
Definitely no!

When Fu Jie opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of the ceiling he had seen before. It was the same empty room, but this time, there was a girl sitting beside his bed, waiting for him to wake up.

Fu Jie saw the girl and he immediately shut his eyes tight, acting as if he had never woken up.

Why the hell was Luo Lijuan here?!

Someone send this bully away!!

He heard her chuckling as she spoke, "Get up if you're awake."

Fu Jie gulped but still pretended to be asleep.

It was silent for a minute and just when he thought the girl had accepted his act as something real, the peace was broken as his eyes went wide and he felt the cold bucket of water being dropped on top of him.

Fu Jie jolted up and cursed at the sudden coldness.

"It's good that you're awake now," Luo Lijuan beamed.

"You!" Fu Jie felt his habits kicking in. He wanted to curse at this woman till he felt satisfied enough but before the curses could roll out from his tongue, he remembered the scene where the girl attacked him with her water blade. When he thought back to how much the cuts on his arms hurt, the curses automatically went down the same way they had come up.

It was better not to mess around with such a person.

Luo Lijuan smiled as she stood up and walked a few steps back before bowing her head and leaving Fu Jie stunned as she apologized, "I'm sorry for my rude behavior."


"I was ordered to test you, Junior brother." She raised her head back up and continued, "You're certainly talented but your skills are too raw. From today onwards, you'll be practicing with me."

"No!" Fu Jie stood up immediately, "No way! Absolutely no! This Laozi is going back! Who wants to be a part of your cult?!"

"Cult?" The girl tilted her head in confusion.

"Sect! Cult! What's the difference?!" Fu Jie reacted strongly, " You bully others for the fun of it!"

Fu Jie got ready to run away but his path was blocked by Luo Lijuan who wasn't gonna let him go that easily.

"Junior brother, why don't you calm down and listen to me?"

When Fu Jie heard this, he felt as if this sentence was familiar. He had heard it somewhere before but couldn't remember where.

It was said by someone annoying... At least, that was all he could remember.

Fu Jie, "You tricked me and almost killed me! What more is there to talk about?!"

Luo Lijuan giggled as if finding it amusing how easily she had fooled him into taking her attacks.

"You! Get out of my way!" Fu Jie tried to go around her but she also took a side step and stopped him from leaving once again.

"What the hell do you want from me?!"

"I want to train you."

"Get lost!" Fu Jie took a step towards the right but it was still useless as she also took a step and blocked the way. "Is Junior brother not even going to listen to what I have to say?"

"Definitely not!"

Luo Lijuan sighed as she spoke up, "What if I tell you that I know you're not from here?"

Fu Jie took a whole minute to respond, "I already told you that, didn't I?!"

Luo Lijuan shook her head as she responded, "You're not from here. You don't belong to this world."

It was like a bolt of lightning that had struck down on Fu Jie who couldn't believe it.

All he could do at this moment was look at the girl in suspicion and ask, "Who are you?"

The girl smiled as she replied, "I'm still Luo Lijuan."

"Then how..." Fu Jie couldn't even form a complete question.

"Fu Jie. Liu Fu Jie. It is a bit hard to believe it."

"Believe what? Don't talk in circles! Say it clearly!"

Luo Lijuan sighed, "you didn't remember me."


Of course, he didn't remember her. He had never even met her so why in the hell would he remember her?

"When Elder Dayu told me that you were suspicious, I wanted to check it out for myself."

Weird?! Who was weird?!

You're weird! Your whole family is weird!

Fu Jie wanted to curse a lot but there was still a sense of fear left behind by the girl and this sense of fear stopped him from letting his mouth run loose.

"You used to hate me, but you don't even remember me now. Your spiritual core seems different now. I tried testing you and... You don't even know how to use your spiritual powers." Luo Lijuan had an indecipherable expression on her face, "It wasn't difficult to guess that the Liu Fu Jie I knew wasn't the man standing in front of me."

Fu Jie took a step back cautiously as he asked, "So you want to torture me and kill me? Just because I'm not the man you knew?"

"Torture and kill?" The girl broke out laughing, "Why would you think that? I think there's a misunderstanding here."


"I'm glad to see you, junior brother!"


"That Liu bastard was a pain in the ass!"


"I hate him with all my being! Imagine my happiness when I found out that he wasn't here anymore!" Luo Lijuan patted Fu Jie's shoulder as she continued, "You're so much better than him!"

"Eh?" It seemed that Fu Jie was unable to keep up with this girl and at this moment, all he could think about was how this girl who always seemed to be putting up this perfect image was suddenly saying things that didn't match her appearance.

It was shocking that a word like 'ass' even existed in her vocabulary.

"So let me train you. What do you say?"

Fu Jie almost nodded but he still stopped himself from acting impulsively and changed his nod into shaking his head as he responded, "No way! Your training isn't training at all!"

Luo Lijuan shrugged her shoulders, "You have no other way."

"I don't need another way. I'll use that way!" Fu Jie pointed at the door as he spoke, "Don't follow me! I'm running away from here!"


This time, when Fu Jie tried to get out, his path wasn't blocked by the girl but this didn't mean, she left him alone.

"Why the hell are you following me?!"

Luo Lijuan shook her head, "I'm just doing my job."

"And your job is to follow me?"

The girl nodded, "My job is to make sure that you don't get yourself killed."


But you're the one who tried to kill me!

Luo Lijuan chuckled as she asked, "Do you know where you're gonna run off to?"

"Somewhere far away!" Fu Jie stomped away.

"If you go down the mountain... You're not gonna like it."

Fu Jie was no longer listening to what she was saying.

He didn't even know where he was going. He was simply walking aimlessly hoping that he can run away from here.

"You might find patrol guards from sky sect."

Fu Jie stopped in his tracks and was silent for a minute.

Luo Lijuan smirked in satisfaction as she stopped and simply looked at his still back.

Fu Jie took a deep breath in and turned on his heel as he walked back to her.

Luo Lijuan smiled brightly as she saw this.

"The sky sect... The maple pavilion passion..."

"Maple passion pavilion," she corrected.

"I'll call it whatever I like! Pavillion of maple passion!"


"The two are different?"

"Huh? Of course, they are," The girl tilted her head as she spoke, "The Sky sect, Pheonix ridge, Maple passion pavilion, and the jade pavilion. They are all different. They are the four greatest sects leading this world currently."

Fu Jie suddenly started rethinking his decision.

It seemed that running away from here was more troublesome than staying here.

This Luo Lijuan and Xiao Jingyi, both knew Fu Jie's real identity so it could be said that he was safer here and the biggest plus point he would gain was information. This girl seemed to be holding a lot of information and she wasn't like Bai Ling who was always unwilling and stingy with the amount of information he gave out.

"The questions I won... They are still valid, right?"

Luo Lijuan smirked proudly, "Depends. Do you still want to run away?"

"..." Fu Jie reluctantly shook his head and Luo Lijuan smiled brightly when she saw this.

"Great! Then you'll be training under me for the time being."

"..." Fu Jie had a feeling that he would be regretting this decision but like all of his gut feelings that had been ignored, this one was also ignored.

"So you can ask me whatever you want to."

"Then I won't be holding back."

The girl chuckled as she heard this.

"The four greatest sect... What the hell does that mean?"


Cherry: Hehe... Welcome to the author's playground!

For the greater good of humanity, donate us some power stones, will ya? (~^u^)~

Your support is my motivation to write!

Every vote counts!

Fu Jie: Tch-

Fu Jie: I wonder if cherry is a part of the begging sect.

Cherry: Begging sect?

Cherry: Sounds good!

Cherry: Begging sect can become the fifth greatest sect!

Fu Jie:...

cherlyswancreators' thoughts