
Continue? Chapter 1.6 : Peaceful

It's been almost an Hour since Quin met Sayu.

She was energetic ever since she ate some Apples, and has been running around the Grass, looking at different Plants and Bugs.

'She doesn't seem to be injured in any way. I wonder how she managed to get all the way out here?'

Trayfi and Remi didn't want to be near Sayu for too long, so they went to investigate the Dead Lab People.

'If they went this far for just a little girl, then there must be a reason. Does it have to do with that overwhelmingly strange Mana?'

Quin sat by the Tree while also keeping an eye on Sayu.

'In the span of 2 Days, I managed to Die multiple times, Feel excruciating pain, lose my sense of Pain, Gain a bit too many Immunities, become friends with 2 Dragons, kill 3 Wolves, and get myself a new Weapon, as well as an adopted Daughter. This is either the work of Gods, or I just have so little Karma, and too much Luck... Now that I think about it, didn't I gain a few Levels?'

[Quintz Kritan] [17]

[Level : 5]

[Exp : 200/300]

[HP : 140]

[MP : 140]

[Class : μ|Ω§ฯθ]

'I should put some more points into my Stats, or else I won't be able to fend off the Wolves like I did today. I caught them off guard, but it was still too damaging. I Died once, and that was After I lost an Arm.'

[Stats] [Points : 46]

{Strength : 20}

{Defence : 20}

{Agility : 20}

{Stamina : 20}

{Magic : 20}

'I could add 5 to each Stat... but I'll go 9 each.'

[Stats] [Points : 1]

{Strength : 29}

{Defence : 29}

{Agility : 29}

{Stamina : 29}

{Magic : 29}

Felling the effects of the Stats, Quin stretches.

'I also have some Skill Points. Let's check that out.'

[Skills] [4] [11] [Points : 90]

[Unique Skills] [4] v

[Skills] [11] v

'Oh! I can have them in Tabs! That's very convenient!'

Looking over it again, he saw something else.

[Skill Shop]

'Skill Shop... This is probably exactly what I think it is.'

[Skill Shop]

[Level 5 Skills] v


'So I needed a certain Level to unlock the Shop. That makes more sense. Let's take a quick look at the Skills.'

[Level 5 Skills]

{Swinging I} {10 Points}

{Throwing I} {10 Points}

{Accuracy I} {10 Points}

{Sharp I} {Owned}

{Mixing I} {10 Points}

{Dodge I} {10 Points}

{Hit I} {10 Points}

{Spark I} {10 Points}

{Chill I} {Own Higher Grade}

{Static I} {10 Points}

{Breeze I} {10 Points}

{Soak I} {10 Points}

{Mold I} {10 Points}

'That's a lot! If I had a few more Points I could get All of them, but even so, this is a great selection!'



[Acquiring Skills...]

{Swinging I}

{Mixing I}

{Dodge I}

{Spark I}

{Static I}

{Breeze I}

{Soak I}

{Mold I}


'This seems like a good start. Let's try out the {Swinging I} with this Knife.'

Standing up, he walks over to an open space.

"Brother! Want to play?" Sayu was waving at him from a distance.

"Sure! I'll be there in a bit!"

Getting ready, he aims at the open air in front of him.

Swinging the Blade, it extends forward in an Arc, going about 3 Meters in front of him.

'With my Stats and Skills, I can only do that much, huh? ... Now that I think about it...'

[Skills] [Points : 10]

{Swinging I} {10 Points}

'This is just a hunch, but that's probably an Upgrade Option.'

{Swinging I} -> {Swinging II}



{Swinging II}

'Then, let's try this again.'

Getting ready once again, he swings the Blade.

"Brother! What are yo-"

The Blade streched an extra 2 Meters, and was heading directly towards Sayu.

"Sayu! Look out!"

As if time moved slowly, the Blade edged closer.

'Crap. I messed up. Please, don't let this happen!'

Then, with flawless movement, Sayu hit the Flat side of the Blade with her Right Arm, causing it to move upwards.

As the Blade retracted, Quin immediately put it away, and ran towards Sayu.

"Sayu! Are you oka-"

He stopped.

She had tears running down her face.

"Brother... I... I was scared..."

"Sayu... I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even know what I'm going to do from here on out."

She shook her head.

"I wasn't scared of the Blade..."

"You... weren't?"

"I... was scared of avoiding it..."

There was an uneasy air between them.

"Sayu... I don't know what those people did to you, but I want you to remember this..."

Walking over to her, he kneels down to meet her eyes.

"I would never hurt anybody for my own selfish reasons. There could be a few instances where I do, but there would be a good reason. I would not, and will never hurt you for some lousy reason, like avoiding anything that could hurt you."

For a moment, she stood there in silence.

Then, sudden emotions struck her, and she began to cry uncontrollably.

Quin hugged her for reassurance, and she hugged back.

'This reminds me of that time with Trayfi. Even though it wasn't long ago, it felt like it was much older than that.'

. . .

Quin and Sayu spent another Hour playing in the Grass, Forest, and the Apple Tree.

Quin was relaxing, while Sayu was asleep next to him.

Looking up, he noticed Trayfi and Remi in the distance.

Waving at them, he noticed that they were covered in red.

'What happened to them? And... is that Blood?'

"Quin! We found an old Hatch inside of a giant Bush!" Trayfi was trying to shake the Blood off.

