
Four Seasons Garden

As dawn broke over the Nightless City, Leylin awoke with a sense of purpose. He adorned himself in his magically enchanted white robes, the fabric shimmering with a subtle glow that hinted at the potent enchantments woven into its threads. The robes, a symbol of his status and power, billowed around him as he made his way to the second level of the communal center, a place teeming with arcane energy and ambition.

The building itself was an architectural marvel, sprawling like a gargantuan palm reaching for the heavens. Its design was both a tribute to the grandeur of magic and a testament to the might of the Magi who congregated within its walls. The air was thick with the scent of ancient tomes and the faint crackle of mystical forces at play.

Leylin's entrance was through a passage that mirrored the thumb of the palm, a less frequented path that allowed him a moment of solitude before immersing himself in the frenetic energy of the center. The passage was dimly lit, with sconces that held flames dancing to an unseen rhythm, casting long, flickering shadows on the walls.

The Magi he encountered were predominantly Rank 1, their auras like a frosty barrier, repelling any who dared to intrude upon their personal space. These auras were not just for show; they were a display of prowess, a warning to the uninitiated that these were individuals of considerable power and influence.

Leylin mused to himself, 'These are most likely wandering Magi coming here to seek an opportunity to join a guild.' His observation was not without merit; the Nightless City was a nexus for those seeking to align themselves with the influential guilds that shaped the world of magic.

His gaze swept across the crowd, taking in the strangely dressed Magi. Their attire ranged from robes adorned with cryptic symbols to armor that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The energy waves that emanated from them were not ostentatious, but rather a controlled hum of power that spoke of their mastery over the arcane.

At the end of the passage, Leylin found himself in a large hall, its ceiling lost to shadows. The hall was a hub of activity, with Magi engaged in heated discussions, negotiations, and the occasional duel of wits. At the far end, counters with glass windows stood like silent sentinels. Behind these barriers, magicians of various ranks busied themselves with paperwork, their quills scratching away as they recorded deals, registered new spells, and issued missions to those seeking glory and riches.

As there were only a few official Magi, empty counters were readily available, a testament to the efficiency and organization of the Guild Registration Office. The hall was vast, with high ceilings adorned with intricate murals depicting legendary magical battles and the founding of the Four Seasons Garden. The air was filled with a mix of incense and the faint scent of ozone, a byproduct of the many spells and enchantments that protected and maintained the premises.

A few magicians sat on the big benches around the hall, their robes of various colors and designs indicating their affiliations and ranks. They conversed in hushed tones, casting occasional glances at the counters, as if waiting for a summons from the unseen powers that governed their fates.

Leylin, with his sharp eyes and regal bearing, surveyed the scene before him. He moved with purpose, drawing the attention of both the magicians and the acolytes working behind the counters.

He arrived in front of an empty counter, where a young maiden awaited.

"Good morning, my lord. Welcome to the guild registration office. How may I assist you on this fine day?" The young maiden behind the counter, her hair a cascade of golden waves, seemed to emit the energy waves of a level 3 acolyte. Upon seeing the handsome and regal-looking Leylin, her greeting was infused with a warmth that matched her brightening smile.

"I wish to join the Four Seasons Garden, hence I'm here to apply," Leylin stated, his voice carrying the confidence of one who was used to being heeded.

"Teljose City appreciates your interest in joining one of our esteemed organizations," the young maiden replied, her smile growing more pronounced. "Now, please show me your residence ring, if you would be so kind."

Leylin removed the silver ring, its surface etched with delicate runes, from his finger and handed it over to her. The young maiden reached out, her fingers brushing against Leylin's as she took the ring and placed it onto an instrument from behind the counter. The device hummed softly, its crystals glowing with a soft light as it verified Leylin's identity and status. With a nod of satisfaction, she respectfully handed the ring back to Leylin.

"Please fill out this form, and we will send a reply to you as soon as possible," she said, presenting Leylin with a sheepskin parchment form, its edges gilded and the city's emblem embossed at the top.

Leylin perused the form, noting the simplicity of the questions: name, aptitude, elemental affinity, address, and so forth. On the back of the form was a space for additional information, a chance for applicants to highlight achievements or connections that might expedite their acceptance.

With a flourish of his quill, Leylin filled out the form, his handwriting a flowing script that spoke of education and refinement. He handed it back to the maiden, who accepted it with a graceful curtsy.

She pressed on the crystal ball in front of her, her eyes closing as she consulted with the higher echelons of the guild through the enchanted object. Moments later, her face lit up with joy.

"Lord Leylin! A few examiners from the Four Seasons Garden will be here this afternoon to conduct a test. You are indeed fortunate, for they are known to be quite selective with their time."

"Oh? It seems like fortune favors me," Leylin replied, his charming smile hinting at the many layers of intrigue and knowledge hidden beneath his genteel exterior. He had, after all, done his research on the guild's inner workings and had planned his visit accordingly.

