
ch 2. rain and lightning

jimin was relaxed. he just took a shower, outside it was raining like shit. he went to uni, met his friends, had fun again. he tried not to gave any thoughts about min suga. he took out a beer from the fridge and sat down on his kitchen counter, opened it and drank a bit. a sudden knock made him spill the beer.

"shit....what now?!" he grumbled and opened his door with the power of annoyance. "naaaaa.... not u"

"nice to see u too, can i get in? its raining" "no shit... u know there is something called umbrella to prevent getting wet from the rain. and what the fuck u doing here?! its my day off, u saw me in the morning" suga scoffed amused and just sqeezed by jimin. he looked around the very small apartment and turned back to jimin, who was still standing by the open door. "close it, or are u waiting for other visitors?" jimin scoffed annoyed and threw the door shut. he crossed his arms and walked back to his beer, sat back on the counter and looked at suga.

"u know, u should first look who is at your door, before u open it" "why?" "cause somebody with no good intentions could be there" "so, like u? and still u are here" jimin grimaced. suga laughed. "yeah u could say that" "that u dont have good intentions?" suga grinned and nodded. jimin sighed highly annoyed. "listen! we have a contract. its my day off today and night. cant u just let me breath for a while?!" "no" the prompted answer made jimin flinsh.

"wha?!" "no.... i cant. i want u" "u gonna have me tomorrow! now get home!" suga wasnt having it, he came to jimin, sqeezed himself between his legs and leaned in. jimin backed away until his head hit the kitchen shelf. "what are u doing?" "i want u" suga whispered, gave jimin a soft peck. "dont... i dont want..." "do not refuse yourself! i need u" he whispered again, held jimins face. "my ass hurt enough. i am still sore and if u fuck me tonight, u wont get it tomorrow!" "i said: dont refuse yourself to me! u are in no position to do so!" "we have an agreement, idiot!" "i know we have, but i still own u!" "u dont own me! nodody owns me! nobody!" suga backed away, looked straight into jimins eyes. "i never had somebody like u" "get use to it!" jimin scoffed again and turned his face, it was hard to look into sugas face. he knew he would eventually do as suga wanted.

"compremice: u can sleep here, but no sex" suga looked surprised, suddenly smiled and eagerly nodded. "that will do" jimin sighed and crooked an eyebrow. he shook his head, pushed suga back and walked to his "bed". it was only a matraze on the floor, but it was enough for him. "towels are in the bathroom, i ll get u something dry to wear" "uh no, i sleep naked" "what? the fuck not!" "i am" "oh fuck my life!" jimin exclaimed frustrated and threw his hands in the air.

they settled on jimins bed and stared at the ceiling. "why are u living like this?" "i am a student, rents are expensive and thats all i can afford" "your dad...." "i dont want his help nor money" "okay..... u are really something" "how so?" "others would gladly live off their parents money and influence" "like u?" suga suddenly leaned up on his side, close to jimins face. "do i look like i would?!" he looked dangerous. jimin flinshed by his tone. "sorry.... i thought..." "dont asume shit about me! u dont know nothing" now jimin got angry. "of course i dont know u asshole! u kidnapped and raped me yesterday! i only know that u are a gangster" "i didnt rape u.... " "u did" "should i show u the video again? u had fun, u moaned like a whore and u came" jimin looked hurt. "i am no whore and it was cause of your fucking drug! i never would have done it otherwise!" a tear of anger rolled slowly down his cheek. even in the dim light, suga could see it.

he felt bad suddenly. his thump wiped the tear away and he kissed jimins lips. "sorry.... u are no whore, okay? i was....pissed.... i am not like my father" "i never said that" "i know...." yoongi sighed and layed back again. "lets sleep, its late and i have classes tomorrow" "can u turn on your side?" "for what?" "just do it" jimin huffed annoyed, but rolled on his side. immidiatley suga backhugged him, rustled a bit to get more comfort and jimin could hear his breaths became relaxed. suga was asleep.


"i dont understand him. i cant wrap my brain around ...." jimin was frustrated and looked at his best friend. tae looked funny. "are u really telling me, that fucking min yoongi aka suga, THE ganster boss of this country, is your boyfriend now....since when are u gay?!" "i am NOT gay and he is NOT my boyfriend!" "jiminie..... u fucked! he slept at your place yesterday, u are gonna be in his house tonight....thats kinda a relationship" "tae....we have a contract, he forced me, he forced himself onto ME!" "tone down, or the whole uni will know" "shit.... i am sooooo dead!" jimin hid his face in his hands. tae rubbed his back. "but... be honest.... do u like him? is there anything about suga, that u like?" "he is a fucking gangster. he has men who do his dirty work, he could bury me alive somewhere, he is bad! .....maybe his eyes? normally they look scary, but yesterday in my bed, he looked so vurnable suddenly and just for a second....what the fuck i am talking about?! he is bad, bad, bad!" tae snickered. jimin punshed taes arm.


after long whining, threatening, barging, tae came with jimin. his eyes were huge, when he saw the house, the scary men and finally THE man.

