
Continued Interrogation: Part One

For the next three days, Evanna was visited by the elven prince, who interrogated her non-stop. He was sharp and intuitive with his line of questioning. Evanna was beginning to grow accustomed to his ways; his questioning went in circles and sometimes in riddles, jumping from little questions such as: what do you like to drink? To: Where are you from?


With the lack of sleep from staying in a dungeon and refusing to sleep on the hay, Evanna was becoming sloppy in her answers, occasionally giving real truths about herself. She watched in those moments as his eyes lit up in smug satisfaction, it was fleeting, as though she imagined it, but in those moments, Evanna could see he knew she slipped up.


Evanna knew he was tactful, and she couldn't help but be impressed. He did it all without using any measures of violence, something she found to be immensely grateful for. Although, she did feel as though it would lead to torture at some point.
