
MYS 49 Singing competition 

MYS 49



I was standing in front of the stage, about a hundred people were standing watching on the field, either the football field or the basketball court. They are the same because the two fields are close to each other. 


There were too many people that I couldn't recognize them all. Plus the sky is too bright and the sun is blinding the eyes. Forcing one of my hands to move above my head to cover my eyes. 


  Before I act, I take a deep breath. Fills the lungs with oxygen. Get ready to face the reality if the audience doesn't like my voice which is not very good. 




I looked at Andi with his guitar. Andi immediately nodded, a sign that he was ready with his rhythm. It's my turn to be confident in my voice. 



Sworo angin-Suara angin 

  Angin sing ngreridu ati- The wind that seduces the heart 
