
The Search Begins


Suddenly, a burning sensation emanates from my chest. This same pain that has been bothering me lately. I feel like a white hot iron rod is being pierced through my chest a thousand times. I cover my mouth as I cough, only to find it covered in blood. 

I have overdone myself again. This is happening way to often these days. But why? The high priestess did this seal herself, it should be among the most powerful wielding possible. Why is it disintegrating so easily?

I close my eyes again, entering my inner realm. 

As always, the dome that entraps most of my wielding ability is in turmoil. The dome is already covered with branches from the tree planted within me by the hasrs , which was supposed to keep the dome intact. But still, I see new cracks appearing. How bothersome this is becoming. Is it because I am continuously performing wielding these days?
