
Who Said Romance Was Dead - 4

To say Yanagi took the reveal of Irina well, was to say Hyoudou wasn't a perverted loser with a tiny penis.

Utterly fictional in other words.

It was only the fact that they still had some classes remaining after lunch, that kept the voluptuous gravity manipulating shortstack from stomping her way to his apartment.

It was one of the rare moments he was glad he went to a Japanese school. Because if this was Scotland, she wouldn't have given a shit and just blew off the afternoon classes.

That didn't stop her from demanding he explain everything he knew about Irina and everything he'd done with her.

And she wasn't happy with that either.

He spent his afternoon classes being stared at weirdly by Koneko and having invisible impacts smacking into him every few minutes.

It didn't hurt but it did keep him distracted.

If it were anyone other than Yanagi, they'd be getting a gauntlet clad touki enhanced fist smashed in their face for their shit.

Because it was her though he let it go. He kind of deserved it after all.

Either way, as soon as the bell went signifying the end of classes for the day? Yanagi wasted no time in marching over to him and grabbing him by the hand and dragging him by the hand to leave the classroom.

Koneko stood outside the class waiting for them and upon noticing him she began, "Evander I-"

"He's busy today." Yanagi shut her down hard, stunning the white haired devil girl with the upfront bluntness.

Kaito could only give her a helpless shrug as he let the short girl pull him along.

She didn't say a thing to him even when they got out of the school, frown firmly locked in place.

And Kaito wasn't really sure what to say here either. He had known after all of Yanagi's intentions and she knew that he knew. She had just been patiently waiting for him to get in the right place.

And then Irina came along. And he'd lost control of himself in the moment. Yet, despite it…

Kaito couldn't say he regretted it at all.

And he knew that wasn't fair to either of them. But he couldn't help himself. He wanted Yanagi, but he wanted Irina as well.

So he just let her drag him along.

…Until she remembered she hadn't ever been to his apartment before and had to get directions from him.

"…So this is where you live," Yanagi commented as they walked along the landing towards his apartment, her head peering from side to side, "Good to know."

"If I have my way, I'll be moving out of here soon." Kaito shrugged. Though, he had to admit there was some sentimental value in the place. It was his first ever home, his alone.

Perhaps he'd purchase it? If he wasn't wrong, these small apartments went for something like two million yen if not a bit lower. He could totally afford that now.

Hmm, that wasn't a bad idea actually. The rent for his apartment, paid for by his sponsors was roughly forty thousand yen a month. He could buy it and rent it out.

It would take a few years but then the apartment would start getting him a net gain and he would still own the property which he could then sell later if needed.

Perhaps part of his future lay in becoming a property owning business tycoon and-

"Stop stalling!" Yanagi broke him from his thoughts, and it was then he realised he'd unconsciously led her to his apartment door and stopped out front of it, "It's not like I'm gonna smoosh her into paste by increasing the gravity over her body a hundred times over in every direction."


"You can do that?" he gaped at her. Like, just increasing normal gravity from above by one hundred times was something else but…every direction?

"Yup, drains me a lot and it's the max I can do right now, but I can totally do that," Yanagi gave him a toothy smirk, "You should remember that next time you make me mad."

…That would be amazing for training. He'd need to build up to something that crazy though.

"I'll be sure to remember." he replied as he reached into his pocket for his keys.

To be honest, he wasn't really worried about Irina getting into trouble here, even with that. Gravity Jail or not, Irina was very strong and very fast. And now she had a sacred gear that took it to the next level.

And he really doubted Yanagi would actually try to squash someone like Irina just over something like this. She might have been mad right now and a total troll at times, but she was a kind girl.

Oh well, best to get this over with.

He slotted the key into the door and turned, opening it up. when he pulled the door open, it was to reveal Irina sitting on the chair in front of the television.

Thankfully, she wasn't as skimpily clad as he had left her this morning. She had changed into a pair of track pants and…wait.

"…Is that one of your shirts?" Yanagi peeked under his arm to stare at the girl and deadpanned.

Why yes, yes it was. It was just a simple white t-shirt that looked positively massive on Irina's much smaller and sveltely built frame.

Irina turned at their voices and her purple eyes lit up upon seeing him, "Kaito-kun you're back!" she chirped excitedly, hopping up from the chair she was sitting on.

Kaito specifically did not respond to Yanagi's question as he stepped inside, "Hey Irina, how's life?" he greeted her blandly.

He forgot one thing though.

"Great, I found an anime on I haven't seen since I was a kid, it was even marathoning it was great!" Irina happily replied back, not at all sensing the mood. Her gem-like purple eyes zoomed in on the girl who entered the apartment behind him, "Oh, are you Yanagi-chan? I'm Shidou Irina, nice to meet you!"

In response Yanagi stepped passed him, leaving him to close the door and made her way over to Irina, not greeting her back. Instead, the grey haired girl was frowning as she peered at Irina and began circling her, "…Taller than me. Twin tails. Fit. Big boobs, big ass and wide hips. A natural air head….and virgin church girl," she murmured as she examined the taller girl, making Irina blink and stare at her confused, "Tch, you're really formidable. You cover over five different fetishes."

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts