
Supernatural: Vampires


Vampires are created through several ways.

Blood Elixir

Created through Alchemy, some people willingly choose to turn themselves, usually in the pursuit of power or immortality. They don't turn into proper vampires, just horrible copies, and die a painful death. The elixirs are made from vampires they've killed or horrible potions they've concocted.

Angels who fled from heaven to pursue worldly pleasures are hunted by enforcers and punished to drink the Blood Elixir. They are usually the oldest of the vampires, and highest on the hierarchy. Referred to as the originals, they are cursed to live forever, for their sinful pleasures. Unlike the ones made by humans, it turns someone fully.

Santos Dominus is one of them.

Those who do not drink the elixir in its completion eventually turn into a strange hybrid.


Lilith, mother of all monsters, has given birth to a few.

Some vampires can give birth to others, with humans. Their offspring live long lives but aren't immortal. They require less blood than a regular vampire, and are immensely strong, but not as strong as a full-fledged vampire.

Halflings that have children with regular humans give birth to humans that can only eat meat. They live regular life spans but are stronger on average than a regular human. Any descendants past this point are just regular humans.

Kalei is one of them.


Drinking large quantities of a vampire will turn one from human to another vampire. They are its "child" and listen to all commands of their "parent", and can never say no

If a pregnant human is turned, she will become a vampire, and so will her children. They will look like the vampire that turned them. Unlike half-lings, they are immortal.

Nymphadora, Kato, and Dante Dominus are part of them.

Hive Mind

Each vampire part of the same clan, those related to their original progenitor are connected to each other, a single hive mind. They can communicate with each other, feel each other's feelings, and sometimes even see the things that they do if they focus hard enough.

The farther they are from other's the weaker the signal gets, but if there are too many inside one clan, there is no escape from the constant static in the background.

Their hive mind makes them attracted to each other like magnets, creating groups where they live, eat, and fornicate together. The more of them that join a nest, the more detached from humanity they become, their monstrous nature a positive feedback loop.

Some love the feeling of never being alone, while others would do anything to make the noise of someone in their head stop.

Blood Properties

The common theme of blood continues throughout Galactic, and the supernatural are no exception to the powers of it.

The power of their creator, makes them all listen to him, using the power of his blood. For a temporary time, another vampire can control another if they drink his blood. It is not recommended, and only used in times of emergency if one of their siblings hasn't had enough to eat, and they fear that their brother will die. The more blood that is given, the stronger the donater's control becomes, and the stronger the obsession of the receiver becomes.

Manipulation of blood on siblings gives strange side effects. Their creator is adored by all of their children, and they all focus on him, like a beam, signaling what to do, where to live, what to think.

If another vampire switches this level of adoration, it's terrifying.

Side Effects include:

Romantic attraction

Unhealthy obsession

Change in personality and thought patterns

Temporary increased strength, or gaining another's special abilities

Change in appearance of the one whose blood they drank from

Addiction to the giver's blood

The changes are only temporary, as the effect of the blood wears off after 12-18 hours.

Mixing more than one blood gives odd and worse side effects, and sometimes never the same results.

Physical Body and Mind

Once turned, many vampires are cured of most of their health issues, their body's no longer limited by such trivial things, such as breathing, or beating hearts. Their body instead focuses on two things: food, and food.

They are built like predators. Their smile becomes alluring, ready to trap anyone foolish enough to trust. Vampires can smell the sweat of their prey, smelling love, fear, happiness, and various other emotions. They can tune into the sounds of their heartbeats, and with a single lick they can tell if someone is a virgin.

They have favorite blood types, favorite veins, favorite parts of the body to puncture. They prefer virgins, not for taste, but because they have a lower chance of having diseases. Their bodies can heal, but the temporary side effects until their body does is still unpleasant.

Vampire's minds change to that of a predator, no longer seeing normal people as living things, but as food, that just happens to be friendly.

All of them can live as long as their head is attached, they drink enough blood, and they stay out of the sunlight.


There are various clans, all with different hierarchies, the oldest vampires at the top, and their ruler their "father or mother".

The various clans all have special abilities, based on their original parents. They can only communicate in their own hive mind, and not the minds of other clans. Some clans are friendly, or they hate each other. Most are indifferent.

Clan Dominus' special ability is envied by all. After forty years, all of Santos's children can walk in the daylight, and no one knows why except for a few.

This has gained the attention of several groups, such as the Catholic Church's exorcists, enemy clans, and opportunists that want to use their blood to achieve immortality.

Not many of clan Dominus are left compared to other clans, after years of being hunted down for this singular power alone.
