
Hestdosa Archipelago

After the talk with Bell-mere and her daughters, Alex met up with his crew again as they have, more or less, achieved what they came here for. They were all at the port as Bell-mere and her daughters saw them off and said their goodbyes. Bell-mere also reminded Alex of the Vanya Ale that would be delivered to them. Alex just nodded and said goodbye, while patting the heads of Nojiko and Nami.

He then said to Nami "Nami, when you finish the map of the world, make sure to show it to me first okay?" Nami just smiled and cheekily whispered "Yeah I would show it to you first, but you have to pay me first." Alex just chuckled and said as he nodded "It's a deal." then he boarded the ship as they were going to sail again. 'I really need a navigator, Franco is getting tired of navigating and is hardly getting any sleep. I hope we find one in the next island. Also I have to look for the miracle doctor and recruit him or her to the crew.' Alex thought as he knows that without a Navigator and a Doctor their journey in the Grandline would be a lot harder.

While they were sailing away, Fraulein remembered Bell-mere and her daughters and how close they were. He, like Braga, also lost his parents at a young age when their ship was attacked by Don Papito's men when they were going to go back home to their home island. As he remembered his parents, he had a sad expression, and this did not go unnoticed by Alex who asked him what was wrong. Fraulein just told him that he remembered his parents and missed them. Alex just patted Fraulein's shoulder and said, "Wherever they are, I'm sure they are watching you from above. I'm also sure that they are proud of the man you've become even without them. So, lift your head Fraulein and be happy because that is what your parents would've wanted." Fraulein nodded at his words and went inside the ship.

(Conomi Island)

After Alex and his crew left, Bell-mere and her daughters just went back to their own lives, while praying for the safety of Alex and his crew. While all of these were happening they did not notice someone behind one of the buildings with a Den-Den Mushi and is currently reporting what happened and what he saw to one of his superiors.

<??? POV>

"Okay, thank you for the report." I said as was currently collecting some 'protection' money from villages.

'A new pirate crew huh? And he's planning on sailing in the Grandline. I have to tell Captain Smoker this.'

"Hello, this is Smoker." said the person on the den-den mushi.

"Hello Captain, this is Lovro speaking. I have received some reports from my subordinates that there is an upcoming pirate crew that is currently planning to sail in the Grandline. They don't have a jolly roger or bounties yet but we have to stop them before they get bigger and officially form their crew." I said as I wasn't aware that Nico Robin is in the crew so I said that they didn't have bounties yet.

"I understand, thanks for the heads up." said Captain Smoker as he hangs up while thinking 'Whoever you are, I won't let you go into the Grandline.'

(Alex's Ship)

<3rd POV>

Alex and his crew were happily eating oranges and didn't know that they have been targeted by the Marines. Even if they did know about it, they wouldn't care since they were already prepared if ever the Marines attacked his crew.


After sailing for two days, Alex and his crew encountered another Marine ship and this time they were just checking out the ship. The Marines let them go since Smoker doesn't know their faces yet, he couldn't set a bounty for them and they remain unknown from some Marines with low positions. After being checked by the Marines and not getting caught, they continue sailing towards, according to Franco's map, a group of islands called the Hestdosa Archipelago.

When they saw the islands, they were shocked because of how beautiful the islands were compared to the other islands they've visited. So after docking at the port, they split up to cover more ground and so they could finish their visit quickly. They also saw some Marine ships here and it was expected since these group of islands are very extravagant and would require the Marine's assistance in maintaining order.

When they split up, Robin and Fraulein went together to gather more information about the island, while Braga went to buy ingredients and kitchen tools. While Alex and Franco just went and explored the city. As they were walking however, they saw some rich people beating up some vendor while saying "You're food is trash and you have ruined my taste buds! Men, destroy his shop." his men started destroying his shop. Alex was too late and the man's shop was already destroyed, so he just went up to the man and told him "Are you okay sir?" the man just said while crying "My shop is gone. This was the only thing that my parents left me and now it's gone." Alex heard this and was enraged as he wanted to get revenge for this man as he said "Don't worry sir, I will take revenge for you." the man scoffed and said "How? He is the most powerful noble in this island, even more powerful than the King himself. Tch, forget about it, I'll just try to rebuild my shop again." then he left Alex in front of his destroyed shop.

Alex, who heard this was saddened, but Franco comforted him and said "Give it up Alex, you can't help someone who doesn't want any." Alex just nodded and they went back to exploring the city. Then they found a pub that was full of people and decided to rest there. As they were sitting they heard a conversation from the next table. "Oy did you hear about the slave auction that's happening tonight? I heard that they have exotic goods that they're going to sell." then his companion asked "Like what?" the guy said "There are rare items, jewelry, and more, but the main product that they're auctioning off is a three-eyed girl. They didn't say where they got her from but all of the nobles would be present there to try and buy her."

Alex heard this and was really mad as he absolutely hated slavery because it disregards other people's lives and they are being treated as animals or items to be sold off. He doesn't understand why people in power are the ones who support this, when they should be the ones stopping it. So Alex started on planning his attack at the auction and saving the three-eyed girl. Franco saw his captain's serious face and knew he was planning something so he just kept silent and waited for his captain's instructions.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

ImStar0710creators' thoughts