
Towards the plaza (part 3)

"Well... we are close to the Chinese new year, so why not?"

Damn! She was hit right on my mind. I remained speechless for a time being. Then, she commented,

"I know that you want to tell me that it was sounded weird if we tuned it now while we are not even on the Chinese new year. But you know, those plaza guys were tuned it in earlier to attract Chinese customer to buy stuff here. I think... You might know that logic, am I right?"

Well... I'm agreed with her on that point. So I nodded to her, to be fair. She was pretty logical from that aspect alone. I wish that I have her point of view which somehow envied me a lot.

However, she was pretty hot-headed and I'm a cold-headed person. Well... Maybe that was a real application of the idiom of "Nobody is perfect" huh.

I'm aware of that pretty well. So I decided not to discuss it further. And you know... That song

Go xing nian.

Zhu xing nian.

Xing nian lai.

nian nian nian.

That song... That was the kind of song you will hear that literally every time at the Chinese new year season at Chinatown or somewhere that has a lot of Chinese there.

I'm vibing at the song as it was being tuned there. Well... There was a dark secret beneath that song. But let's not talk about it. Hen bu ji li de!*

When I was vibing with the song. My sister suggested,

"How about we are going to Chinatown instead, mama, papa?"

Sudden changes? What the hell! Well... If I want to put things honestly. We haven't even bought anything for the Chinese new year food decoration yet.

It was lead my mom to raise a question while the car was still moving at a steady speed.

"Is there any clothes for a boy at there, for Wandi?"

"Let Wandi decide his own fashion, he has to have his own thoughts about it." My sister answered my mom about that. And yes, she was right! I mean. I'm an adult basically. But why I have to look at my mom just to find clothes? I think that was pretty unfair...

"I have to. Or else, Wandi will come with a much weird fashion style. He was wearing a weird black cloth earlier just in case to let you know." My mom replied to her which led my dad to say,

"Let him decide for this time, Wandi is an adult already anyway."

Yes, thank you, dad! Thanks to you, I can start to find my cloth in my own style!!! But... Those dreams were crushed easily as my mom was smirked at me as she said,

"Well, Wandi. You can. But you have to find the clothes under my supervision before I'm deciding to let you choose it yourself in the future."


So... At last. We are decided to go to Chinatown in my city while my sister was changing the route by turning her car's steer to the left.

*很不吉利的 aka It's very unauspicious. Well... As I'm explaining earlier. You must not mention something negative in the Chinese new year regardless of any reason beneath it.

hartpelercreators' thoughts