
Chapter 62: Deal(3)

"Your highness, I was planning on getting the mages of Paliath that are currently in the Brom kingdom to our side."

Lance's brows knitted at Luke's sudden decision. He then asked.

"How the hell will you do that?"

"Let's see hmmm."

Luke made a puzzled expression as if he was thinking about it. He then smirked at Lance, who was looking at him with an uncomfortable face. He then put his two fingers in front of Lance's face.

"One, absolute dominance of power. If we overwhelm them with power in the war, won't they start to think that it is better to side with us?"

"... That's impossible because they despise us. We basically killed the king and royal family that they looked up upon."

Luke's smile widened at Lance's frowning and confused face. He then spoke in a mischievous tone.

"But there is one royal left, right?"

Lance's eyes widened. He then looked at Luke in disbelief.

"Do you think that they'll just give in when we show them Finesse? I doubt that."

"That is why dominating them with power is important. It is to drive them to the edge and have no other choice when their princess shows up to persuade them."

Lance stopped moving for a second and looked at Luke with a smile.

"...You sly bastard"

Lance and Luke smiled at each other. The chances are kind of low, but it is worth the shot. If they can persuade mages to join them, the Reece kingdom will not only be a kingdom of strong knights, but also a kingdom of swords and magic, which will greatly aid their military power. Heck, they could even rise to become an empire when that happens.

Luke then started to speak.

"Your highness, about the Dark Eye..."

"Ah, those damn bastards. What now?"

"There might be a chance to get mages on our side, but... Do you think the Dark Eye will just let that be? Now that we know that they allied with the Regle Alliance, it is possible for them to have withered souls in tow for the war."

"Hmmm, that really might be a problem. Even though we will have mana stone enhanced armor, if it is against withered souls, our soldiers might be dead on the spot."

Luke and Lance both sighed. Everything is fine, but when a dark eye is put into the equation, everything just goes wrong. Lance spoke in a sigh-like voice.

"Ugh, this is terrible. I can't think of anything. Damn it!"

Lance messes up his hair in frustration. His princely appearance has totally faded and is being replaced by a stressed college student worried about tuition. Luke then sighed and spoke.

"I have a witch in my group. Maybe he can handle the withered souls for us?"

Lance's brows were knitted in disbelief. He then asked.

"Seriously? A witch? How the fuck did you get all sorts of guys into your group? And do you really think that he could handle all of the withered souls alone? Want him to die?"

Lance and Luke sighed. After a second of silence, Luke suggested another plan.

"What about Selena? She can purify withered souls, so if we leave it to her and the witch, then..."

"Receiving help from a god is definitely not free. I am not a saint, but I saw a saint in the God of Darkness's temple, overusing his powers. He was bedridden for months and is still unable to stand.

Lance and Luke looked at each other. They ran out of ideas. They both sighed and sat back in their seats. They both looked tired. Lance then spoke in a tired voice.

"....Let's just stop talking about this."

"I agree."

Knock, knock

"What is it?"

Lance asked and faced the door. Luke did the same and heard someone's voice.

"Uh, the hero, Liam, is here."

"Oh? He must've finished shopping."

Luke stood up and opened the door.

"Liam, are you done- ugh!"


Luke's body shot forward when a small body smashed into his stomach. He then plopped down on the ground. He had the urge to vomit the tea he had been drinking earlier. He frowned and look the small body that is on top of his stomach. His eyes then widened.

"N-Nash? What are you....?"

It's Nash, in a polymorphed form. His body is like a three-year-old's with a round face and plump rosy cheeks. His black hair sparkled and his clear light blue eyes looked at him with excitement. Only then he noticed what Nash was wearing. He had a long black coat, a plastic purple blade in his right hand, and white wings attached to his back. Luke then heard his jolly voice.

"Dad! Me and Uncle Liam are already done shopping! How was it? Do I look good in this?"

Luke saw Nash showing off his black coat. Luke looked at Liam past Nash's left shoulder and saw him smiling proudly while looking at Nash. It seems like Nash's cute charms have already affected him. Luke frowned as he rose from the floor, picking up Nash, who was still waiting for his response. Luke just sighed.

"... Yeah, it suits you."

Luke then sat back on his couch and saw Lance looking at him in shock. He was so shocked that he didn't notice his tea spilling on the carpet. Lance then asked in disbelief.

"You have a son?"


Luke was about to answer, but Nash was faster. His cute plump cheeks bounce as he speaks, which is a very adorable sight to see.

"Yes! He is my dad! The best dad!"

Nash's chubby arms then wrapped around Luke's head while looking at the shocked Lance with a proud face. Luke looked at him in disbelief.

'Holy-! Dad?! Since when did I become your Dad?! And why are you so awfully clingy today?!'

Luke tried to separate Nash's hands from his face, but Nash's grip became even tighter. Luke then looked at Liam for help. Liam understood and talked to Nash.

"Nash, that is bad. Your Dad is speaking with someone."

'Can you please not add the dad part?'

Luke frowned at Liam. He then felt Nash's grip slowly loosening. He then sighed and looked at Lance. He then flinched when he saw Lance looking at Nash with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes.

'Oh no...'

The crown prince then spoke in a voice that seemed to be hiding its own excitement.

"Ehem, can you introduce yourself, ehem, to me, ehem, cute child?"

'Why are you shy?!'

Luke looked at Lance with that question clearly painted on his face, but Lance didn't notice him and just looked at Nash. Nash then stepped down from Luke's lap and looked at Lance. He puffed up his chest and introduced himself with a proud expression.

"My name is Nash! Nash Clodwal!"

Lance clapped his hands as if he was impressed and patted Nash's cute and fluffy hair.

"Nash? What an adorable name. Want a cookie? I could ask the butler to get some for you. I'll add milk too."

Nash's eyes sparkled and looked at Lance, who was suppressing himself from smiling brightly in front of him.

"Really? Can I have some?!"

"Yes, yes, you can have as many as you want."

Lance then spoke to the old butler and the butler nodded and left. Lance then smiled sweetly at Nash and offered his seat.

"Why don't you sit beside me?"

"No! I want to sit with my dad!"

Nash then climbed onto the couch where Luke was sitting and sat on the couch. Lance then made a disappointed expression before noticing Luke's stare. Lance then fakes a cough and speaks up, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"I can't believe you have a son."

"...He is not my son, to be exact. I... adopted him?"

Luke awkwardly looked at Lance. He didn't know what exactly to say. That is why his speech was so awkward. Lance sighed and looked at Luke with his eyes squinting.

"Just how could a lovely child be under your guidance?"

Luke frowned.

'If you see what this child could do, I bet you'll take back your words.'

Lance still doesn't know that Nash is a legendary beast yet, so it's normal to act that way.

"Hey... Do you find me not fitting to be a parent?"


Silence emerged in the room. Luke then broke the silence with an offended voice.

"Well, that's cruel."

"It's true though."


Luke simply sat back in his seat and looked over at Nash, who was happily eating cookies beside him.

"Won't those wings be a nuisance to you? You should get rid of it."

"No! They're pretty! Like yours!"

Luke's brows knitted and just grabbed a cookie on the plate. He then saw Lance glaring at him. Luke frowned and asked him.


"That's for Nash."

"Why? Can't I also eat it?"

Lance just sat back in his seat while crossing his arms with a grumbling expression. Luke simply shrugged and looked at Liam, who was standing straight up beside the couch.

"Hey, why don't you sit here and grab a cookie?"

"C-can I?"

"Of course. Why not?"

Liam then smiled and sat beside Nash. He then grabbed a cookie and happily ate it. This guy... Does he really need permission in almost everything?

Luke just ignored it and quietly ate the cookie in his hand. He then wiped some cookie crumbs on Nash's cheeks, which made Nash happy, for some reason. Lance just looked at this with a grumpy expression. He wanted to touch Nash's cheeks too.

"Nash, if you ever want a cookie again, come to this uncle okay?"

"Really?! Can I eat these again?!"

"Of course. I could give you mountains of it if you wanted."


Nash clapped at Lance's proud face. Luke just frowned.

"His teeth will rot if you keep spoiling him with sweets."

"Hey, what's wrong with giving a child some cookies?"

"You can give him cookies. But don't spoil him too much. It'll be bad for his health."

"Tch, you sound like a caring father. It does not suit you."

"I am the 'parent' of this child after all, according to you."


Lance crossed his arms and just drank his tea with a frown. Luke just looked at him with a frown.

'Why do I have a feeling he wanted to adopt Nash?'

Lance just avoided his gaze while frowning. Luke just decided to ignore him and ate his cookie. He then wiped away the cookie crumbs that fell off of his clothes and stood up. He then saw Nash looking up at him. Luke hesitated for a moment before offering his hand to Nash.

"Let's go."

Nash hopped down from the couch, his face brightening. He then grabbed Luke's hand. He then looked at Lance, who was looking at him. He then energetically waved at him.

"Bye-bye, uncle."

"....Take care."

Nash nodded and followed behind Luke while holding his hand and went out of the room. Liam followed behind with a satisfied smile. While walking down the hallway. Luke asked Nash a question.

"Why did you polymorphed? I thought you despised that form?"

Nash told Luke that he hates the human form out of the blue once on the floating island. He said that he feels like he'll get knocked out with a single magic spell based on how weak humans are. But what caused him to polymorph all of a sudden?

Luke then saw Nash smiling innocently.

"I want to try out the coat that we bought! It would be a shame if I didn't wear it, wouldn't it? And besides, I want to feel like a human, just once."

"Hmmm, I see."

He totally didn't get it but he just nodded because it is troublesome to ask any further. He then stopped when he felt Nash tugging his hand. Luke looked down and saw Nash lifting his arms up towards him.

"Hey, lift me up please?"

Luke sighed and lifted up Nash's small body. He could feel Nash's weight in his arms. He was quite heavy, but nevertheless, Luke just continued to walk with a blank face with Nash in his arms.

While walking in the hallways, Luke noticed all the maids they met on the way looked at him as if he was adorable, but, of course, it wasn't him, it was Nash. His adorableness is really dangerous. Luke decided to walk faster because he despised the stares that were directed at him. He then finally went out of the palace. He passed by the guards and the guards just bowed towards him.

"Hey, next time, don't call me dad and... Don't polymorph."

"What?! Why?!"

'Because it's misleading, I am still young to have a kid, you know!'

"Because your original form is much cooler."

Luke could feel Nash flinching in his arms. He ignored it and continued to speak.

"And besides... People might snatch you away."

"H-huh? Why would they?"

Luke decided to be honest.

"Because you're adorable."

Luke just kept walking with his head straight. It caused him to miss Liam's gentle smile and Nash's blushing. He just heard Nash's stuttering voice.

"W-well, I-if you say so... I'll not polymorph. But I can call you whatever I want! Don't stop me!"

"Haa, fine, fine. Do whatever you want."

Nash hugged his neck while swinging his plastic sword around as if he was happy. Luke just ignored him and walked back to the estate.

"Welcome back, young master."

Luke just nodded at the butler, bowing to him. He then passed by him and went to his room. He then put Nash down and Nash removed his fake wings and sword and put them into his own spatial dimension. He then smiled at Luke, who was blankly looking at him.

"Hehe... Watch as I transform back into the cool me!"

Nash put his hands on his waist and puffed up his chest proudly. Luke just sighed at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and let's go home."


Light blue mana then enveloped Nash's entire small body. The mana thickens and thickens until Nash's face is completely obscured. Blue light filled the entire room, which made Luke and Liam close their eyes because of the blinding blue light.

'So powerful, as expected of a legendary beast. They are on a different level.'

After a while, the light finally calmed down and Luke opened his eyes and he saw the usual black furball sitting on the ground. Nash's light blue eyes looked at Luke and smiled proudly.

"See? Aren't I awesome?"

"Yes, yes. You're awesome."

Nash smiled brightly and formed a teleportation circle on the ground. He then shouted.

"Let's go home! I miss everyone!"

Luke and Liam nodded and let their bodies be carried away from the estate. In a flash, they are now in the middle of the floating island. It is almost nighttime, so the wind is chilly and the sky is orange-red. Luke then smiled with satisfaction.

"I can now finally rest."

Luke smiled and walked towards the white castle with Liam behind him and Nash on his shoulder. There is nothing on his schedule, so all he has to do is wait for Tim to send him the supplies.
