
Chapter 25: Getting Jin back on his feet

Namjoon drove from the restaurant like the devil was on his heels. Jin was in danger; of himself. He felt sorry for Jin and what was happening. He had warned him multiple times that Minyu was only after one thing which was his money.

He cursed under his breath. Jin was left empty and broken. He checked the sideway mirror before changing lanes. Luckily, the streets were empty at this time and he did not need to worry about the traffic lights.

His phone started ringing. He glanced at the aircon holder and Jin's face appeared on the screen. He let out a soft sigh. Jin was drunk calling him again. He swiped to answer it and switched it to the loudspeaker. "Jin, I am on my way."

There was no answer and Namjoon asked while worry crept into his words. "Jin? Jin can you hear me?"

"Namjoon," Jin slurred over the speaker, "Are you" -hic- "here?"

"I am almost at your place, Jin," Namjoon replied, "Do not do anything stupid."

There was no answer and Namjoon's brow furrowed. "Jin?"

There was a choking sound. Namjoon ended the call, he had to get there fast and he only stopped when he was before Jin's gates. The security guard tapped on his window and he rolled it down slowly. "You have to let me in!"

"Mr Kim! Yes, of course," he replied and turned towards the gate.

Namjoon watched as the silver gates opened before him. He never understood why Jin bought the place, it was too big and he had gotten lost here a few times when visiting. He sped up in the driveway. He switched off the car and sprang out of the driver's seat.

He ran up the stairs towards the front door. He was surprised to find it slightly opened. He burst through and called, "Jin!"

There was no answer to his call. Where could he be? He thought worriedly and walked through the hall looking around. He was drinking but... He stopped, there was a groan coming from down the hall and drew his attention to the last door.

He made his way to the door and pushed slowly with his heart hammering in his chest he said softly. "Jin?"

He entered the study, a small gasp escaped his lips, Jin laid on the floor with his cell phone in hand. He was groaning in pain. That is what you get for drinking alone! Namjoon thought angrily and made his way to Jin.

"Why?" Namjoon asked and took Jin's left arm to get him up.

"Wh-why what?" slurred Jin and tried to look at Namjoon but he narrowed his eyes, "Why are there four of you?"

Namjoon threw Jin's arm around his shoulder and heaved him to his feet. He was not going to answer his question until he sobered him up. He wanted to hear this story. He told Jin many times that one should never drink alone because that is when bad shit starts happening.

Jin's head lolled against his shoulder. Namjoon started walking; he needed to find the bathroom. The fastest way of sobering up was a nice ice-cold bath with clothes and all. They left the study and Namjoon felt Jin, go limp against him. "Jin! Wake up! I cannot carry you on my own here!"

Jin began convulsing and Namjoon half-dragged him towards the staircase, but he wouldn't be able to get him to the top of the stairs in time. He placed his right foot on the bottom and turned his head away when Jin started throwing up.

Namjoon let him down gently on his knees. "Serves you right for drinking alone."

Jin wiped his mouth with his sleeve and looked up at Namjoon. "I want the pain to stop."

Namjoon folded his arms and his eyes narrowed in sympathy. "You cannot stop the aching with a bottle of spirits. You need to work through your pain."

Jin tried to get to his feet but his body was not working with him. He slipped and fell back on his knees. "I do not think I can. She meant everything to me!"

Namjoon heard the urgency in his tone. He knew Jin well enough to know that he had done something stupid. He knelt before him. "What did you do?"

Jin averted his gaze and tried to stand once more. His body convulsed and he emptied his stomach's content. Namjoon took a deep breath, "You called her didn't you?"

"What if I did?"

"You never drunk call someone, it leads to problems," Namjoon replied, irritated.

"I needed to know."

"You need to know what?" Namjoon asked while he stood back up, "Let us get you cleaned up."

He reached for Jin's arm but he shrugged him off. "I do not want to get cleaned up. Everything went up in smoke."

"Why are you giving up so easily?"

"I am fighting a losing battle," Jin replied and started crawling up on the first stair. Why did he call Namjoon in the first place? He wanted to be alone and yet... He called his best friend, now Namjoon saw him at his weakest moment.

"I do not think that you are fighting a losing battle. Remember life is like a Nickerball. It is hard but sweet," Namjoon said softly.

Jin's arms started aching, he gave up on climbing the stairs on his hands and feet. A hard sigh escaped his lips, since when did Namjoon become such a philosopher? He sat down on the second stair with his head between his legs.

His head was killing him. "Are you telling me that I should hope?"

"Hope? I am telling you not to give up. I have this great feeling that something good is going to come from these interviews," Namjoon cooed.

Something good? Jin thought. What could be good about these interviews? He still felt that the interviews were a complete waste of their time, time that his company did not have. He lifted his head and stared at Namjoon. "Are you planning something?"

"Me?" Namjoon threw his hands up in the air, "Planning something? I never plan anything."

Jin narrowed his eyes. "There are still three days to do these interviews."

"I think you will be lucky on the third day," Namjoon replied and a small smirk played on his lips.

Jin rolled his eyes. Namjoon had tried his best to give him a small pep talk, yet it was not working. The stress about his company and his failed relationship is heavy in his heart and mind.

"I do not think so," Jin replied, his voice solemn, "Out of all the candidates so far, Tae has five on the list."

"Five is a lot compared to having none. You should be happy," Namjoon said with a small shrug and held out his hand to Jin. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

Jin took his hand and a small smile played on his lips. "What would I do without you?"

"I do not think that you want to find out," Namjoon smiled and they walked up the stairs. He was going to stay the evening and make sure that Jin wasn't going to drink again. He needed to be on his best behaviour so that he would be able to meet Yuna.

"Are you staying?" Jin asked and opened his bedroom door.

"I am," Namjoon replied, "so that I can keep an eye on you."

Jin said nothing and he entered his room, the bed was not made and the curtains were opened. The streetlamps shined in from the street. Namjoon let out a long whistle. "I knew you were sloppy but learn to make the bed once in a while."

"Yes, mom," Jin said jokingly and walked to the bathroom. "I am just gonna take a quick shower-"

"Do not worry," Namjoon interrupted, "I will make myself at home."

Jin did not reply. He walked straight to the shower and opened the taps. Steam was slowly filling the bathroom. He undressed and closed the shower door behind him, he placed his head under the running water.

He needed to clear his head of all these thoughts. His hair drooped over his eyes and he pressed his hands against the shower wall. "Everything was going in the right direction. Now, I have learned the hard way..."

He lifted his head and blinked the water from his eyes. His hands formed fists. Namjoon was right, he thought. He must stay positive. He thought back on the interviewees and his encounter with the girl at the restaurant.

A small smile played on his lips. Should he take Namjoon's suggestion to heart? And ask the girl if she would be interested to feature in his upcoming film? He thought about the way she expressed herself around him. She was a total fool and- He started chuckling. "You threw a glass of water on me."

He was forming a plan to go and see her again at the restaurant, but he did not want to include Namjoon in his plan. They still had the bet and he was not planning to lose it. He closed the taps while opening the shower door and felt around for his towel.

He draped the towel around his waist. He left the bathroom and his gaze fell on Namjoon, who had prepared the sleeper couch for himself, asleep and long gone. Jin tiptoed to his wardrobe and changed for bed, it was going to be a long day tomorrow.

Hello Fellow Army,

I am so sorry for my late updates. I am struggling to write while working long hours. But I am going to finish this story:D

Thank you for the support

Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts