
Chapter 9.1: This Is Hallows Eve

October 29th, 5:37 PM

  It was October 29th, the first day of the Hallow's Eve festival.

  Slater Academy held it every year. People from the nearby towns came, there was live music, plenty of food and games. It was Maximillian's favorite time of year. He got to take three days off, silence his phone, and return, to more money, more people who enlisted, and well rested.

  Maximilian was packing his things with his wife, Delilah and she decided now was the right time to bring up something important. "Since we're all leaving for three days, why don't you give Sara a chance to prove herself? She's plenty responsible."

Maximilian gave her a dead look. He didn't respect Sara. He didn't respect anyone really, but least of all her.

  "Stop enabling him, Delilah," he hissed. "He is a man, with breasts."

  "Max," she said in a warning tone. "We have talked about this. Respect is a two way street."

   Maximilian was weak to only two people in the world, and one of them was his wife. Like a child he eventually listened to Delilah after he threw his tantrum, but this time would be different.

"You can get me to be nice, but I named him, and that is never changing," Maximillian shouted.

Delilah began to unpack her things.

"What are you doing," Maximilian asked.

"I'm not going," Delilah stated. "You can be rude to everyone all you want, but I won't let you treat our children like this."

  Maximilian was caught. Delilah, unlike everyone else, did not go along with his rude words and insults. She would look him in his steel grey eyes and tell him everything and then some.

"Levi says you've been going through his computer."

   Maximilian let out a long sigh. "He is not yet an adult," Maximillian said, gritting his teeth and trying to grin. "I have every right to go through his things. I bought them!"

  "Max," she shouted. "He turns nineteen in two months! He deserves privacy! Stop this!"

  "Delilah I will not be-"

   "They will put you in a home if you keep this up," she pleaded. "Do you want that? Do you!?!"

  I sometimes fantasize about it, Maximilian thought.

  Inside a nursing home, Maximillian could torment the nurses and other various staff who were paid to wipe his ass until he finally died, sneering at the world for one last time.

"No," he lied.

  "I want you to start calling her Sara," Delilah insisted. "Say it or else I'm not going with you."

  Maximilian gave her another dead stare and decided he could go with someone else. "No," he repeated. Delilah stood there, mouth agape, upset that she made an ultimatum, and he didn't care. Maximilian left, and laughed on the phone as he talked to Mary Sue.

   He is gone, so what he says doesn't matter anymore, Delilah thought. I know Sara can handle it. She's twenty six.

  Delilah made a few phone calls, and quickly she overpassed Maximillian's authority. She knew that he had already silenced his phone at this point, refusing to listen to anyone but his own inane and vapid thoughts. He would never find out until he returned.

  She made her last call to Sara, who was excited to be in charge for the next three days. "Thank you," she cried over the phone. "It's okay Sa-Sa," her mother cooed. "You can finish an easy job, and daddy will have no choice but to respect you. I will force it out of him."

  Sara sniffled on the other side of the line and sighed. "I think it's a lost cause," Sara mumbled. "Unless there was a gun to his head, I don't think he'd ever do it."

   "Don't exaggerate," Delilah laughed. "He's not that stubborn."

  Yes he is Mom, Sara thought. "I will call you tomorrow once everything works out," Sara said. "I love you."

  "I love you too, Sa-Sa."

  Delilah ended the call and looked at her half unpacked suitcase, and clothes strewn all over the bed. I should go someplace of my own, Delilah thought. He can bully everyone else, but he can't bully me.

Delilah bought the next flight to someplace warm and packed extra swimsuits.

Delilah, I kinda like you.

Just a little. Don't get excited now.

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