it began to slide towards the ground, yelling out he kicked off a nearby wall charging again, "Lefiya NOW!"

"…Sylph's Gift" with a short chant a green mist encased Ais, who stretched out a single finger a mass of greenish white mana pooling at the tip. With a small exhale the small mass turned into a beam piercing through the chest of the Hydra causing it to collapse to the ground slowly disappearing into fine dust swirling around in a horde of small wind blade, 'Vacuum Collapse' a spell that Lumas helped Ais develop, the beam is actually a medium to transfer 'Tempest' into her opponent's body effectively turning them into a bomb

As the Hydra fell hundreds of various roars and cackles sounded out informing everyone one that the horde was coming…

(A/N: Floor 70: Endless Plains: A endless horde of monsters upon an 'endless' plain… the exit will only be revealed upon everyone in the party reaching their limit)
