
Imposter King (3)

Leaning closer until his lips brushed along Evanna's ear, Scarecrow took so much pleasure in her discomfort. "But to suffer by my side… Your husband dead, the kingdoms, not only Direwood, falling to my hands… Hmmmm… Now, that would be delicious. Don't you think?"

Evanna shivered at his grotesque words. "That will never happen," she whispered, her voice barely above the sound of the wind flourishing around them. If Arawn was dead, she would know. Evanna was certain the sacred vows would alert her to his demise. Even without the bond, she would know because how could she not?

Focus, Evanna. This is what he wants. To unnerve you. Focus on what needs to be done. 

Scarecrow smirked, enjoying her naivety. "I've spent a great deal sealed away in the forest… Planning for this very day… Do not underestimate me, my bride."
