
[32] The Decision, Was I Wrong? JK I Never Am

The rest of the week went like it should have with Frank and his mother and Fiona and Steve, though I wasn't really all there considering it was almost the day of the decision. At the moment though I was standing under the L waiting for Ian and Lip they were about to fight to get over their problems, I was here just to make sure it didn't get out of hand.

I also had told Savannah and Katie that I wouldn't be seeing them until the day of the decision, at the moment it was fifty-fifty but I already knew that one had more favor. Lost in thought I didn't notice Ian arrive until he slapped me on the shoulder, he grinned seeing me come out of it, "What are you thinking so hard about?"

"Does it matter? I have told you guys already but you all give the same answer of Savannah without even mentioning why." I sighed making him smile.

"That's because it is simple, you choose her because she is south-side through and through so she is perfect for you. While the other girl we haven't even spent more than five minutes around." Ian said while taking the joint from my hand and taking a drag.

That was the answer I got from all of them but really they didn't see what I saw in Katie, hopefully when the time came the... sigh forget it the fight was about to happen. Lip walked up throwing his cigarette to the ground while staring at us, "Well you two look comfortable, ready to do this?"

"Yeah hurry you two I still need to take Carl clothes shopping for school." I said while moving away some.

Once I backed up Lip threw a fist that missed since Ian was a little faster, he then tackled Lip to the ground getting a hit to his face like he tried to do a moment ago. Lip wasn't giving up though and started to use what little muscle he had and push hi away getting the chance to punch him, now one had a busted lip while the other was getting a black eye.

The entire time I sat there and watched there were some people who walked by saw but they didn't stick around, after a good thirty minutes of fighting the both were panting on the ground. "Well that was therapeutic." I said walking over and standing over the two watching them both trying to catch their breath's.

The both took a moment but then laughed, I smiled seeing that since it was good to see that my brothers were not fighting anymore in the literal sense too. "Well good you two are friends again, now get yourselves cleaned up while I go do this." School was in two days so I needed to get things for me and Carl, also I was meeting both of them tomorrow.

Remembering that though I could only shake my head.....

Hours Later....

Me and Carl were back home him smiling widely while putting his clothes away, the kid couldn't be happier that he didn't need to wear hand-me-downs for once in his life. I smiled while helping him put it away, the kid was now ready to go to school since he wanted to show off his new stuff.

After helping him I went and started to smoke, Ethel was chilling with me on the steps this time around she didn't leave with Malik she didn't want to. She was holding her son while people watching with me, "So where has Savannah been lately?"

I stopped right before taking another hit hearing her words before taking a long drag, "We are taking some time apart while I am coming to a decision about important matters in our relationship."

She looked at me with her innocent smile and eyes which made it hard for me not to pinch her cheeks, yes she was a teenager but she was so adorable and innocent. At this point I had already taken her as a little sister which is why we spent so much time together, it was another reason she didn't leave.

When that time came around she came to talk to me but when she heard my opinion she ended up staying, it was the time that I saw her as my little sister. If I was honest I was closer to her then I was to Debby, well mainly cause Debby was way more mature and knowledgeable than her.

"Well what is so hard to decide?" She asked.

"Her and the other girl Katie want me to decide between them, I only have today to decide. Well more like I need to choose within the next couple of hours." I said then taking another drag, I offered her some and she actually took it taking a drag out of it.

She held it a moment then started to cough with a cute pink hue on her cheeks from coughing, she took at least one drag each time I smoked around her but never more than that. "Well then who are you going to choose?" she asked knowing that I would tell her anything.

"That's easy it is going to be....."

Later that night.....

I was standing at the botanical gardens, the manager owed me a favor so he left it open later for me to choose. Currently I was waiting on Katie to show up she was on her way, over the phone she sounded excited even when I didn't tell her and answer yet.

After ten minutes of waiting she showed up, she was wearing a beautiful white sun dress, when she saw me she skipped over with a giant smile on her face. When she got closer she wrapped her arms around me neck, she leaned in and smiled giving me a long kiss.

"Hey there stud, so what are we doing here. If you were choosing me you should have just come by the house, my mom wanted to see you anyways." She said while swinging my arm looking up at me with her wide eyes, the green was sparkling with the hint of mist in them.

I smiled down at her, "Katie..." Hearing my tone of voice she suddenly let go and looked at me with tears pooling in her eyes.

"Don't say it...." she pleaded suddenly rushing into my arms and burying her head into my chest.

I couldn't do that though since I made a promise to them both, "Katie, you are a great girl. Trust me if there was no other girls in my life if things were different then I wouldn't be doing this, you are the perfect girl just not the perfect one for me."