"this is tae, my best friend. he is here for dinner" "aha....i let the cook and the staff know" suga squinted his eyes, looked tae up and down and walked away. "he hates me" tae was stunned. jimin raised a brow and grimaced. "he doesnt hate u" "didnt u see it? he really hates me! maybe i shouldnt eat, dont wanna die on poison" "ha ha ha.... idiot"

suga talked to the cook. "hey, brother" "hey, kook. work done?" "yeah.... dad sends his "love"" he grinned at his brothers grimaced face. "love...pffff..." "okay, tell me" "what?" "i heard some rumors" "from whom and what kind?" "your men and about a certain guy, who is currentley in your livingroom with somebody else" "fucking gossiping girls.... his name is jimin. i own him" he tried to hide his proud smile, but kook caught it. "wow u are smug. u know u cant own someone? slavery isnt hip since the 1900s. but i have to admit, he looks gorgeous. u can lend him to me from time to time, or when u are bored" "what? are u fucking crazy? he is mine, kook! never touch him!" suga warned him. kook only grinned. "brother, i know u. u will get bored very fast." "no, he is mine! i warn u!" kook chuckled. he never saw his brother like this. he was never obsessive over a toy before.

they walked to the livingroom and suge bumped into his brother. kook stood there frozen. "what the hell, man?!" suga rubbed his nose and walked around his brother. he looked at kook and to the thing he was staring. jimins best friend. tae. interesting.....

he punshed kook and came close to jimin. "lets have some dinner, shall we? tae? u are gonna sit next to my brother...oh this is kook, jungkook, my younger brother, he just came from a business trip back." jimin said hi and looked at tae, who was awfully quiet. "jungkook, suga, this is taehyung, my oldest and bestest friend"

the dinner was somehow awkward. tae and kook only glanced at each other and played more with the food, than ate it. suga and jimin looked at each other and shrugged.

"i think i ll get going. thanks for the dinner, mr. min" tae said polite and shook sugas hand. "uhm....bye jungkook" he almost said it inaudible. to shy to shake kooks hand, he hugged jimin and turned to the door. "i ll drive u home" kook suddenly almost yelled, made everybody jump with it and fastly pulled tae out of the door.

"uhm....tae came with his car?" jimin looked at suga, who only grinned and shook his head.


"where are we going?" "we will take a swim" "where?" "pool" "u have a pool?" "basement" "i dont really like your basement" suga laughed. "thats not funny, shithead...what are u doing?" "get you out of your clothes, or u wanna swim in them?" "i have no..." "naked, darling" "u wish" jimin crossed his arms. "dont be difficult. come on" suga softly said and pulled on jimins shirt.

they swam a few rounds and met in the middle of the huge pool. "its really nice" jimin smiled and spit water in sugas direction. "told ya" he dove down and was naughty. licked on jimins dick, pulled him by his thighs under water and catured his lips.


"uh....where should i go?" "huh?" "where do u live?" "oh....where are we?" tae looked distraught out of the window. kook sighed with a smile, turned into a dark sidestreet and switched off the engine. "what...." tae looked at kook. kook gave him another smile, leaned forward and kissed him suddenly harsh. tae hadnt any time to react.

hungryly they kissed, tongues played with each other, some drool ran down. kook got rid of both seatbelts, climbed on taes seat, pushed the seat down and started to peel tae out of his clothes.

tae managed to push him back. panting for his dear life and with huge surprised eyes, he stared at the other man, he just met. "i.... u....we...." he stuttered. kook smiled again. "lets not talk, okay. get out of the car" tae was biting his underlip, got out of the car and waited for kook.

kook got out of his shoes, jeans and underwear, pulled tae with him to the hood of the car. he opened taes pants, shoved them with the boxers down too, spit into his hand, rubbed with it taes cock, stroked him until he was rock hard, sat onto the warm metal, spread his legs, pulled tae by his cock between his legs and waited. tae needed some seconds, snapped out of his confusion and fastly pushed in. kook gave him a satisfied groan, pressed his hands onto taes buttcheeks and leaned back. he knew that tae would be big. he liked big. no matter ass or cock.


they played around in the water. jimin was a bit confused, cause suga was different. he was laughing, gentle, always kissed him. jimin saw a compleate other side of this man. it wasnt unpleasent, it was fun, it made him forget what suga was, who he was. he made him hard without any drug and it was so easy for him. he teased him so easyly. jimin was confused and amazed by it. it was another grown man for fucks sake.

suga had pressed him against the pool wall, kissed him breathless, fingers thrusted in and out of him. his eyes rolled back, when he was hit by lightning. suga hit some great spot there. jimin almost strangled suga with his arms. he squeezed them so hard around sugas neck. "i think we should get out" "noooo....not yet...not yet" suga grinned, but floated with the other body attached to him to the ladder and heaved them out of the pool. he carried jimin to one of the lounges and placed them down on it. without another second, he pushed into jimin. enjoying his reactions, suga pounded into him.


tae forgot where he was, or they were. he fucked like a maniac. he didnt care, if somebody would hear or see them. the second he saw kook, he was hit by a truck. he could only see him, even if there were hundreds of people around them. he couldnt stop. they were brutal with each other. tae would have bloody scratches and bruises the next day, kook would have brusies, bitemarks and problems to walk. they didnt care.

kook fueled taes thrusts with his own movements and sounds. he instantley fell for tae, the second he saw him it was a done deal. he never thought that that would ever happen, let alone a real thing. but he was certain, he would keep tae.
