
Here we go again?

"Hi.." he said.

I hold the urge to smirk. 2 minutes later, I just decided to play along and continue to act as if I knew NOTHING.

"Oh, Hey. I'm Elysia. Who the hell are you?" I frowned at the two guys standing by the door in front of me.

"Come on, don't do me like that. Please forgive me." the guy with blonde hair said with pleading eyes.

"Seriously, I don't know who you are!" my head began to hurt right now. So, I let go of the heavy mahogany front door. It stays opened because the brunette guy holds it. I can feel my expression turns to fear in seconds.

"Andrew!! Lucas!!" I yelled for my brothers. Almost immediately, I heard footsteps running down the stairs. My brothers stood there, in front of me in their matching different coloured pajamas.

"What the fuck do you think you two are doing here?!" Andrew yelled at the guys.

"I came to apologise! I am sorry.. please? Can we talk to her?" the blonde guy talked back to my brothers.

Andrew let them in but Lucas is confirmed our parents will be really mad for letting them in.

We are sitting in the library. I sat between my brothers. Luckily Kendall's still asleep.

"I don't know if she will forgive you two. She.. She can't even remember you guys!" Lucas snapped at them. Both guys looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" the brunette asked.

"Matt. Our sister had concussions, few surgeries and she lost her memories! She barely even recognized us when she came home three days ago."

So, the brunette's name is Matt. I slurped my smoothie, gaining their attention. I just smiled innocently.

"Sorry.." I said it to them.

"Elysia, y-you don't remember me? I-I'm Ryan. Ryan O'Connor. We were a couple. Remember?" Ryan looked at me. Again, with pleading eyes.

I tried to surf through my memories. But as you can guess, I can't catch up on anything. Nothing.

I just shook my head, slurping on my smoothie again.

I can hear Andrew and Lucas sighed in relief.

But why?

"S-Seriously? Elysia, I thought you were dead! At least.. that's what I thought before I saw you playing with your laptop on the balcony three days ago. I miss-"

He was cut off by my phone.

'Expecto Patronum!!' my Harry Potter themed ringtone starts to ring.

I picked it up. It was Sofia. I don't remember her, but she called and said she was my best friend. Surprised much, I also have her number. I just keep to trust her since she texted me and said she was my bestest friend when I came home.

"Gotta go. Sofia's calling." I got up and left the library.

"Hey, what's up? I missed you!"

"Um.. Hey. I guess I missed you too? Why did you called anyway?" I asked her. I don't know why, I got this feeling in my gut saying that I shouldn't trust her. Probably just me..

"Hey, can we meet? At your favourite place. Wendy's, right?"

"uh.. no. It is McDonald's."

She should've known this..

"Oh,.. yeah! I just forgot about it. Silly me. So... We'll meet in an hour or so?"

"Let me just ask my bros. Then I'll let you know."

"Okay. Bye!"

"uh.. bye."
