
Chapter 9 Ravines_2

It could be said that Miss Catherine Navarre was now surviving entirely on the milk candies and biscuits she had brought from Sea Blue.

Although Anna also ate very little, she would always gently embrace her younger sister and earnestly comfort her, "Mrs. Mitchell has been very kind and generous already. They are living a hard life now. As a cultured lady, you should be more understanding."

In truth, Lady Big Navarre was also struggling to adapt, but it was in her nature not to complain and to always bear her burdens in silence.

Moreover, since Catherine had already shown her immaturity, Anna naturally fell into the role of "the more mature elder sister."

Catherine grabbed her sister's hand and cooed, "I'm not complaining about Mrs. Mitchell, she is very nice, and there are few ladies in Sea Blue with her grace. But... you know, I just can't swallow it."

"Just endure it a little longer," Anna replied.
