
Weird World I

[Reincarnation in process ...

Processing ...

[Gift] has been opened. [Hatred trait] obtained.

[Hatred trait] - Your soul, after committing hundreds of sins, has turned into a perfect place for Hate trait. Obtaining it changes your abilities to their hate version-


Other traits detected. Changes [Gift] ...

[Partial Hate (Dominant trait)] - Though weakened because of other traits, it's real power still exists.

Grants host an unnatural regeneration, partial immortality as well as the ability to feed on others hate.

Changes host's abilities to partial hate version, side-theme of attacks varies because of other traits.

Seeking suitable body ... body has been found.

Finalizing the abilities used on the world ... apply might be delayed. [Major Evil forces empowerment] bigger than both [Justice force minor empowerment] and [Small Bravery empowerment]. Calculating ... Erasing both [Justice forces minor empowerment] and [Small bravery empowerment], but in turn weakening [Major Evil forces empowerment] from '300%' to '175%'.

Final Judgment occurs ...

Individual approved by À̴͎̝͔̀T̴̟̦̫͊̕r̸͍͕͐̀̈́ǘ̸̡͎͚͆e̴̫͖͔͒͝W̸̢̻̓͛͆á̸̪͓̓̕i̸̡̺͖͒̈́f̸͉͚̺̒̕ù̸̡̦̻͆̚, however, a transmigration process will occur in place of reincarnation and destination is being changed. Creating AU ... world found.

Proceeds to final phase ...

Transmigration starts in 3 ...

2 ...

1 ...]


Waking up, I felt myself lying on the floor. My head ached to a fucking oblivion, making it nearly impossible to focus on one thing.

I stood up, placing a hand on my head trying to somehow ease the pain. I jerked back, startled.

What startled me, was the size of my hand. It was nowhere near my hands size, meaning, it isn't mine. I opened my eyes, looking at my hand. It was small, the size of the child's.

I looked at the rest of my body. I seem to wear rags, nothing fitting of child. It was thin, signs of malnourishment present. Room around me also wasn't the greatest one, water dripping from the ceiling on the floor beside me.

In this moment, a second wave of pain assaulted me, making me whimper. I knew that pain already, once again is it ? At least, now I am not worried. [Crimson Core], when it first manifested itself, it caused similar amounts of pain inside my chest.

However, this pain differed. Instead of filling pain just in my chest area, it instead was resonating throughout my whole body, in much higher pain than the familiar one.

I had no choice but to sit down, biting on my own rag to somehow ease the pain down, and wait.

Few minutes later, it seemed to start easing down, making me able to sit down properly.

I started looking around the room once more, noticing more. It was a simple room, the one you can see in normal flats.

Two doors were present, one probably leading to bathroom and other, outside the apartment. Walls were grey, you could even spot a darker and lighter spots, signifying a careless work.

I stood up, still slightly shaky from the pain. Opening doors to the bathroom, I entered in. Inside, it was something of a living hell. A toilet in the corner, a bathtubs, a simple sink and a mirror above it. What was creepy was the mess that it was in.

Fungus was present on upper corners of the wall, as well as beneath a poorly placed bathtub. Toilet looked like no one was cleaning it for ... a considerably long time.

I looked towards the mirror. I was too short to reach it, making me wonder. How will I bully anyone that I don't like now ? I was quite tall, 6ft being very tall for a woman. And now ? I am a fucking dwarf.

I looked around for something to stand on, finding a little chair for kids to climb up to a bathtub.

I climbed on it, now fully visible in somehow foggy mirror.

I seemed to have a neck length hair, starting brown and slowly transformed into black. My eyes being blue, on the verge of becoming black. My face was that of a child, probably 7 or 8 years old, I wouldn't give more. *Sigh* what a confusing situation I am in.

I decided to go back to the salon, or whatever people call this room. What I see now, is a pool of blood present on the ground that I was on, with bloody knife on the side. I see now.

I am inside the body of a kid that tried killing herself, for whatever reason there is. It would be bad if someone came back and stumbled upon me, alive, and a huge pool of a blood in the middle of the room.

I tried using the Crimson Core (CC). I had a convenient trick to get rid of stains.

"[Crimson Breeze]"

I chanted, however a different thing occurred. Instead of normal breeze that would follow, a strong gust of dark-red wind was released, blasting away without leaving a single drop of blood, all while making its closest surroundings a mess. I was very much startled.

I trained my control to its maximum in my earlier life, but something seemed to change in the core. Crimson color was no longer present, replaced by the dark and sinister type of energy. This was puzzling. Was this the things that this robotic voice was talking about in this dream of mine ?

I don't really know ...

I cleaned up a little, making sure that no sign of usage of my 'breeze' was left behind.

I decided to also search through the apartment, seeking any clues on what to do. Or something to eat.

Kitchen was very much empty, only flies and other insects being present. I wasn't scared of them, they are nothing in comparison to Pest-class. That doesn't mean I didn't blast the around. After getting gist of how strong this power is, I was able to somehow control the output. However, there still was a problem. All of my known moves had a 'Crimson' in it because of their color, so I suppose that I need to change that know. Great, just great.

In the bathroom, I found soap. Maybe I should eat it and just die.

There was nothing really aside of that. I looked towards the clock on the wall, that surprisingly, was in quite good state, even if it seemed like it stood here for about a decade.

It was pointing currently at 3, meaning that it was 3am or 3pm. Fortunately for me, this apartment had windows that I could look through. Although obstructed by heavy curtains, with a simple sweep of hand I was able to force them aside, without any trouble.

Outside didn't seem any better than the outside of this room, probably requiring some maintenance.

It made me reminiscent on slums district, really reminding of vague memories that I had there. Sun was high in the sky, confirming an hour being 3pm.

Having nothing to do, I sat down and opened the laptop that was situated on the table.

Fortunately, no matter how ancient this apartment is, I was able to access the internet.

I went into the google search history, featuring;

-How to not be quirkles ?

-Fastest methods of killing one self.

-How to get the quirk ?

The middle one was understandable, but what made me curious is the one on the top and the last one.

As such, I typed 'Quirks' in the search and I was greeted by huge amount of sites.

I opened the most popular one and as one would expect, I got a full explanation of 'Quirk phenomena'.

Basically, it is something similar to abilities back in my world, less powerful though. Some years ago, a kid started shining and from then on, people started getting powers now called quirks.

There are two professions associated directly with quirks, heroes and villains.

Smells like some D-grade movie. What both of them do is probably very self explanatory, I don't feel like commenting on that.

But I will still do it. lol

Okay then, heroes. This guys are apparently a really strong guys that fight off 'bad people' and maintain order. How they look like ? Differently, but they closely resemble a typical hero dressed in spandex. Individuals like these are just weird. Like, why would you want to fight in some skintight suit, even more so showcasing your power to the whole world.

Only ones having privilege to see me in action were the ones that I rescued, ones that I captured and my team. Meanwhile, heroes are broadcasted live. What is stopping people from just noting the details of their power and weaknesses ? Stupid.

And then, we have villains ! They are mostly showcased as big and brute man going around and harming people. Then what follows is a clip of them getting put down by the hero, showing no sign of resistance while the hero is doing their blabbering around about how 'Justice has finally reached you !' or 'You won't escape from the law !' or other shit like that. Yeah, it was that bad.

I decided to look into other things like geography of this world, political maps and common knowledge. From what I can tell from this fuzzy memories in my head, this girl was basically a parasite, feeding off her parent. There is this gloomy atmosphere, let's talk about this girls life.

A normal kid. Well, not normal. Remember ability I spoke off ? The one that is necessary to become a hero ? Yeah ? Well, she doesn't have any. Her father abandoned her shortly after and the only reason she survived was because of her mother, working quite hard to keep both of them. But it was quite obvious that because of that, she neglects her coward of a daughter. And because for that, this girl intended to kill herself.

I mean, she would do her quite good. With the audacity of this girl, she disturbed any sleep her mother has and then forced her to play.

What a fucking monster.

Welp, at least she killed herself. I will try to change things from now on.

I typed 'late bloomer' or 'late quirk awakening' and was greeted with quite few researchers publishing their statistics on this. From 100 people diagnosed as quirkles, 7 of them experienced a late bloomer thingy. As such, with my ability, I would be able to just say that I got it from nowhere.