"Please don't say that!! What have I done to let you think I am not perfect for you?!?! I have always been there." She asked her tears were flowing at the moment.

"I asked myself that same thing and do you want to know what I realized.... Absolutely nothing but that is what makes this hurt me more than you. I want you to be the one, do you know how many times over the past year I have told myself that I love you and that you are the one for me?!!?" I pulled my hair looking at her my own voice choking up some, "Trust me when I say this I tried! But then I realized that we aren't meant to be."

"Why because I am not some southside trash!....." she froze after shouting those words out looking at me in horror. I pulled back with my eyes wide hearing that, "No Malcolm, I didn't mean that." she tried to reach for me but I moved away from her touch.

"Wow I can't believe you just said that. You can say you didn't mean it all you want but those are your real thoughts..... the only time someone speaks the truth is either when under the influence or they are extremely mad." I said looking at her in a whole new light, "Look I wanted to do this in a peaceful manner with hopefully none of this but how about we just end this here then."

Not giving her time to speak I walked around her even shrugging her off when she reached out pulling on my shirt, no matter what after that I couldn't be with a girl who thought that. I knew she wasn't speaking about Savannah when she said that but was actually talking about me, when I was with her I felt more like a trophy than anything.

Though that might not seem fair since she was showing her true feelings towards me that didn't mean that it made what she said any better. When I walked outside I caught Shane standing there with a wide smile, though it dropped the moment he saw me walk out alone with a blank face.

"She is inside, there is only ten minutes left before the manager closes the place you might want to get her...... Goodbye Shane." I left without hearing from him instead I focused on going home, there was still one more person I needed to see tonight.

Thirty minutes later I pulled up to my house, I was going over to Savannah's after changing the pollen on my shirt was making my allergies act up, didn't even know I had those. (Yeah allergies not the act that I just dropped a good girl.)

When I was checking my shirt I didn't notice Savannah standing on the stairs looking at me, it wasn't until I was at the bottom that I saw her standing there staring. "What...." I didn't get to finish since she interrupted me.

"No shut up! You don't get to text me and tell me that you will meet me later at my place when you have been out with her!" She was fuming mad, "Don't you dare try and break-up with me face to face, you should have just sent a text if you were just going to break up with me for her. I don't need you trying to come over and explain to spare my feelings!"

Half-way through she started to cry but being the tough girl she was she didn't wipe them and stood there glaring at me, my family was watching from the window. "And how did you know where I was?!" I sent them a glare making them close the curtain.

"You family dumba**! Now go on and do it, end this so I can leave here." Her tears were still going but she was looking at me with determined eyes.

I looked at her sigh, walking to stand in front of her I did what she wasn't expecting and kissed her. I knew what she thought that since I was there with Katie that I chose her but that was just to give Katie a happy memory, but it went downhill fast.

"You silly girl," I kissed her making her eyes wide when she realized what I was doing, "How could I choose her over you? Did you really think that the girl who I love wouldn't be you?? There was no way that I could choose someone else over you, no matter what happened you were going to be the one I chose in the end."

She was frozen on the spot probably because I said I love her, "Katie has nothing on you, other than bein a spoiled rich girl she has nothing else. Why would I spend so much time with you if I was going to choose her, it should have been painfully obvious that it would be you. The moment you made me choose then you were already the girl, I didn't need the summer the only reason I took it was because I was being selfish."

"So what do you say princess do you love me back?" I smiled at her.

Instead of the response I was expecting she slapped me and growled out, "What the hell is your problem if you are going to choose a girl you should have taken her to the botanical gardens. Why the hell would you choose to do it at the least romantic spot in front of our houses!!!"

I couldn't help it but laugh I was laughing so hard I leaned into her resting my head on her shoulder while I did it, "True, I might be smart but when it comes to romantic things I am stupid."

"Damn right you are. And to answer you question, yes I love you too." She smiled and kissed me hard almost making us fall down the stairs, we could hear the cheering from my family from inside.

Pulling back I smiled at her, "Want to know a secret?"


"You could have asked Ethel she already knew my answer." I said while smiling at her surprised expression.

"Asshole!" she growled out. We didn't go inside though instead we went back to my jeep, she made me get us a suite for the night where we didn't spend much time sleeping. I booked the room for two nights since we didn't spend the night sleeping much but having sex and cuddling.

I can feel You all around me

Thickening the air I'm breathing

Holding on to what I'm feeling

Savoring this heart that's healing

My hands float up above me

And You whisper, You love me

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts