
ch 5. the new day brings new surprises

the next morning:

jin giggled at the side of four very tired man. they sat down for breakfast. "what happened to u boys? ugh dont tell me, i already know!" kook looked away to hide his red face. he couldnt belive that he actually did it with joon. a few times to be honest. he was exhausted and his back and butt hurt. joon just looked like a cat who found a huge bowl of milk. he relaxed and rememberd the last night.

*kook moved and was sleeptalking. joon slid his hands down on kooks back. just to asure him that he was there. kook woke up. "hm...i had a weird dream" he yawned. "what was it about?" joon whispered." that u safed me and than we had amazing sex." he yawnd again. joon chuckled. "that was exatly what happend." kook sat up. "oh..... yeah....we did it!" "so u remember everything?" "yeah... i remember every time. u ass really had no mercy!" joon laughed and pulled kook back to him, he held him tight.

"if i remember correctly, it was u, who had no mercy on me!" kook pressed his face into joons chest. *god he smells incredible* "yeah i was kind of out of my mind. sorry and thank u for helping me out" joon smiled big. "it was a plesure to help u" "oh dont sound like so pervert!" joon let a laugh out and pressed kook harder into him.

"are u hurt?" "hm... i will maybe cursing at u when im on the toilet. but now i dont think so." "pfff....i m sorry, but u commanded me to go hard!" "oh stop that! thats so embarrassing!" joon laught again. "hm. i should probably clean u a little up puppy. u are still wet and sticky here." kook shivered, when he noticed where joons hand was. "dont get near that, or we have to do it again and i am exhausted." "oooochh god, kookie. dont be so sexy, or i will jump on u right away."

kook looked up from joons chest. "dont u dare! or u have to carry me for the whole week!" joon laughed and pressed kooks head back into him. "holy shit i will go to church and thank god on my knees for having u." kook smiled. "oh yeah? than thank him for the drug too. i cant belive, that a drug would bring.....this... out of me" he sighed and moved in joons embrace to get more comfort.

"jin warned me too late. sorry babe." kook flinshed. "oh shit! jin was here! he saw us! he saw me begging for your dick like an addict! fuck!" joon couldnt hold his laghter anymore. "stop laughing! i cant even look into his eyes anymore! its too embarrassing, i could die!"

"i am sorry, im sorry! but i just rembemer his face" "oh fuck, joon!" "u know if u were a girl, u would be pregnant with triplets by now" "you are such a cocky dickhead!" "but u still love me."kook kissed joon. "yeah unfortunatly i do" joon just grinned.*

*suga woke up in pain. he grumbled and huffed trying to lay on his back. "are u okay?" suga turned to tae. "do i sound like that?" tae got up and examined sugas down area. "hey what u are doing?" suga flinshed when tae spread his legs wide.

"just looking if everything is okay down here." suga moaned and put his arm over his eyes. "all okay?" he felt taes hands all over. "yeah looks good. a little bit gross though. my juce is still coming out of u. shall i clean u up?"

suga just nodded. tae stood up and put a towel under the water. he came back and started to clean his grumpy mate very carefully. "thank u for yesterday. sorry if i was a bit rough." "dont worry. i'll make sure u will get it back" he smirked. "u are a funny fellow, when u want it."

"i wasnt joking! i will fuck you sensless the next time." "oh was i that good? i had no idea" suga slid his arm from his eyes to see if tae was joking with him. but tae had such an innocent look on his face, that suga wasnt sure. "u are killing me ya know?!"

tae smiled and layed on suga. "u are killing me too." he placed kisses on sugas face. "i didnt know that u could be so sweet and loving" suga scrunched his face. "dont tell anybody." tae nodded and kissed sugas lips. "dont get me into mood again. i am sore! i never thought u would be that huge."

tae chuckled. "i said i am sorry" "u dont have to apologize. it felt good." the boys started to talk about their lifes before they met. how suga got into the gang, how he ended up here and how things started with joon and jin.

tae told everything from his past. how his father was abusiv, his mother bailt on him and how he ended up here too. "do u think this was coincidence that we all come together here?" tae asked. "maybe" "i dont wanna think what would happened to me, if i didnt met you. i think my life would be horrible."

suga hugged him tight. "and i would still be alone with my demons. or worse." "i love u, yoongi" suga froze. it took him some moments to reply. "i think i love u too." "u think?" "thats all u get right now" "okay. i will get my love u from you very soon. just watch out" suga scoffed. "i wanna see that" tae smiled.*

jin snapped his fingers into the faces of the guys. "hello? world wide handsome to earth! you here?" the boys snapped out of their thoughts and gave him a sorry look. "what were we talking about?" joon asked embarrassed. "business" "oh yeah right. babe go back into our cell and rest for a couple more hours. i will come back soon, okay?"

"u leave me alone? why cant i come with u?" "i have work to do." kook crossed his arms annoyed. joon bowed down and gave him a fast kiss on the face. "see u later. keep tae close. kazu will watch u" and on he went. kook looked pissed. tae on the other hand was very clingy at suga. he linked his arm around sugas and held it tight.

suga looked at him annoyed. "i have to go" "why?" tae whined. "dont go" suga sighed. "stop it" he wiggeld his arm out of taes embrace. "sugaaaa" tae whined again as suga walked away with joon and jin. jin looked amused. "very clingy your little bird." suga looked at jin with hooded eyes.

"stop it right now. i am not in the mood for your mocking" "and i never thought that your bird would be so adorable after fucking with u." suga sighed. "i will punsh u!" he warned. "u have to admit that he looks so much better after your fucking, kinda like he is glowing. kook not so much though. he looks.... fucked" jin stated and looked at joon. "what the hell u did to him?"

"just what he begged me to. and a lot of times too." joon smirked. jin turned to suga. "and u always say that I'm the pervert." "oh did i hurt your feelings?" suga mocked back. jin smiled. "facinating that your boy wouldnt let u go. u must have done something very special for him to be clingy like that. i think he is head over heels for u. whats your speciality yoongi?" "none of your business, jin" suga growled.

they arrived at the meeting point. hunter and the other gangleaders were already here.

"dont u think they are babieing us?" kook sighed frustrated. tae shook his head. "they keeping us safe. now play your card!" "do u think i should get a tattoo?" tae looked up rather surprised. "huh what? a tattoo? of what?" "i dont know. i saw bernie working on one guy. he is pretty good." "u have money for it?" "i have some on the side."

"that was for emergency, you told me" "yeah. this can be an emergency too." "kook" tae sighed. his friend could be sometimes really stubborn. "you're just frustrated, thats all." kook looked annoyed again.

"kazu?" "yeah" "how much costs a tattoo from bernie?" kazu smiled. "money or other favours?" "either way" tae looked shocked at kook. kazu raised his brows. "150 or 2 blowjobs" "thanks kazu" "just dont do anything stupid jungkook! u dont want namjoon be pissed at u" "thank u for your advice" he turned back to the game. "kook, what are u doing?" tae whispered. "u wanna get a tatoo with me?" kook smiled. "i dont know"

the guys took a break from the meeting after the guard shift change. hunter came to joon. "hey. how are your birds doing. sorry for that again." "they are ok." "remind me never get jin pissed at me. u are a sick dude, ya know that?"

jin smiled. "really? i always thought i was the normal one in here." hunter just scoffed. "u cut teds dick and balls off" "oh ted was his name?" suga got into the conversation. hunter looked at him. "yeah. he bled out." suga smiled. "oh really" hunter didnt know who was scarier. the stoic namjoon, the cold suga or the always smiling jin. *fuck. i wouldnt mess in my life with these fellas*

the following weeks were pretty dull as it could be in a prison. joon, suga and jin were back into full business, kook and tae back in the kitchen. "what are u making today boys?" carrington the guard asked. "lasagne. if it works, sir" tae replied with a smile. carrington looked at the dish. "looks fine to me" tae smiled even wider, very proud of himself. "hopefully it taste good too. dont wanna cause a riot!" the guard laught and ruffeld taes hair. "dont worry! there are no culinary critics here." kook watched the encounter. after the guard strolled away, he grabed taes arm. "what are u doing tae?" "hu? what did i do?" "u were flirting with this guy" "no! i was not!" "looked like" "but i wasnt. i have suga, remember?" "just keep your distance with this one. i dont have a good feeling about him" tae nodded. "did u made an appointment with bernie?" "yes. right after our shift. are u comming with me?" tae noded. "do u want one too?" tae tilted his head. "i dont know what should i put and where." kook grinned. "somewhere only your lover will see for sure" taes face got pinkish. he giggeld. "that would be a surprise for him"

joon was finishing his recent book when kook finally arrived in the cell. he looked up. "where the hell have u been?" kook shruged his shoulders. "i had kazu and tae with me" "still. i dont want u running around" "but u can?" kook snapped back. joon raised his brows. "are u pissed at me working?" "its not fair! u make big business and i work in the kitchen! i want something else for my life." "why dont u apply for college in here?" kook looked surprised. "college?" joon noded. "yeah, u are an annyoing smartass. u could book some classes and get a degree." "i wouldnt have to work as a kitchenhelp after my release." "see."stated joon. kook smiled happily after thinking of his new found future. "i could make more money than u" he teased. joon chuckelt. "hm dont think so. but at least u can try" "asshole"kook mumbelt and backhuged the seated joon. "u are up for some surprise?" kook whisperd.

joon turned his body around. "surprise? are u pregnant? is it from me?" kook gave joon a clap on the head. "u really know how to kill a mood" he sighed and went to the sink. "oh come on! show me!" joon pulled kook back and sat him onto his lap. kooks back faced joon, so kook had to turn his head uncomfortably. "beg for it" joon smirked. "hm..." he let his hands slid into kooks shirt and pinched his nippels. kook scrunched his body. "ugh! stop that!" joon chuckeld. "i just want to convince u" and started tickeling his boy. kook laught and wiggeld around. "stop it" "what u wanna show me? tell me!" "than stop tickeling me!" joon stopped. kook tried to get his breath back and stood up. he looked at joon seductivly and moved back very sexy. "stay there" he commanded joon and started to strip very slowly, moving his body to the music from their small radio. joons mouth fell to the floor. he never expected his little kookie to do that. *fuck thats too much! he is too sexy* he stood up when kook was only in his boxers. "hey! i didnt allow u to stand up!" "cant take it anymore babe" he pulled him tight and pressed the boys body onto his. "u look too sexy. never show that side to anyone!" kook noded. "i havent plan to do that." "u driving me crazy." kook smiled. "get me out of my boxers and i show u the surprise" "oh that wasnt the surprise?" kook laught. joon pulled kooks pants down and faced his dick.

than he saw it. inside kooks thigh was a nametag. "joons property". he looked up speechless. "that looks fresh" joon slid his fingers lightly over the tatoo. "u like it?" "who made it?" "bernie" joon sighed and got back up, he looked serious. "what did you gave bernie for it?" "i payed him" joon grabed kooks arm hard. kook flinshed and wimperd. "what payment?" joon looked scary. "money! i payed him money" kook pressed out. "u are hurting me joon!" joon let go of kooks arm. "sorry" joon sighed and backed away from him. kook looked hurt. "that should supposed to be a surprise for u. and u are acting like an idiot" he went to his bed, layed down and put the blanket over his head. he was dissapointed of joons reaction. *i did it for him and this is how he reacts? ungreatful asshole* he felt joon on the bed next to him. "kook?" no reaction. "babe? i am sorry ok? i overreacted cause i know how bernie usually get payed for his work" kook put his head out of his blancket. "really? u think i would cheat on u just to get a tatoo FOR u?" joon sighed. "i am sorry, i was so wrong okay? i am jealous of anyone near u. wait! u showed bernie your dick?" kooks got wide eyes. *unbeliveble* "no i had my boxers on you moron! its enough for me that anyone can see me naked in the shower idiot!" kook snapped at namjoon. "i said i am sorry! forgive me!" kook pouted. "dont be mad at me, please?" joon begged. kook smirked. "i like u begging. u should do some more, dont u think?" he smirked at him. joon looked at kook. "wow u are showing me more and more new sides of u babe. i like that." he pushed kooks blanket away and layed on him. "let me make it up to u" kook smiled.

suga came back to the cell and was greeted with a surprise. tae was standing butt naked in the middle of the room and smiled. suga stood still, not knowing how to react. "hey yoongi" "tae" they looked at each other. "what do u think?" tae asked. suga pursed his lips. "u are naked" tae almost fell over. he looked at suga annoyed. "dont state the obvious." suga was still confused. "did i miss an annniversary?" "no. we have none" "oh okay. u wanna bang?" tae sighed. "look at my hip u blind idiot" suga scanned taes hips. than he saw it. a cute lille kitty tattoo. he looked back at taes face, than back at the tattoo, than back at him. "u have a cat on your hip" tae noded. "and?" "and?....why?" "its for u!" "for me? a cat? why a cat" "cause u look like one when u sleep" "u creep watched me sleep?" tae rolled his eyes and sighed. "okay" he bowed down to get his pants. "what are u doing?" "get dressed" "why?" "u are obiously not impressed or anything, so i can get my clothes back up" suga hurried over to tae and stoped him. "wait." "for what?" "i wanna show u my appreciation." tae lookws surprised. "really?" he smiled. suga stroke his hand through taes hair and suddenly griped hard and pulled him close. tae hissed in pain. "what are you..." he pressed out. "did u suck bernie for it, or let him fuck u? i swear tae i will kill u if u did that" "kook payed for my tattoo. with money!" tae pleaded loudly. "i didnt do anything" suga let tae go. he raised a finger and threatend him. "if i ever hear a rumor or something i will hurt u" tae started to sniff. some tears streamed down his cheeks. "i would never do that! u know me!" sugas rage fell apart when he saw taes tears. he fastly hugged him thight. "i know, i just was... so angry of thinking u could pay otherwise for that tattoo." tae cried a bit. suga led them to his bed to sit down. he wiped taes face reapedatly. "i am sorry taetae" tae looked surprised by the nickname. "u are not angry anymore?" he let out with some sniffles. suga shook his head. "no. come here" he kissed him slowly to make it up for his outburst. "i am a cat huh?" tae giggled. "sometimes."
