
The battle begins

"I see.. then I will do what I can" Storm replied as she began levitating

Lightning crackled around her hands as her entire body was soon coated entirely in lightning and the sky darkened. Rain began to fall and soon a small cloud cyclone formed directly above the pyramid.

"Break!" Storm shouted as a massive lightning bolt struck the shield and immediately deactivated it

As soon as the Lightning bolt touched the Electromagnetic field, the entire thing immediately began melting off the pyramid. The field should normally be invisible to the naked eye but Richard could see it as clear as day due to a few enhancements done to his eyes.

"Jean, Storm and you with the intangibility powers follow me, the rest keep his army away from the pyramid" Richard said while pointing at the pyramid and the number of people who were already gathering in front of it in response to their attack.

"My name is Katherine" the young girl replied

"Well then you three follow me, your powers would have the most effect on him" Richard said

"On me!!" Logan shouted as he immediately began running towards the small army stopping them

The others immediately joined him as they all began running towards the army, they knew they wouldn't win since they were outnumbered but their goal wasn't to win. It was to waste as much time as possible, allowing Richard to get the main job done.

"Lets go, Queen" Richard called out as a door-like portal appeared

He may have all the processing power in the world and centuries worth of magical knowledge but he still needed to sort them out and create better versions of these spells. The only teleportation spell he knew required blood ritual and it was made to grant the user the ability to transport from one realm to another, he hadn't created a lesser and more economic version of it so her had to resort to his advanced technology for portals.

"What are we to do" Jean asked

"You're the only telepath I know stronger than both Xavier and En Sabah Nur combine, Miss Monroe here can generate lightning bolts powerful enough to vaporize a living being and Miss Katherine here can get us into places we may not have access to"

"Then what about you?"

"Its simple, I am here to direct you guys and also get the main reason why I am helping you guys this much" Richard said without even flinching.

On the other side of the portal was an empty space…. well it seemed to be a hallway leading to somewhere but it was uselessly big. Richard entered the portal with his palms raised up and pointed outwards ready to send any one on the other side flying.

[Activating drones] Queen said as Richard raised his hand and several tiny devices detached themselves from him and flew high into the air

The drones flew away scanning for any guards and for the correct path to where En Sabah Nur was. Meanwhile Richard and his group followed behind cautiously for any of the drones to find the main area.

Several minutes later, Richard tapped into the feed of one of the drones and was met with a huge room that only contained two altars. En Sabah Nur could be seen standing between the two altars and Xavier could be found on the second alter completely unconscious but alive.

Surrounding the two were four weirdly dressed people. They all wore armor that reminded Richard of a cyberpunk future, the only one he recognized with just a glance was the being with large metallic wings who was floating a few feet off the floor.

"Is that Warren?" Storm asked surprised by his appearance

"What happened to him?… Last I saw him, one of his wings were broken right?" Jean added

"I see he already gathered his horsemen" Richard muttered as a frown formed on his face

"The enemy is upon us, my horsemen, Go join the the riders and defend me" He said to his horsemen who all bowed and immediately left his side through some means or the other

"So what are we waiting for, they're gone now" Katy said

"for him to sleep" Richard responded making the girls look at him weird


"He wants to transfer his consciousness into Xavier and in the process of doing that, he will be vulnerable to the point of not even registering reality" Richard explained

