
Traveling Further South

After talking all afternoon, the villagers were informed about the situation by Munakata. It took them until the next morning to gather their things and finish taking a look at their homes one last time before departing the villages with carts full of people and personal belongings.

Since then, it's been 4 days. It was fairly late in the morning and a group of around 20 or so people were walking down a dirt trail, 6 people were driving carts pulled by horses filled with many different things.

In some carts were children and women enjoying the peaceful greenery of the forest, while some carts had what seemed to be personal belongings and other things.

At the head of this group was a tanned young man with white hair wearing futuristic body armor that surprisingly allowed a fairly long tail to poke out the back. He was looking around every few minutes but decided to relax his guard a bit as he walked over a small hill and saw the endless ocean in the distance.

"Almost there now..." he said in his mind as he walked talked to the head cart driver to keep going forward.

This young man was Kameron and as he walked towards the middle of the convoy he met up with Mikito and Anna as they sat in a cart and relaxed.

Anna was leaning on Mikoto's arm as Kameron poked his head into the back of the cart as it was pulled along by horses.

"We are almost to the new village, how are you both doing? It's been a hard couple of days adjusting I assume" he said as Mikoto and Anna both looked at him.

Anna spoke first as she looked through a red marble that she pulled out from her pocket. "It is tough but this place is pretty." She said as she looked around at the different things in the cart another time before lowering the marble. "It's nice here."

"It's more peaceful... but our world is our world. Adjusting to a new one will not be a quick thing. Go talk to Munakata and I'll keep watching everyone in this area with those guards outside." Mikoto said as he closed his eyes and rested the back of his head against the cart's cloth walls.

"I'll go talk with Munakata then!" Kameron said as he smiled at Anna and went to the back of the convoy to find Munakata. Unsurprisingly, he found Munakata in normal villager clothing as he walked along the back of the convoy with the other villagers. The only thing setting him apart was his frameless glasses and gold-hilted saber.

"Munakata we are almost there, how are you feeling adjusting to life on this planet?" Kameron asked as he began walking next to Munakata.

"I'm doing fine right now, though the difference in technology is pretty hard to get over, I should be fine soon. Don't worry Kameron, you brought us here to help you so we will do our best to accomplish that." He said as he kept walking slowly behind the last cart while looking at the forest.

"I see..." Kameron said as he walked back to the front of the convoy.

20 minutes later, the people in the convoy were finally able to see the ocean in the distance. Right beside the ocean, seemingly a couple of miles from it looked like a small village in a circle-type formation. Surrounding it was a little stone wall, lining the outside.

Leo, the village head, was driving the first cart filled with women, a few elders, and children. " Young hero, that is Lumen Village. The village is near the ocean as you can see. They have a few hundred people living there, similar to what we had before the attack" he said as he smiled seeing the nice picture carved into his mind of a peaceful village near a vast ocean.

"It's such a nice location, we haven't seen many soldiers this far south and the only problem is that the beasts in the forest have overpopulated and their numbers swelled to triple what they were around 20 years ago," Leo said as they continue onto the village.

After some time they arrived at the entrance of the village. The villagers were happy that the traveling was over and after meeting with the head of Lumia village, Kiro, they were all accepted there and given homes to live in while some had to take up homes with families already there.

A few hours after making it to the village, around a table within the village head's home, stood, Kameron, his summons, Leo, and Kiro.

"Are you sure you want to help us develop into a town?" Kiro asked as he stroked his short-length beard in contemplation. Kiro was a cat person around 5'4. His ears and tail were visible as he contemplated the offer.

"Yes, I want to help you develop your village into a town that can have more trade and residents. I have a few ways to make it stand out here but right now we aren't strong enough to take advantage of them." Kameron said.

"Ohh? What might that be?"

"I can't say yet since it is better to keep it a secret for now, anyways tell me your problem again?"

"Ahh! Well you see, these forest beasts are eating my livestock often and while we can trade for some food occasionally, we won't last much longer at the current rate of their weekly thefts. So, could you help us deal with them?" Kiro asked as he bowed his head slightly.

Looking to his right at Munakata, Kameron asked him a simple question. "Would you like to help train the warriors in some swordplay? I believe you, who was the leader of Scepter 4, would be able to do that."

"I can do that, but if I find some bright ones I will accept new clansman, I don't think you'll have a problem doing that right?" He asked after agreeing to the offer.

"I will also find some of the more troubled youths to become my clansman. Don't worry, we don't cause you much trouble or fight with Munakata's people." Mikoto said after Munakata finished speaking.

"I have no problem with you both doing that, but I would like you both to work together when needed," Kameron said as he looked back to Kiro.

"We will handle the beasts! Don't worry, we three will be able to take on whatever is in the forest. In return, could you tell some of your most trusted about the things I have told you?" Kameron asked as he held out his hand towards Kiro.

Taking the young man's hand, Kiro felt a flood of information about farming enter his mind. He instantly knew and understood everything about crop rotation and also knew that what he had just learned would give them more food a lot faster." As he blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he heard a light laugh from Kameron, who was holding his head.

"I just gave you my understanding of some new farming techniques. Please use them to increase the farming production for our new and future residents. Do not worry, that information won't harm us too much if it is leaked. Let's try to keep it in the village though ok?" Kameron said as he waved his hand and left Kiro's home with Munakata, Anna, Mikoto, and Leo.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Munakata asked with a smile.

"It's fine, though I gave him my understanding of crop rotation, he has only heard of the other things I have learned and mastered. Unless he has the sources of the information then he won't be able to accomplish much without my assistance. We will use the crop rotation knowledge as a test to see if he is trustworthy." Kameron said as he looked over the wall and stared at the ocean.

"We will have to develop quickly. We don't need to get this place to the standard of living in your world but getting close would be better than it is now." He said as he walked off to the town's baker.


During the trip to Lumia, the convoy was attacked by beasts many times and a few lives were lost, but with Munakata and Mikito assisting Kameron they were able to repel the attacks. Gaining some food from the corpses and materials for trading and selling.

Kameron had also taken the time, when they had stopped to camp for the night, to read all of the books he had obtained from the recent gacha. After that he kept most of the books within his inventory, only sharing the cooking 101 books with a few of the people who cooked for everyone every time they stopped traveling.

After reading that story they were delighted to try a few things but were unable to due to the lack of ingredients. Yet even with the lack of ingredients, they were able to improve their cooking to a slightly higher level.

This was only the beginning. Next, Kameron had to clear the forest overpopulation problem and get stronger.

(AN: Join the discord! https://discord.gg/NfJGxrzW)

I realized trying to write 2k words a chapter for 2 chapters a day isn’t good for me yet. So if anything I’ll do 1-1.5k words a chapter since I don’t want to linger on things too long for word count.

This story is for fun so I’ll have fun with it on my free time. Thanks to those who are sticking with the novel thus far.

AstralGodZerocreators' thoughts