

"It can't be like that Mr. Jonathan, you promised to eat these vegetables when I kissed you. But Mr. Jonathan has cheated, so I must avenge your cheating." said Nadia as she took her food.

"But I can't eat, my lips are hurt now again. Maybe with a slightly gentle kiss the pain on my lips would go away." said Jonathan with a pained face.

Nadia took a deep breath, completely unable to bear Jonathan's unyielding attitude.

"Okay, Mr. Jonathan, I'll do it." said Nadia finally succumbing to Jonathan's stubborn attitude.

Hearing Nadia's answer, who wanted to kiss him, Jonathan was very happy.

Immediately Jonathan closed his eyes so he could feel Nadia's kiss.

Cold sweat had wet Nadia's neck. With her eyes closed, Nadia was forced to kiss Jonathan on the lips very slowly and carefully.

Jonathan's heart was beating very fast as Nadia's cold soft lips pressed gently against him.
