
Time Passes

3 months have passed and Lumas has changed, his previously long silver black hair has been cut short and usually 'styled' lazily making it a mess, he has also grown slightly as well as gained enough control over his Magic to create an arm… While he would rather have the real thing his flamelike arm added some style points, the arm itself takes next to no mana and can be used like a real flesh one despite them being flames they can solidify and move according to Lumas' will

Since that day Lumas hasn't entered the dungeon, he won't admit it but he was terrified… his first trip into the dungeon cost him an arm… what if it's his life next… while he didn't fear death the thought of leaving behind all the connections he made hurt him, Riveria was like a mother always looking over his shoulder seemingly trying to protect him from the world she always spared time for him even going as far as putting off her Familia duties just to help him with whatever questions he as, Then there was Finn who was always willing to spar and give Lumas pointers, Gareth who'd always lend a silent ear and could surprisingly keep a secret…, Bete was well Bete...he never gave up the chance to berate Lumas especially after seeing him and Ais walking through the hallway a few inches too close by his standard

Then there was Ais… That was something he couldn't describe, not from a lack of words but from a lack of knowledge he didn't know what he was feeling, how he was feeling, he just knew he felt differently around her… She always pushed him during their spars even going so far as to ban his use of magic, including his arm forcing him into a complete defensive manner for the entire length of the spar… every time he'd catch up to her speed she'd go ever so slightly faster messing up his timing and learning through pain

Pain was something he was never friendly with, but recently it felt the pain associated with Ais' strikes lessened and lessened and he tried hiding this fact from her but it didn't take long for her to find out and her strength and speed increased… as she mercilessly beat him with the wooden sword he couldn't help but curse himself, he put himself in this situation and he had to face the consequences… Strength is gained...earned… not gifted to some asshat screaming about a harem or a system, Only through hard work will you be satisfied with the power you hold as long as you don't get lost along the way

Lumas was currently sitting in his room playing with the small flame floating above his finger thinking about his status; it hadn't been updated nor has he leveled up… but he knew that was a good thing, he needed to build his foundation something that Riveria has tirelessly drilled into him

*Knock Knock*

Lumas was dragged from his thoughts as knocks resounded in the room, looking outside he found that is was still dark slightly confused as to why someone would come to his room so late he opened the door to find a serious Loki, something that was rare and knew he should be careful around


Opening the door and stretching out his arm inviting her in she quickly found a seat as she waited for Lumas did the same however he remained standing looking at Loki from behind the seat across from her

"May I ask what brings you to my room Loki"

With a snort she began

"Ais has been bothering me to let you go on the next expedition to the deep floors, This is something that I have thought about and decided to leave it in your hands… If you do choose to go you will be stuck next to Ais as her 'Personal Supporter' meaning you will be on the front lines… Ais believes that you need some stimulation, while I disagree in the end the choice is up to you…"

The room was silent for a few minutes as Lumas seriously considered the opportunity, but in the end it could prove profitable

"Let me know what I got to do"

As her serious expression faded slowly morphing into a grin she spoke as she left the room

"Just continue training… You don't want to let Ais down now do you?"

Seeing that her words affected Lumas she let out a stifled chuckle as she closed the door leaving the boy drowning is his thoughts


Another month has passed, Lumas found out that they pretty much just came back from an expedition and the next one wouldn't be for 6 months (A/N: Sorry sorry… I'm changing the 'raid' schedule slightly… soo timeline is going to change), This lifted a weight from Lumas' shoulders it at least gave him a chance to further strengthen his foundations almost everyday has consisted of Riveria's Magic Lessons, Finn's Offense Lessons, Gareth's Drunk Dungeon Advice, and Ais' Defense Lessons… Riveria's and Ais' lessons take the longest with Finn being a close 3rd and Gareth's last until his bottles gone

During this time Lumas began to use what little free time he had in the Smithy which Loki conveniently had… stocked full of all the needed gear alongside some materials, Nothing expensive just Bronze, Iron, and Elunium(1) and with these he began self learning Blacksmithing slightly relying on his skill to help him along… While he'd rather not rely on a skill or Magic, something that Riveria once again drilled into him he has to get started somehow and he already had the skill

Lumas found it was easiest to work with bronze so that's where he started, not looking to make a weapon but jewelry… the reason?...Not enough materials...However this quickly led to him falling in love, Forming the metal by his hands, feeling the heat of the forge against his skin, the sounds of the hammer slamming against the metal… it all felt so peaceful, as Lumas lost himself in smithing his Magic Arm began to slightly glow imbuing its will upon the metal with every strike

He didn't realize that he never needed to take the metal back to the heat of the forge, or how metal has stayed hot, but that didn't matter; he was solely focused on finishing his craft… Before he knew it the sun was beginning to set and a certain Elf alongside a golden haired beauty were looking through the training fields in search of him, He hadn't let them know he left so they knew he hadn't left the compound

Soon they were on their way to the Smithy, it's the only place they haven't checked and as soon as they approached the Smithy Riveria felt small mana fluctuations coming from within gesturing Ais just to watch she slowly opened the door to find Lumas hammering away at a thin curved piece of red hot metal, small wisps of green light was flooding the metal with every strike… Riveria was completely immersed in the fine control of mana while Ais was curious what he was making

After sometime Lumas let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as he held the still hot bracelet with a pair of tongs as he studied his work… It wasn't something he was overly proud of but for being his first work he was surprised, he was expecting a failure on many degrees but he actually managed to make a somewhat nice looking bracelet, which despite looking crude still have a long way to go… he made his way over to a desk near the forge grabbing a few sets of tools as he did, Letting the bracelet cool Lumas began to look over his scars which when in use retract from his chest onto his flame-like arm

Looking at the vines, thorns, and small flowers that are 'blooming' on his arm his face hardened as he got back to work, slowly engraving the bracelet with intricate designs…

Ais had found a comfy seat near the door as she crossed her legs and rested her head on her hand as her eyes constantly passed over the room only to land on Lumas before back around the room, Riveria noticed this and couldn't help but feeling warm… Her little girl is finally growing up turning her head to Lumas seeing him working so hard seemed to fill her with a sense of pride and strangely enough she felt inspired, It didn't take long for Lumas to begin heavily scrutinizing his work before the heat in it slowly began to rise shocking Lumas

The duo only heard a mutter "Great less time in front of a forge…" As stifled a giggle while Riveria's eyes narrowed as she began doubting if he was listening at all to her studies letting the heat reach an reasonable level he dunked it into an oil bath quenching the bracelet before pulling it out and making sure there were no cracks, deformations, or a missed spot on the intricate design as seeing that there was no such things he smiled softly while turning around only to freeze at the sight of the two spectators

(A/N: 1. Elunium: A dark colored metal that is stronger than steel and a good conductor of magic, a rather well known metal due to how easy it is to acquire)