"Master! Can we find some water? It's starting to dry!"

"What happened to you two?"

"Well, lets just say that the Blood attracted a lot of Animals... including a Bear." Trayfi showed him a large Claw.

"Is that why you guys are covered in Blood?"

"Yup. I think the River from yesterday extends a little further past this Tree. I'll go with Remi to make sure, as well as wash this off."

"Alright. Stay safe, and maybe catch a few fish for dinner."

As they walk off, Quin yawned.

'I guess I'm a little tired too. Maybe I'll just... take a nap.'

. . .

. . .

. . .

"-ow what you have done!?"

Where... Who's Voice is that?

"Ah! It finally worked!"

This feels like a dream... but I don't think it is...

"Correct. This is no dream, but instead a Message, as well as an apology."

Apology... What for?

"Can I explain?" A different voice called out.

"No! You already made a mistake! Now go back!"

Who was that?

"That was the God who successfully allowed you to be Summoned."

Oh, okay. And you are?

"I'm, well... Let's just say I'm his 'Supervisor'. I made a miscalculation when I thought that he could be good at this job."

Miscalculation? So, was me being summoned a mistake?

"No! Not at all! However, I do want to ask, is everything at the Castle going well for you?"

Castle? What Castle?

"... Wait, where even are yo- HUH!?"

Loud. What happened?

"Why are you there? This... This has to be a mistake, right?"

Do you know where I am? If so, can I ask for directions to the nearest Town or Village?

"... You see, that's the thing. Your location is the [Barred Forest]. It's a place that nobody ever goes to."

Barred Forest? What's with that name?

"It was decided by nearly every Nation from every Continent, even the Demon King and Demon Lords, that this place would be closed off to anybody and everybody."

Seriously? How come?

"Umm, I actually can't disclose too much information. Just don't get involved with Dragons!"

Ah, that's a Problem.

"... What?"

I actually have Two Dragon Companions that are travelling with me.

". . ."


"Oh, right. You know what? Forget the details. I still need to tell you about the Blunder my Subordinate made."

Blunder... I still don't know what the Problem is.

"Have you looked at your Skills yet?"

... Oh, that one.

"Yup, {Player's Decision}. It was originally placed in the [Banned Skills] List, but it somehow made it onto the normal one."

It has been very helpful as of late. Is there a reason for why it was Banned?

". . ."

... That was a stupid question, wasn't it?

"Sort of. How much have you used the Skill so far?"

Every time I die it activates. I think I'm almost at Ten Deaths so far.


Is there a problem with it?

"Are you okay!? Any Problems!? Issues!? People suddenly dying after you fall asleep!?"

Umm... No, none that I can think of.

"... Really? Are you sure? Nobody was hurt?"

Nope. I'm fine, and so are the others.

"That... is good. Look, I don't know how you do it, but keep yourself intact at ALL COSTS. If you don't, then..."

I think I get it. Is there a Drawback to {Player's Decision}?

"A heavy one. Not just to the Body, but also the Mind and Soul. I'm going to ask you one more time, Is everything Okay?"

... As far as I'm concerned, nothing bad has happened. And for all I know, while I'm here, my Body could be attacking my Friends and Sister.

"Sister? What Sister?"

I just adopted one recently. I found her collapsed along the Path that we were following.

"Hold on. I'm going to check something."

. . .

. . .

"Alrighty. From what I can see, your Sister is..."

... Yes?

"She... Isn't Human. She Isn't of any Race that I have heard of."

What Race is she?

"... [Rampant]. It's not in any of the Logs and Files that I have access to."

Rampant... Does it have to do with her Augmented Body Parts?

"Her what? What are you saying? She doesn't..."

Her Arms and Hair are different, along with her Ears and Legs. Her Eyes are also different.

"... I didn't notice. It seems like she went through a lot."

I don't know much, but I was told that there was a Hatch somewhere further along the Path.

"A Hatch?"

When I found Sayu, there were these people in Lab Coats. They were dead when I found them.

"Lab Coats... Is that why..."

Is something wrong?

"... No. I'm actually out of time. And, to make up for the Mistake earlier, I will let you choose an Extra [Unique Skill] for your Journey."


"Take it as an apology. You'll be able to obtain a [Unique Skill] in the [Skill Shop] Tab in your Status."

That seems neat. Thank You.

"Don't worry about it. Now, I'm really out of time this time. Goodbye, and Good Luck."

See ya. And thank you again.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Opening his eyes, Quin realized that it was Noon.

'Time sure flies by.'

Looking around, Sayu was still asleep, and Trayfi and Remi seemed to be trying to make something.

"Yo, you're back. What are you guys doing?"

"I'm trying to make a Basket, while Remi tries making Clay Pots." Trayfi points at the Clay in Remi's hands.

"Pots? Are they for Water?"

"Yup! Master, would you like to help?" Remi beckons him.


"I wanna help." Sayu woke up.

"Alright. Let's try our best then."


. . .

Name : Quintz Kritan

Age : 17

Birthday : March 7

Hobby : Manga and Anime

Education : High School [Unfinished]

Overall Personality : Could not give a damn

- - - - - - - - - -

Current Situation : Abandoned Summoned Hero

Current Location : Barren Forest

Current Level : 5

Deaths : 6

New Skills : 20

_LucXycreators' thoughts