
Chapter 16

~Victoria's POV

I wake up to the bright rays of the sun shining on my face. In any other morning I would've loved to wake up to such beauty, but the events of last night brought a horrible feeling to the pit of my stomach.

I wake up to the bright rays of the sun shining on my face. In any other morning I would've loved to wake up to such beauty, but the events of last night brought a horrible feeling to the pit of my stomach.

The absence of Xavior's arm around my waist let's me know that he is no longer beside me. I get up, immediately missing the warmth and safety of the bed. I head to the bathroom and see a small bruise on my neck, where I was choked.

I turn away from my reflection, unable to look at myself as it would open that memory that I so want to forget. After a quick shower I head downstairs to find Xavior in his sweatpants that's hung dangerously low on his hips. His back is facing me as he is preparing breakfast.

The strong sent of eggs, bacon and pancakes causes my stomach to growl in hunger. Xavior must have heard it as he turns around and gives me an amusing look. I blush in embarrassment.

"Good morning sweetheart, did you rest well?" Xavior stops his cooking and walks over to me. He pulls me closer and I am immediately surrounded by his addictive scent. "Yes I did thank you" I reply looking away, I didn't want him to see my lies.

Xavior places his hand on my chin and turns me to face him, I look into his eyes and almost drown in them. "Victoria, I have been in this business for a very long time, I can tell when someone is lying to me." he says to me in a stern yet calm voice.

He leads me to the kitchen table and dishes me food. I stare at the food in front of me, but the anxious feeling inside of me stops me from digging in. Xavior probably noticed my hesitation since he came around me and pulled me in for another much needed hug.

"Baby, I know last night was a shock, but you need to eat, you will need energy for your training today." I shoot my head up in shock. Today? I'm not ready. I push Xavior away from me and turn my head and begin to look around nervously.

~Xavior's POV

I notice her discomfort, if only she knew that the sooner she trains the sooner she'll be able to handle herself. She turns her head back towards me. "Xavior I'm not ready, please understand that." she pleads. I look in her eyes and see the fear. "Baby I know you're scared, why don't you eat your breakfast, then you come with me to the gym and see how I train, and if you don't want to join, we'll start another day, how does that sound my love?"

She breathes out a breath of relief. "Okay, thank you so much." she says. She turns her stool to face her food, but before she can, I stop her and turn her towards me, she gives me a confused look. I smirk at her " Aren't you going to give me my morning kiss?" she blushes but nevertheless, gets up and stands on her tippy toes to kiss me.

I close my eyes and feel her soft lips make contact with mine, I grab her and pull her towards me, caging her in. God she feels good in my arms. We break the kiss and I see her red as a tomato. I chuckle and give her ass a good slap before dishing myself a plate.

~Later that day.

~Victoria's POV

I stare at myself in the full length mirror, examining my the work out clothes that Xavior gave me.

It consists of a gray tights and a white sports bra. I put my white sneakers on as well as a tank top

I make my way to the living room, where Xavior told me to meet him. He is wearing a skin tight shirt that really shows me his huge muscles and grey sweats that hangs on his hips perfectly.

I almost drool at the sight. Xavior notices me and eyes me up and down, I blush when I see his desire swirling around his eyes. He motions me to come closer with his index finger.

I make my way over slowly towards him and when I'm directly in front of him, he pulls me in by the waist causing me to gasp in surprise. "Are you ready to go my love?" he asks while moving his hands to my butt.

Another gasp leaves my lips as I feel him lightly squeeze it. "Uhm... Yes, yes I am" I say almost out of breath.

He guides me out of the door and into the driveway where I see his driver, Jerry. We greet him and head towards Xavior's private gym.

After about 15 minutes we reach this beautiful glass building with a huge sign saying, Clark's workout center. I stare at it in awe causing Xavior to chuckle. Jerry opens the door and I step out hand in hand with Xavior.