I also dived deeper into my memory, trying to reminiscence all the things that happened.

The earlier resident of my body was bullied, quite heavily at that, making her stay home even more. Right now, is a thing called 'summer break', making her stay home the most of the time. Quite a good time actually, I could go and look around the streets.

I searched for some clothes, I was not going to just go out in rags. I found a normal white T-shirt, a little oversized but it is all good, and a brown shorts. Aside of that, I found a normal jacket, cheap one but will do. I wore a pair of worn out green snickers and made my way out.

Getting out of apartment, I closed the door behind me with help of my ability, making a key on top of my finger. Putting it into the doors, I molded it perfectly into the style of the original key, making one for myself. Going down, I clashed eyes with some drunkards on the staircase. The moment they would do something suspicious, a prophylactic [Cr- *Cough !* Dark Blast !] would be sent in their direction. Though, they didn't do a thing, just smiled kindly in my direction and toasted to me with their drinks friendly.

I was quite puzzled, but still responded with a small nod, continuing on. It wasn't an exception. It seemed to be a single case, as other people just didn't approach nor stop me. Yeah, I probably know answer to that.

That mechanical voice said something about [Blessing of Hatred], that might be the thingy helping me out. I mean, it is very useful, I am not going to complain.

I went out of the apartment building and onto the streets, looking around. The vicinity was bad, no playgrounds, only big park, present only because air would be bad if it didn't. It closely resembled slums, however not as bad as it was back in my world.

Even if it wasn't the richest place I have ever seen, it seemed good enough for normal people to live, making it even more surprising that it is in such bad state.

From my discoveries on the internet, this city is not one of its kind, meaning that quite good part of the cities in this country is in similar state. Is it because of villains ? Sources say that yes, but I have other theory. It is not because of villains, it is because of this greedy pricks up in the rule.

Back in my world, there was a similar problem. Many venture hunters were sponsored by the Imperial family, making them their royal guards. They were overusing their authority, overworking people even more, lessening pay wages and things like that. Venture hunters were quite quick to respond to that however. As much as we didn't have any intention of ruling or things like that, all of us wouldn't allow such a thing. From 10 adamantine ability users, 9 were supporting forcing of royal family to go back to their earlier laws. Including me of course. I had some bad blood between me and royal family, mainly concerning Frisk, but that is a story for another time.

I decided to go back, no good would come out from just walking around. I needed to learn how much of a boost to my power did I get.

Going up the staircase, I arrived before and opened the door. Getting inside, I put everything back in its place as to not give anything out. I then got for my practices.

Starting with a basic control test, just to see if it got worse, fortunately, it didn't. I was able to control small quantities of energies with ease. I then got for another test, mainly, my power output. There was an easy way of testing that.

I made a sphere on my hand and it started spinning. I put as much of my energy in it as I can, keeping it spinning. Shortly after, a little hurricane was starting to form so I canceled it and put a wall in between the middle of the hurricane, making it dissipate quite quickly.

So, now I know that I have lots of energy. Normally I would have to put half of my power to make it spin just as fast. Why ? Because a sheer power does not have a vector, meaning it can't make a thing spin by itself. It was only a sphere thing, if you overfill it with energy, it starts spinning by itself having no other way of letting the energy out.

And I didn't feel like any of my energy went missing ... which is worrying. I seem to have too much of it. What a problem. I needed a way to use it out. That was the drawback of having a core type ability like mine. Although rare, they did exist back in my world. Not on my level of strength though.

If it got too full, it would burst out. As simple as that.

As such, I decided to make a high-energy cost barrier around me. It was invisible and didn't let any projectile or physical attack through. Activating it, it felt only a little harder to maintain it, probably because of this new body of mine.

What a weird world.


As I don't feel like writing to make it seem like I am some hyperactive kid, I will make it simple.

Together with [HopelessHikikomori] ... or was it Hikkikomori ? I dunno, don't care.

So, both of us created a crossover 'Hell's duo.' Or you can simply find an undertale tag, you will find it. And no, I won't force you to go and read it right now. Instead ...

Your soul. Hand it over.


[ps: would be nice if you read it, Hiki will kill me if he sees that I don't force you to read it. Wait, if I type it in here he will also see i-]
