

Everyone on Alto's side of invited guests got out their guns while all of Nero's guests looked around in confusion. The juxtaposition of confused guests with underworld leaders did not abate any of Nero's fears but simply heightened them.

"We're all going to die," Nero whispered. "It's my fault."

Several helicopters hovered over the garden, and a few landed in the surrounding lawn, people in black armor without any kind of discernible badge or label initiating the attack, the bullets bouncing off of all the Alterian guests, but the unlucky were not spared.

Screams rang out as a blizzard of bullets hailed down on the wedding guests, blood stained the white wedding furniture, and the screams became softer and less frequent as more and more people were gunned down.

Alto jumped on top of Nero and made sure to cover his head because he froze up, his go-to defense mechanism, a rabbit trying to blend in with snow.

Adonis closed his eyes waiting for the end but it never came. Azara pushed him down and covered him as the bullets came down on them.

"Don't just sit there dumbass, do something," she yelled. "At least run away!

He didn't like his ability but dying wasn't a good option either.

Adonis cried out in pain as his spine elongated and his fingernails turned into sharp talons. She laughed in confusion and uncertainty as Adonis grew and grew underneath her. Fur sprouted from his skin, and from his mask ripped forth the growth of a large beak.

Adonis stood in front of Azara, a large feral beast, the head of a bird, the body of a lion, large brown wings to go along with it.

"Ohmigod," breathed Azara in one breath. "This is amazing."

Azara took her gun out of her purse and grinned.

"Let's go pig hunting, Adonis."

Adonis unleashed a giant ear-splitting roar that pierced the air. People covered their ears in pain, but Azara pushed through it. She went up close to as many of the attackers as she could get and shot them, right in the chest, or through the underside of their helmets.

Adonis rose up into the sky and pushed his body into one of the helicopters. It tore across the sky, smoke trailing behind it, and landed in the yard in a burst of fire. Pieces of metal flew across the yard and hit attackers and guests alike.

Nero was shaking underneath Alto but he was perfectly calm, in fact, slightly annoyed, more worried about his wedding deposit.

"Don't panic, okay? Once you panic you start acting stupid and you die," Alto instructed him. Nero nodded and tried to get up, but Alto just pushed him down.

"Just stay here, okay," said Alto. "You're going to die out there."

Nero laid under him trying to figure out what was going on. He looked to his left and saw Mrs. Masai's corpse on the ground. He started to shake and sob as his screams and the smoke-filled his lungs.

Another boom pierced the air as Adonis pushed down another helicopter, this time into the mansion. Fumes flew into the air and fire spread across the house making its way to the lawn, snaking across the lawn, lighting all the trees on fire. Neighbors ran out of their houses, screaming, running, as their own houses started to light on fire as well.


He gazed down at Nero who was crying underneath and praying to another god Alto had never heard of.

"Debella if you can hear me, please let me die a warrior's death," prayed Nero.

Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth , said the sword.

"You're not going to die, Nero," said Alto. "In fact, you're going help me."

"What are you talking about," wailed Nero. "I can't, I can't do anything. I can't even read. "

A soldier had made his way up to Nero and Alto. He shot the officiant point-blank in the head and moved towards Alto, who bared his, an animal in human skin. Nero shrieked in terror as he got closer, and in one swift move, Alto picked up Nero with one arm and walked towards the soldier.

Surprised, the soldier halted in his steps, and Alto caught him by the arm.

As if he was tearing a piece of paper out of a notebook, he tore off the soldier's left arm. Blood sprang out in great streaks against the lawn and landed all over the white wedding seats. Nero screamed and held onto Alto tighter, his eyes widening so far in fear it started to heart, causing him to cry even harder.

"Gods above, this is all my fault," sobbed Nero. "I'm so sorry."

"This isn't your fault, shut up and stop your weird religious shit already," yelled Alto. "You have to fight or die; do you understand me?"

The lawn was destroyed, it was near impossible to leave the estate and the remaining soldiers and wedding guests began to panic as they realized that no one would be left alive. Nero held onto Alto tighter and sobbed.

"I'm not strong, you were right. I'm not and I'll never be," he sobbed.

" This is not the time to be having a crisis!"

It was, but Alto was so desensitized to violence he didn't know Nero's reaction was normal.

A soldier came running towards Alto and Nero with a burning piece of wood from a broken chair. Alto put Nero down, and he smacked his upper hands against the sides of the attacker's head.

It exploded, blood and brains spewing all over Nero and Alto, running his good suit. Nero shrieked and shrieked over again as he watched people around him get shot, catch on fire, or be unlucky enough to meet Alto's wrath.

Covered in blood and brains Alto knelt down and held Nero, and smiled his terrifying smile.

"I know I can't shoot my way out of every problem Nero, but you can't cry your way out of every problem either." He kissed him and took chunks of whatever was left of the soldier off of his head and adjusted his crown.

He is right, said the sword. No more tears. Only action.

Nero shook his head and tried to close his eyes shut. He got stiff and tried to tune out the sounds of chaos surrounding him.

Are you not strong , asked the Sword. How can you let them take this day away from you?

Yes. He's right. They stole from me. They killed my friends. Just like Uncle. They can't have this. I promised I won't let anyone take what's mine ever again.

Nero took the sword out of its scabbard, breathing heavy and haggard. His eyes turned black, and his incisors grew, his anguish and despair evolving into fury and rage.

Alto watched in fear as Nero slowly changed in front of him. His long, beautiful hair burst into flames and Nero let go of all his fears. He looked even more terrifying as the heat on his head began to melt the crown.

"I'm so tired of everyone getting what they want," Nero shuddered. "I want someone else to hurt now."

Gold and silver dripped down his forehead, creating a demonic diadem mixed with blood and brains. He shuddered as it melded with his skin, the pain somehow feeding his own anger, dripping down his chin and caking his face.

Immediately regretting his very short career change as a motivational speaker, Alto tried to grab Nero by the arm, but he turned to look at him. Looking into his eyes, silently, Alto felt something he had never experienced in his life.

His heart raced and he became warm all over, and he let go, confused what was happening as Nero strode across the lawn with a rusty sword, and he swore, he swore he saw a tall man walking beside him, on fire, turning to look back, glaring right at him .

What few people left alive were trying to find a route away from the fire and fend off the attackers, but it was to no avail. Adonis had attempted to save guests by picking them and flying above the flames and dropping them off away from the fire, but there were only so many he could save.

Adonis landed back down on the lawn to rescue more guests, but the smoke burned his lungs. He was exhausted from all the trips he had made to save the other guests, and slowly he returned to his human form, naked and vulnerable.

"Oh fuck," coughed Adonis. "I'm screwed."

Adonis ran through the lawn trying to find a way out and saw across its Nero running towards a soldier.

"Don't! What are you-" Adonis stopped when he saw Nero cut into him.

He was inexperienced, so it wasn't a clean-cut, and the sword was stuck in the man's upper arm. The flames from the sword burned brighter as the man screamed in agony. Nero tried to pull the sword out but he couldn't until the sword seared the flesh and bone on his arm.

Little bits of spit came out of his mouth because his arm was cooked from the inside out, and Nero hadn't eaten yet, so nervous before his wedding, but he wasn't nervous anymore. Now he would have his first meal of the day.

The sword glowered an eerie red, blood filled its ridges and it looked new, forged in wrath. Slowly, blood went up the sword, seeping into it and turning it dark red. It let out a sinister aura as Nero felt a surge of energy course through his body.

"Nothing can stop me," Nero and Unas screamed. "Nothing!"

The other soldiers witnessed the event and pointed their guns at him. He showed not even an ounce of fear as he turned to face them.

" No one will take what's mine ever again!"

Flames shout out around him, even hotter, into the air, changing color, swirling around him a tornado of all of his regrets, all of his desires, and he would make sure that he would not leave before getting at least one thing that day, the death of those that thought they could kill someone born blessed by the gods themselves.

Alto ran towards him as fast as he could, but he wouldn't make it time. Despair washed over him as he realized that he wouldn't get to spend a single day with his husband.

He paused as everything started to turn grey. The soldiers and guests looked around in confusion as all the colors in the world seemed to slip away. They all left, on a mission to somewhere new.

Azara worried that someone spiked the punch or if she forgot that she took something before the wedding. She watched as the color from her blue dress flew off and made its way through the flames.

The lights all congregated on Nero and one by one they came towards him, pulsing into the swirling flames around him.

They soaked into every patch of his body and skin, and on him they all glowed, white and iridescent. Alto stopped running and stared in awe as Nero was no longer able to be seen. His figure stood mesmerizing and glowing. Slowly it grew and changed shape.

"What have I done," Alto asked himself. "I should have never helped him."

All the color in the world faded as it all went for Nero. Everything suddenly went pitch black and only the sounds of the flames could be heard. Soon those sounds faded as well. Adonis stood in amazement as the world seemed to get quiet and time stopped. The only thing left standing was Nero, glowing bright and luminous.

Then the world exploded in color.

Alto covered his face as he felt the force of color and light flow back into the world. He felt the colors push back into his clothes, his eyes, his skin, as he struggled to stand. Guests screamed in terror as the world seemed to come to life again. Azara fell to the ground and screamed as she felt the color enter her eyes.

Nero was no longer human but a god.

"I am Unas, god of fire and revenge," boomed the large man. "In the name of Solara, I will defeat you."

Alto watched in confusion as the man who was his husband was replaced by a stranger.

Unas was a seven-foot-tall man with flaming hair, brows, and dark skin. His ears stuck out, tall and pointy, and his fangs poked through, even with his mouth closed. His lower half was covered by robes, and he wore golden anklets.

With purpose, he strode towards the soldiers, who ran in fear.

Unas stopped and instead shot large flames out from his hands. The guests watched in horror as Unas mowed them down, one by one, never moving from the spot he stood in.

"I'm being punished for what I've done," Alto whispered. "This is hell."

Those that Unas had missed, he chased after on the lawn, like a fox chasing rabbits. He caught up to one and with precision sliced through his midsection. The lower half fell to the ground, gushing out blood, and the organs spilled onto the ground.

The upper half was left twitching on the ground, somehow still living, gasping for air. Blood poured out of his mouth as he crawled away, dragging himself by his arms, his spine and small intestine system slipping out, his liver slipping out behind like a lost sock, but he wouldn't make it.

No survivors.

He calmly walked over to the desperate upper half and stuck his sword through the man's helmet. A soft squelch could be heard as the sword pierced the helmet and the man's skull, and for good measure, Unas twisted the handle, like turning a screwdriver, a few times to get it right.

Blood spilled out of the bottom of his helmet and onto the lawn. He grinned, his fangs licking the blood splatter that happened to land near his lips from previous victims, his face looking more demonic than god-like.

Unas pulled his sword out of the corpse and continued his mission of vengeance, laughing and grinning, so excited, it had been so long he had time to play.

Flames burst forth from the soles of Unas' feet and he flew around the lawn, like a missile, cutting off limbs and torsos. He weaved through the wreckage of the helicopters and burning furniture, seeking new victims. No soldier was spared as he tore through the lawn like a phoenix incinerating all in his path.

The wedding guests ran, trying to escape, but the panic only increased as the walls of fire closed in on them. Alto watched as Unas laughed, cutting into his victims, slashing through as he flew around the lawn.

He enjoyed every moment he could inflict pain onto others.

Nero losing his friends and neighbors was just another excuse to hurt as many people as possible.

Unas swerved through the lawn, leaving flames in his path as he knew his mission was almost complete. The survivors all huddled in one circle, trying to make themselves as far as possible from the flames but it was no use. While hunting down the attackers throughout the lawn, Unas had exacerbated the flames.

The guests cowered as Unas soared high up in the sky, circling above as he went up, making sure he had gotten them all, and now it was his turn to eat, the pact fulfilled.

"He's going to kill us," said Alto. "This is it."

Once at a height he thought was enough, Unas opened his mouth wide.

A ghastly noise erupted from his mouth, and all the fire leaped up from the ground. It twisted and curled, one onto the other, into a singular stream. Azara looked around, laughing in confusion and nervousness, still not sure if she was high or if everything was real.

The sound got louder and louder, and the guests cried out in pain. They covered their ears but Unas continued, collecting more flames around the area. One by one they all joined the singular stream, pouring into his mouth. The sky turned red, and screams could be heard in the distance. He was consuming not only the flames on Alto's estate but all over town.

The horizon got dimmer as his hunger seemed like it could never be fulfilled.

It never would be, because he always ate something that never filled what he needed.

Alto's heart beat fast and the feeling returned, and he didn't understand, he was so overcome and overwhelmed At first he thought it might be love, but there was no way he would ever love a monster that ate flames.

His palms were sweaty, and he felt cold even though the sky was turning red, ash falling from the sky. His body shook and his breathing became fast, his mouth tasting like copper.

It was fear.

Pure, unbridled, fear.

After what felt like an hour, but was simply two minutes, Unas landed on the lawn, next to Alto. Alto tried not to look afraid, but he wasn't doing a very good job of it.

He has proven himself to me and fed me well, said Unas. Do not be afraid. He cherishes you, therefore so do I.


The guests slowly approached them and looked around the lawn. The fire was put out, and the only indication of the horror of the past few hours were the bodies littering the lawn and the burned landscape.

Unas looked upset and Alto got nervous.

He let out a soft burp.

Unas smiled at Alto, but he looked more threatening than friendly. Alto flinched and backed away.

Thank you for the meal. Until we meet again.

Unas shrunk and shrunk, and slowly before him stood Nero. His skin became pale, and his eyes turned back to their usual green. His shock of red hair stuck out everywhere and curled around him. Nero looked around and was confused. Everyone was staring at him.

"Why is everyone looking at me," he asked. "What's wrong?"

Nero walked over to Alto and he froze up in fear. Nero held his lower left hand and sighed. "Why do I feel like I ate too much food," asked Nero.

The guests looked uncomfortable.

It was more than the singed clothes, trauma, and the naked Adonis that made them feel uncomfortable. It was the complete obliviousness and flippancy of the living weapon in front of them.

Alto relaxed when he realized Nero was back but worried if he would ever change into a monster again if he ever learned about his past infidelity.

Alto was going to tell him, guilt slowly eating him away, and now he was sure that was not a good idea, and he would never know that they were truly meant for each other, in each and every way.

Everyone looked at Alto and then he remembered that he was in charge, and everyone looked at him for what to do next. "No one speaks of what happened today," said Alto. " No one ." The guests nodded in agreement.

"No one would believe us anyway," said Azara. She gestured around to corpses surrounding them. "There 'ain't nobody left to tell anyway!"

"What happened," asked Nero. "I think I blacked out."

"Exactly," said Alto. "You've already understood. Nothing happened ."

Nero genuinely didn't understand what happened and noticed the faces of fear on the guests. It confused him even further as he tried to remember the events of the wedding. All he could recall was Mrs. Masai's dead body bleeding out onto the lawn.

He looked down and realized he had never let go of the sword, but he was even more confused than before, as it was now the most beautiful he had ever seen it, glowing bright, and when he looked at it he knew, they were best friends, nothing would ever change that .

"Can we go home Alto," Nero pleaded. "Please."

Everyone turned to leave, trying to find their way back home and to sanity. Adonis looked around and realized he was bare. He found the closest corpse next to him and took its pants.

"Yeah… I need a drink," said Azara.

"Be quiet you high functioning alcoholic," Alto grumbled.

"I'm ready to go," Nero complained. "There's stuff all over my face Alto! I think I need to go to a doctor!"

" How is it that we all almost died and you're acting as if nothing happened," Adonis asked.

"I mean, are you going to do anything about it," Azara asked.

"I.. uh.."

"Are you coming," yelled Nero, from across the burnt lawn.

Adonis stood there and touched his face. He felt gross without his mask to cover his scars. He felt like he had no choice but to follow Nero, worried that whatever happened was because of Alto.

"Of course," he replied. "I'll be right there."

He refused to believe that what he saw was real nor wanted to deal with it that very moment.

The sounds of ambulances rang through the city, a horrible song, the same chorus replaying as they walked through the streets exhausted.

The extinguishing of fire, light, and for a moment sound, caused many accidents all over town. Adonis, Azara, Nero, and Alto made their way back home.

It was a long walk, to the closest metro, as all the cars in front of the house had been eviscerated. People were standing outside their homes, taking pictures of the burned wreckage and crying over the phone.

As they walked down the once pristine sidewalks of Ascension Hills, Nero held Alto's hand.

"I'll never leave you," said Nero. "Ever. I love you."

What would come off as romantic to most, struck fear into Alto's soul.

Alto got the two for one husband deal when unas pledged himself to him, lol.

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