According to Sean, Leylin's trusted informant, wandering magicians who submitted their application forms typically faced an indeterminate wait for the examiners of the various guilds to assess their abilities. The process was notoriously unpredictable, with some applicants languishing for months.

However, through a meticulous analysis, Leylin had uncovered a discernible pattern dictating the examiners' inspection schedule.

Thanking the maiden, her cheeks flushed with the excitement of assisting such a distinguished applicant, he made his way to a secluded corner of the hall. As he settled into the quietude, his eyes closed in contemplation, a timid voice broke his reverie.

"Hello, my lord, would you care for some lunch?" A servant, her uniform pristine and her eyes wide with a mix of nervousness and awe, stood beside Leylin, pushing a white dining cart laden with covered dishes.

Leylin opened his eyes, taking in the sight of the maid and the cart. The silver plates bore enchantments to keep the food at the perfect temperature, and despite the covers, the tantalizing aroma of well-prepared dishes wafted toward him.

"What delicacies do you have today? And do they require payment in magic crystals?" Leylin inquired, his curiosity piqued.

The maid, unaccustomed to such a genial and handsome magician, took a moment to compose herself before responding. "We have roasted lamb thigh, calf loin, and for dessert, an assorted fruit salad. All complimentary for magicians of your stature, my lord."

Leylin nodded, appreciative of the hospitality. "One portion of the roasted lamb thigh and a fruit salad, if you please."

As he waited for his meal, Leylin observed the lobby's grandeur. Customized compartment rooms were available for those seeking privacy, and other special offers seemed to be in abundance. He witnessed a burly magician leading a maid into one of these rooms, the ensuing sounds leaving little to the imagination.

"L… Lord, if you desire…" The maid attending to Leylin began, her voice trailing off as she offered a coy glance.

"There is no need. I prefer to dine here, amidst the open hall," Leylin replied, his tone polite yet firm.

He settled at a round table, the layout reminiscent of the coffee places from his previous life. Leylin considered those who succumbed to carnal distractions before an important event like the guild assessment to be nothing but filthy animals. How could they risk negatively affecting their state of mind and ability to produce results during the assessment?

The maid, upon hearing Leylin's response, let out a sigh, a mix of relief and disappointment evident in her demeanor. As she watched Leylin, now elegantly carving into his meal with practiced ease, she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest.

Leylin, however, remained detached from the maid's emotions. He was focused on the task at hand, savoring the flavors of his meal, each bite a testament to his refined palate and upbringing.

In his previous life, Leylin had been meticulous about etiquette, a trait instilled in him as the adoptive heir to an aristocratic family. His lessons in decorum had been extensive, shaping him into the noble figure he now presented to the world.

As a result, Leylin exuded a noble aura that, combined with the charismatic facade he had crafted, made him a favorite among the young ladies of Nightless City. As he walked its streets, he often caught glimpses of admiring gazes cast in his direction.

Even among his peers, no matter how voluptuous the female magician, Leylin always found himself the subject of direct invitations and propositions, much to his annoyance.

Leylin's noon had been a delightful affair, with a lunch that tantalized his taste buds and left him feeling content. He lingered in his seat as he allowed time to pass before he ventured towards the grand hall. As he approached, the cacophony of voices and the clinking of magical instruments hinted at the fervor within. The hall was abuzz with anticipation, a hive of magicians gathered for a momentous occasion.

The air was thick with arcane energy as Leylin entered, his eyes scanning the room with practiced ease. Two Magi, garbed in pristine white robes adorned with the enigmatic sigils of four flowers, commanded the attention of all as they strode to the heart of the hall. Their presence was a silent proclamation of authority, the unknown symbols whispering of hidden knowledge and power.

Beside them, a contrasting pair of Magi stood shrouded in white cloaks, their identities obscured save for the piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light. The hall fell into a hushed expectancy as one of the cloaked figures stepped forward, his voice rasping through the silence like the whisper of dry leaves.

"Today marks the convergence of destiny and ambition," he announced, his hoarse tones imbued with the weight of significance. "Four Seasons Garden and Hand of Femke open their doors for assessment. Those who aspire to join the esteemed ranks of Hand of Femke, follow my lead."

As he spoke, a subtle tremor coursed through the air, a ripple of power that resonated with the core of every magician present. A halo of aquamarine light unfurled around him, casting an ethereal glow that seemed to dance with the very essence of magic.

A gasp cut through the murmurs of the crowd as a nearby aspirant recognized the manifestation of power. "Could it be… a semi-converted elemental Magus?!" One of the applicants exclaimed.

The revelation had sent a wave of awe through the assembly, and Leylin's gaze intensified, his analytical mind dissecting the display of strength before him.

This spectacle of elemental affinity bore a striking resemblance to the energy signature he had once witnessed emanating from the clone of the Lilytell Family's elder. Such might commanded an immediate reverence, silencing the hall. In the world of Magi, power was the ultimate currency, and strength the language universally understood.

Among the nomadic magicians and those who dwelled in the shadows, this truth was even more pronounced. Without the resources and knowledge afforded by grand institutions, many found themselves ensnared in their own limitations, their potential stunted by circumstance.

The rarity of a semi-converted elemental Magus among these wandering souls was a testament to the struggle for advancement. Yet here, in the heart of Nightless City, such power was not only present but displayed with a casual authority that spoke volumes of the might that larger organizations wielded.

With his declaration complete, the cloaked Magus departed with a swiftness that allowed no room for delay, his silent companion trailing behind like a shadow. Their exit was a siren's call, drawing a procession of magicians in their wake, each eager to prove their worth.

Leylin observed the eclectic mix of energies that surrounded him, noting the diversity of the crowd. Among them, individuals bore the unmistakable signs of bestial heritage, their furred visages marking them as kin to both man and beast.

A twinge of disappointment tugged at Leylin's thoughts. 'Another tribe of beastly savages,' he mused, his yearning for a connection to the ancient lineage of Warlocks growing ever more acute. The Book of the Giant Serpent was but a single thread in the vast tapestry of Warlock heritage, and Leylin hungered for more.

His journey across the South Coast had yielded little in his quest for kinship with the Warlocks. Only that young girl in the Inlan Dukedom had shown the faintest spark of their legacy, a mere glimmer in the darkness of obscurity.

Amidst the contemplation and the thrum of magical potential, a new voice rose, warm and inviting. "Greetings to all! I am Wade, a member of the Four Seasons Garden, and this is my colleague, Tyne."

The contrast between the aloofness of the Hand of Femke and the cordiality of the Four Seasons Garden was stark. Wade, with his golden locks and open demeanor, extended a hand of welcome, while Tyne remained a silent enigma, his presence a quiet sentinel.

Yet beneath their amiable exteriors, the unmistakable surge of elemental energy pulsed, a silent deterrent to any who might entertain thoughts of dissent.

"Now, let us proceed with the assessment for the Four Seasons Garden, shall we?" Wade beckoned, his voice a golden thread leading them towards a new path, away from the one taken by the Hand of Femke. Tyne, ever the silent guardian, followed suit.

Leylin exchanged knowing looks with the handful of magicians who shared his path, their steps quickening with a mix of anticipation and resolve. The corridor stretched before them, its surface an enigma of materials that defied the natural order, unmarred by time or use.

Their reflections accompanied them, ghostly companions upon the polished floor, as they journeyed towards the heart of the assessment. The hall that greeted them was a sanctum of alchemy, with tables laden with the tools of Potioneering—a clear indication of the trials that awaited.

Leylin's mind raced with possibilities, his thoughts already leaping ahead to the challenges and opportunities that lay within the Four Seasons Garden's test.

"Oh, but before we commence our proceedings, there's a matter that nearly slipped my mind..." Wade announced, his voice carrying a blend of gentleness and authority that quieted the room. He paused, his fingers deftly sorting through the stack of parchment-thick application forms he held. "It appears we have a Leylin Farlier listed among this month's distinguished applicants. Would you be so kind as to step forward?"

The murmurs began almost instantly, a low hum of recognition spreading through the gathered crowd. Leylin, until now a mere shadow among the throng, found himself thrust into the harsh light of scrutiny. His name, once whispered in the dim corners of Teljose City, had become synonymous with enigma. The tale of his extravagant acquisition at the real estate office had woven itself into the fabric of local legend—a tale all the more remarkable given his status as an outsider, a newcomer whose roots in the city were as shallow as morning dew.

"Yes, that would be me, Lord Wade." Leylin replied, his voice steady as he stepped forward. With a deference that belied his inner confidence, he offered a respectful bow to the Four Seasons Garden's esteemed panel of examiners.

A smile, warm and devoid of pretense, graced Wade's features. "There's no cause for alarm. Quite the contrary," he assured, his gaze sweeping over the assembly before returning to Leylin. "We've been graced with a letter of personal commendation from none other than Lord Crew himself. As per the protocols of our institution, any candidate blessed with the endorsement of a senior advisor is granted the privilege to bypass the initial phase of testing," he explained, his tone even, betraying no hint of the significance of his words.

A collective gasp rippled through the room, and even the inscrutable Magus Tyne, whose presence was as enigmatic as the twilight, regarded Leylin with a newfound intensity.

"Impossible! Lord Crew, that reclusive titan, has extended his personal patronage to this brat, who is not even twenty years old? Preposterous! He hasn't cast his favor upon a soul in over a century!" an elder applicant exclaimed, his voice a cocktail of disbelief and envy.

"And how does this sit with the law? He scarcely bears the countenance of a seasoned alchemist, yet he's to forgo the entire examination?" another applicant, a man of middle years, protested, his brow furrowed in consternation.

Leylin's response was a smirk, a flash of arrogance that shattered his carefully constructed facade of humility. The knowledge that Crew was not only a member of the Four Seasons Garden but a senior advisor—a detail Sean had failed to mention—meant that the weight of the recommendation was far greater than he had anticipated.

Wade, sensing the undercurrents of dissent, drew breath to deliver a speech intended to quell the rising tide of discontent. Yet, before he could utter a syllable, Leylin turned, his gaze sweeping over his peers with an imperious air.

"Let it not be said that Leylin Farlier hides behind the influence of his benefactors," he declared, his voice resonating with a timbre that commanded attention. "To allow such insinuations would be to tarnish not only my own honor but that of Lord Crew as well. I hereby formally renounce this privilege and request to be subjected to the same trials as my fellow aspirants."

As he spoke, Leylin allowed a sliver of his aura to unfurl, a tangible demonstration of his latent power. It was a subtle display, yet it spoke volumes, painting him as a prodigy whose capabilities extended far beyond mere posturing.

His proclamation, coupled with the palpable force of his presence, quashed any lingering doubts. Those who had voiced their skepticism now found themselves bereft of words, their eyes averted in a silent admission of his supremacy. The examiners, for their part, exchanged glances of approval, with Wade's smile broadening in a silent commendation of Leylin's resolve.

Leylin had meticulously analyzed the situation, recognizing the test not merely as a hurdle but as a golden chance to distinguish himself among his peers. His decision to forgo the opportunity to bypass the examination was not born out of pride, but strategic foresight. To assume that Leylin wouldn't leverage his association with Crew for future gains was to underestimate his acumen.

Wade, observing Leylin's composed demeanor, nodded slightly before beginning the briefing. "As you wish, participant Leylin. Now, let us delve into the specifics of the test," he announced.

"Our esteemed Four Seasons Garden prides itself on our mastery in Potioneering. It is only fitting that our initiation reflects this expertise. The task before you is straightforward yet challenging: concoct a vial of Jeffrey's Purifying Potion within the allotted time."

Despite Wade's gentle tone, his words resonated with an enchanting clarity, piercing through the murmurs and reaching every magician present.

"Each of you will find the necessary ingredients arrayed upon your workstations. We have allocated three sets of materials per participant. In essence, you are afforded a mere two attempts at failure."

The announcement stirred a wave of unrest among the candidates. Their faces, a mosaic of doubt and regret, betrayed their inner turmoil over the daunting request.

Leylin, however, remained unfazed. A subtle arch of his eyebrow was the only hint of his amusement. The Jeffrey's Purifying Potion, notorious for its complexity even among mid-tier concoctions, would daunt many seasoned Potioneers.

Yet, for Leylin, whose prowess in potion-making had birthed the finest Reactive Elixir across the South Coast and who had crafted Ancient Potions with unparalleled precision, the task was trivial. It was akin to asking a chef graced with three Michelin stars to make a sandwich—a task far beneath his extraordinary talents.

As Leylin stood amidst the other magicians, the air was thick with anticipation and the distinct hisses of whispered conversations. The requirements for passing the test of the Four Seasons Garden had been announced, and they were nothing short of daunting.

"In recent years, the larger powers within Teljose City have made their recruitment criteria increasingly stringent…" The words floated through the air, a murmur of discontent from a nearby magician, tinged with a hint of despair.

Leylin, overhearing the complaint, allowed himself a soft chuckle, a sound that carried just enough to reach the ears of the discontented speaker. The participant shot Leylin a glare, filled with anger and a touch of envy, mistakenly assuming Leylin to be another talentless young master, relying solely on his noble birth and influential connections to secure his place as a Magus.

However, unbeknownst to the glaring individual, Leylin regarded the other participants as nothing more than insignificant worms, easily crushed beneath his boot should he wish it. His eyes, sharp and calculating, had already dissected the strengths and weaknesses of his peers, affirming his belief in his superiority. He did not even need to read a scan from Aralis to know this.

The truth was, Leylin was not just looking forward to joining the Four Seasons Garden; he was relishing the prospect. His observations throughout the day had only solidified his confidence. It seemed almost certain that he would swiftly ascend to become a pivotal member of the organization. Such a position would undoubtedly grant him access to a trove of valuable resources, rare ingredients, and coveted potion formulas—tools that would further his own arcane pursuits and solidify his standing within the magical community.

Indeed, Leylin's ambitions were not merely to join the Four Seasons Garden but to weave his influence through its ranks, ensuring that his name would become synonymous with the power and prestige of the organization. With each calculated step, he drew closer to his goal, his mind already dancing with the possibilities that lay ahead.
