
Tension Brewing

Myorka and Spade retreated to their own private spot out in the woods without even trying to participate in the preparations of the feast. Serenica allowed them their moment. They would be likely to want to join the negotiations later, and the healer had a lot of things to do.

She did not even dare to look at the queen mother – she was afraid of blowing their cover. The woman, though, she kept a facade of absolute submission towards her ever so sour husband, and when the Maroon King looked away, she looked at the healer with grim determination in her eyes.

Serenica did the only thing she could think of.

She nodded.

It was finalized right there, the decision had been made. She would take the secrets of the ferryman once he would come again and help the queen mother do the impossible. Kinley would rise again, with her evil will intact, and she would rain fire and brimstone on the man who had so disgraced her.
