
Whoever Blink First Lost

Jess kept on looking at her phone as Aadir— the house boy in their accommodation, explained the separation of room, and the rules inside the compound. 

Jess was impressed that they got an old villa as their accommodation. As she walked along the hallway to her room, which was next to Dr. Sison's room, she had a glimpse of a courtyard. She would love to check it out, but right now, Aadir was telling her that the room in between her room and Dr. Sison would serve as Dr. Sison's study. 

According to Aadir, this villa was from the previous owner of the laboratory that ANAT acquired. The owner gave this villa as a personal gift to the owner of ANAT. 

Jess wondered which owner of ANAT was Aadir talking about. Since there are three generations of Tiefenbacher that owned ANAT, she wondered to which Tiefenbacher, the previous company owner, gifted this villa. 
