
Ape Escape and Haul

The firepower of the admirals classes were nothing to scoff at, the bullets capable of puncturing the apes thick skin that was powerful enough to withstand normal bullets, the soldiers buffed by Dao qin became durable enough and strong enough to land a few bruising punches before they got tossed aside bleeding, this was the combat exhibited by the soldiers and admirals.

Regular soldiers attempted to help by firing at it but the normal bullets weren't helpful at all, it was at this moment that the ape was enraged, it roared at the top of its lungs while turning red as if it was burning.


The two melee admirals guarded themselves from the shockwave that came from its roar, Alek held up his shield and Aron crossed his arms in front of himself, it's intensity was able to push the durable admirals quite a distance, the soldiers with non-specialized classes weren't able to withstand the shockwave and we're tossed afar the strength of the shockwave splattering them when they hit solid matter.

The roar was unable to disable the two melee admirals due to their physical buffs, or so it seemed, inside the armor alek was wearing his ears were ringing slightly and bled a bit due to the echo of his metal armor amplifying the sound, luckily his specialty gave him faster healing so he wouldn't gain permanent damage. Aron on the other hand was standing still seeming unfazed but was actually dizzy due to the specialties enhanced senses that enhanced his hearing, his ears were bleeding but the same situation as alek saved him.

"Aaaagh! f*ck! this stupid ape isn't as easy as it seems!" Mr.Smith stated while covering his ringing ears, he was a trained professional and a veteran but the ape was still able to disable him temporarily.

"You need more training old man" Sophy said out loud, she wasnt fazed by the roar due to her weapon preference being similarly loud but two shockwave did push her back slightly causing her to spit out blood.

Dao Qin on the other hand was a tactician and he didn't buff himself, the sound wave was able to knock him out and rupture his eardrums permanently, he would now need hearing aids or professional treatment in order to return to normal.

"Sh*t were an army down now" Mr.Smith.

The ape seeing their current predicament rampaged around their camp, the soldiers were being tossed aside and punted to the sky as if they were balls, crimson splattered everywhere in the field, they had sent their most powerful soldiers to their mainlands so they only had normal classed soldiers left.

"ALL SOLDIERS EVACUATE THE PREMISES, THATS AN ORDER!!" Mr.Smith yelled at the top of his lungs while splitting his shadows further, his current limit was 10 shadow soldiers but he needed to extend further and summoned 20 for this fight, the ability was a taxing one that would sap at his stamina and he was only able to summon 20 soldiers for 15 minutes.

Sophy called forth two fully loaded Quad barrelled rocket launchers and fired them all at the ape, the Ape knowing it won't be able to dodge the barrage crossed it's arms over it's head, Smith saw this as an opportunity and ordered his shadow soldiers to fire at the ape, some normal soldiers proceeded to take Dao Qin awu from the field, the two melee admirals sprinted towards the two ranged admirals and were able to escape the line of fire.

Flaming Rockets landed on the apes water tank sized arms, the rockets exploded and dust filled the air around the ape covering it with a mantle or dirt, the admirals were anxious to know if they had killed the ape.

"Did we get it?" Aron.

The ground suddenly shook and they saw dust rise from the dust fog, the ape slammed at the ground and launched itself away from the camp to escape, it was bleeding from its arms, the massive arms were burned by the rockets and the ape had multiple holes on its body but those small holes were already healing.

"What the hell is that ape made off?" Aron questioned while staring at the escaping ape, he knew not to chase since a cornered rat will bite and the ape was still stronger than him even when injured.

"I don't know but whatever that ape was, we need to become stronger we could protect the camp" Alek.

"Everybody I recommend that we take a short rest and get some treatment while the soldiers fix and clean up the perimeter" Mr.Smith stated while dispersing his shadows and collapsing on to one knee.

The injured admirals from different countries then helped each other to the medical tent and got themselves fixed up, on the other hand these past few days have been quite productive to a certain lizard.

"System open status"

[World Devouring System]

Host Name: Lizzy fang

Species: Abyss Lizard

Lifespan: 1000 years

Condition: Healthy

Evo Stage: 1


1st Tier: 59488

Evolution: 0/100 Genodes(1st tier)

Strengthening: 0/12800 Genodes(1st tier) 7/10

Universal Genodes: 7806

[Combat Data]

Effectiveness: 700

Stamina: 127/724

Length: 2 meters, 6 in.

Width: 52 cm

Height: 28 inches

weight: 72 lbs/32 kg

[Abilities and skills]

{Abyssal Breathe lv.1},{Overpowering Intimidation lv.1}, Abyssal Digestion, Eyes of adaptability, Low tier Stealth, Hydrodynamics, Tough Skin, Enhanced Genetics, No.17:Predatory Instincts, telepathy, Enhance: Intimidation.