We enter the building and see men and women walking around. Everybody stops and turns to us. I feel anxious as I see the curious stares of everybody eyeing me. Xavior's voice booms causing me to jump a little. "Buongiorno a tutti" (Good morning everyone).

" Buongiorno capo" (Good morning boss) everyone else replies back. Everybody carries on with what they were doing while Xavior takes my hand and drags me around. I look around to still see some people whispering and giving curious looks.

We enter the elevator and head to the top floor. Xavior opens his door to his office and slightly pushes me in before closing the door, I walk over to the huge window that gives the view of people training. Women and men, fighting against each other. The way they move is so elegant and graceful yet powerful and dangerous.

It's so intriguing how calculated their movements are. I feel Xavior's hand snake around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. I'm the first to speak up. "What was that all about, I mean downstairs?" I turn around to meet Xavior's eyes, his hands still around my waist.

"That, my beautiful darling, was respect. I am their boss, and they should treat me like one" he ends off by kissing me on the head. He leads me to his desk.

I make my way to sit in the seats in front of the desk, but Xavior's disapproving grunts causes me to stop mid air. He sits on his respective seat behind his desks and opens his legs. I look at him confused at what his trying to do. He snaps his finger and points to his lap.

Is he asking me to sit on his lap? I think to myself. His voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "I want you here Victoria." my name falls out of his mouth like liquid gold. The Italian accent made it even better.

I slowly walk over to him holding eye contact. When I'm directly in front of him, I turn around to sit with my back against his chest, but before I could fully turn around , he grabs my hips and turns me back. "I want to see your beautiful face." he says in a deep rich tone. I nod, unable to form proper words.

I sit on him with my knees on the side of him. The position is a bit uncomfortable so I try to slide my legs through the opening of the arm rest. When I'm finally comfortable I look at Xavior to see him already looking at me. I break the silence. "Hi there" I say barely audible. He chuckles and jerks my hips forward causing my core to brush against his growing member.

I gasp at the familar feeling. Xavior brings his lips to my neck and starts biting me, a moan involuntarily leaves me lips but I don't feel ashamed. His hot tongue slides around my weak spot and I shudder in pleasure. I feel him smile against my skin.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my euphoric state. I try to remove myself but Xavior cages me in. Xavior smiles innocently as I give him the are you serious look. A handsome, light skinned man walks in and stares at us with an amusing expression.

I blush and bury my face in the crook of Xavior's neck. "You must be the famous Victoria that Xavior cannot shut up about" I hear the man's voice speak behind me. I turn around to see he has his hand out.

His hand covers my small one as we greet respectfully. "I'm Kyle, your boyfriends best friend" he says chuckling at Xavior who chuckles himself.

I finally manage to get off Xavior and move to his side. Xavior turns to me, "Babe, Kyle here is going to be the one that's going to train you, I would do it myself, but I have a training class to get to and I don't want you to be surrounded by all those men."

I nod in understanding. I set foot towards Kyle but before I could move two steps, I'm pulled back by my wrist. I look at Xavior." Leaving me without a kiss? I don't think so. " he says and points to his lips.

I lean down and place a gentle peck on his soft lips. I end the kiss, but keep my face a few inches away from him, not ready to end the intimate moment.

Kyle clears his throat and both of our attention goes towards him. He motions for me to walk with him. While we're walking out, Kyle speaks out loudly so that Xavior could hear. "So who do you want to see first? The assassins or the strippers? I think strippers first. "

Kyle rushes me out of the office, hearing Xaviors screams of protest. We run towards elevator, ones we're in, the door closes in Xavior's angry face.

"Are we really going to see strippers and assassins?" I ask him nervously yet slightly interested. "Not if you don't want to, I don't want to expose you to things that you're not ready for. God knows Xavior will have my head on a platter if I let that happen."

He explains, some part of me wants to see it but the other half doesn't, but life is about taking risks, so why not start now?" I want to see the strippers"

Kyle looks at me shocked but nevertheless takes me two floors down, probably where the dancers are.

When the elevator doors open up, the sight itself took me to another world.
