
Chapter 14: 6 years of training and discussion about fiancé’s

(One chap since I have a tournament today wish me luck guys.)






[system is currently under maintenance please re activate in ??? remnant hours]

Walking through the lush green forest Scáthach, Jalter and Raven walked unhazardly though Raven is usually the perfect picture of caution the forest made by their ancestor kicked out non traitor blood relatives. Traitors entail people who serve under anyone but the current tribe head.

Raven turned back towards the adorable duo behind her and released a slight smile. Scáthach seeing her mothers smile felt a shiver run down her spine, for some strange reason she felt the need to change her mothers focus. "So mother what happens now I know I'm our ancestors successor but what does this entail precisely?"

Raven as if a shock ran through her body 'lightly' jumped 5 feet in the air before returning to the ground. "Did Satanta not tell you?"

Scáthach and Jalter remained silent. However Jalter was thinking 'if it's Satanta it can't be good his luck makes anything he does go horribly wrong... Lady Luck save my ass'

(*jesus thumbs up image*)

Raven cleared her throat "well kid hmmm, when a man and a woman are very very horny and or drunk..." (A/N my gramps words not mine gotta love him)

Jalter yelled red faced "SHUT UP AND GET ON WITH IT!!!"

Raven smirked at her seemingly new in laws tsundere tendencies. "Yes yes I was getting to it. Anyway after almost everyone else betrayed the great Satanta four tribes remained loyal to the Branwen tribe and still remain loyal to this day" she took a deep breath as if trying to forget something.

"These four tribes are the Souji tribe known for their terrifying swordsmanship techniques and their inherited semblance known as [purgatory blade] it can quite literally cut through anything. Their chiefs tend struggle to understand emotions though.

The second tribe likes to fancy themselves as nobility and are sometimes in my opinion arrogant Bastards to anyone who isn't a Branwen they are the Pendragon tribe who instead of using katana they use what they call 'knight swords.' their leader has a sword passed down generation to generation much like your Gae Bolg that works with their semblance theirs is called [excalibur morgan] they are also known for their strategic genius and allegedly their temper.

After them is the twin sister of the pendragon founders tribe the Le Fay tribe it's incredibly small and reclusive compared to the other 3 but their special semblance allows them to use something called runic magic and according to the legends after marriage with their chief they can also teach it to their spouse. Despite being consider highly devious and back stabbers to anyone other than than the Branwen they are decent folks unless you somehow piss them off.

Now finally we we have a tribe consisting almost entirely of reptilian Faunus known as the 'Medusa' tribe. They mainly specialise in stealth, assassination, poisoning and the like. Their leader just like the other two have. Theirs is called [medusa eye] anyone who looks directly at it will turn to stones within seconds a fearsome ability I once had the displeasure of experiencing. as a side affect they for some reason reach maturity faster though it doesn't decrease their lifespan.

And just as a bonus I'll explain our tribe we are more of a jack of all trades kind of tribe and e don't specialise in anything we each have our own talents. Now onto what happens now you see those three tribes are Matriarchal tribes eg the women rule their tribes not the men unless no female heir is present. You see Satanta decided it would be a 'WONDERFUL' idea to get his inheritor something his wife would would never let him have something he called a 'harem'? I think he called it though he told his wife it was to 'unite the tribes and make them all stronger' what a man... *cough* anyway you now have 4 Fiancé's even though your female there are many ways to get around that the ale Fay family even made a device to fuse two peoples DNA into a fertile woman since they always prepare for the worst... devious little cun..... ANYWAY each of the


'Hold up'

'I'm now officially engaged to 4 women I don't know plus Jalter HOLY SHIT! No no calm down Scáthach don't think with your ovaries... so we have Le Fay, Medusa, souji and pendragon. Each famous historical characters figures.... almighty alaya i owe you one.


(A/N Melancholy: hey angra-chan can I borrow some of your 'alt heroes and villains'?

Angra Mainyu: hmm oh Melancholy-sama sure you can though may I ask why though you usually just make yourself a servant to mess with archer and Emiya?

Melancholy's: hahaha good times. yup I'm planning on getting a friend of mine a harem hahaha full of villains and Anti-heroes hahaha

Angra Mainyu: hahaha sounds fun girl mind if I watch with ya?

Melancholy: sure I'll get the popcorn and whores *shotgun loading* sorry gluttony (GF) says no but I'll still get popcorn.

Angry Mainyu: awesome BTW could you send her to me for a bit after she's done in remnant I want to borrow her for a bit.

Melancholy: sure got no other plans just make sure to have her massacre Shiro and Archer.

Angra Mainyu: done and done.)



'So let's re analyse my ancestor Satanta was whipped by Francis Drake haha poor Bastard. And he managed to create me a harem god knows how long before I was even born with the apparently 4 largest tribes in anima! WTF dude I'm not sad or mad but seriously I'm a one on one lover!






Pfft enough of that beta was bullshit of course I want a harem who the hell doesn't. Luckily Satanta didn't make them guys or id have to kill them all somehow... but as good as this all is it could bring many problems. From what I already know the officials are already antsy about tribes in anima and if the 5 strongest become one big ass tribe then the officials will be forced into action... I must discuss this with mother later it seems..."

Raven looked at me with a strangely and unfamiliarly mischievous smile. "Hehe anyway since you are only six I've now decided it's time for a training monta#%>#




It's time for a training trip though at the tribe people currently respect you that's mainly because you grew up with them and your growth speed. However you will have no such privileges with the four tribes I've already scrolled them a bit ago and they said they shall eagerly await your return. We've got six years, six years to make a warrior, six years to make a leader, six years to make the empress of all bandits are you prepared!?!" She half chanted half yelled.

Standin at attention I yelled back "yes!"

She smirked before answering "good now your first lesson will be something I hate so very Fucking much etiquette and charismatic talking... let project: hell zone begin.

[quest received: survive

Objective: survive these 6 years sane

Reward: [impenetrable mind (level max)] hint: if you survive her training sane you've probably already got it haha, [chiefs charisma], charisma stat unlocked.


.... shit


Here comes her training/ journey mini arc
