
Can You See It?

How well is it hidden for you not to see the thing that is watching?

Are your eyes fast enough, to see the little being in the darkness?

Even if you see it, don't call for it. Stay away from it even if you hear a little girl's voice calling for you.

"Help me, help me. Please help me." -She would cry for help, so that strangers would hear.

And if you don't go to help that 'little girl' , the little girl will change her voice and become furious.

"I know that you are here. I know that you are listening. Where are you? Come to me." -The demonic voice says.

"Why are you standing there, all alone in the dark? Come to me!" -The voice changes just like weather.

Next day it will wait for you, with the same thing, but with a different voice.

Don't be curious.

Don't wander off by yourself. There's nothing to see, and there's nothing to hear.

Go the way you wanted to go, and never stop to see or hear something.

It will stay there, on every dark corner in the alley.

The corners of the alley where you think that you would get lost if you ever take a step that way.

Actually your mind will be going that way even if your body wants to go home.

You will hear a nice singing voice. A beautiful, but yet sad voice you have never heard before.

"Please don't leave me." -A girl would cry.

"Don't go without me." -A girl would sob in the distance.

After all the crying, she would start to order you around.

"Take me with you." -She commanded.

Always say:


"I don't want to.", and


If you ever accept her commands or sobs, that's just one way of getting closer to you.

And when she gets closer to your heart and mind, you will never go back how you used to be.

Sometimes you would see a little girl waving at you and showing you the way to come to her.

"I am lost, please help me."

"Come here, let's play a game. Please find me."

"I am waiting, please come and get me."

She might be sad, but that is not a she.

He might be sad, but that is not a he.

You value your life, so don't try to help it.

Because it will not help you, when you will be screaming.

No one will hear you when you will be needing the help of others.

Nor you will be hear others when they will be needing the help from you.

"I know that you can hear me, because I can see you. Don't try to turn your head, I will be watching you..."

-"No, I cannot hear you. Goodbye." -Is what you should say and go your way.

It can watch you, but you just cannot see it that well.

It can speak to you when sleep, but you will forget the dreams you have every morning you woke up.

It will stay with you, until you finally say goodbye.

If you don't say anything, it will stay with you forever until your whole being is consumed.

"Ke,ke,ke here you are again. Will you join me this time?"

"Where are you going, please help me!"

"Come over here, come to me I am lonely."

"Let's be friends."

Just say no, and it will go.

Don't say yes, beacuse it will stay.

You might feel happiness if you join, but pain will be even worse after some moments.

Don't go out in the nigth, if you don't know what to do.

But even so...

Can you see it...

...There...In the darkness?
