As long as no one dug deeper, the continuous curses of a few people were as insignificant to him as mosquito bites to him.
Nie Qixing's tense nerves also gradually relaxed.
He called Shadow and asked him to thank Nie Qingru for her help. At the same time, he told him he would pay more attention to the friends he made in the future.
Seeing that things had calmed down, Nie Qixing went to the laboratory in the afternoon as if nothing had happened. It was a disguised way of telling everyone that he was fine.
Moreover, after this scolding, he even gained tens of thousands of fans on Instagram.
Nie Qixing returned home and poured himself a glass of red wine. Looking at the number of his Instagram followers on his cell phone, he couldn't help but smile.
He was clever.
After the matter calmed down, he did not forget Zhang Yin, who was still at the police station. He used his connections to pass a message to him.