
Chapter 6.

Lily thought she would go crazy with panic. She prodded the doctor to do something quick, while he examined Flora. She held Flora's hands, struggling to fight back the fit of tears that attacked her. Flora kept muttering incoherent words and writhing in pain.

What happened to her? What the hell happened to her baby? The last time she had seen Flora in such a state was about five years ago, along a bushy path. She had stopped to ease herself when she noticed a slight figure, frantically clawing her way out of the bush, dragging a rusted metal case along. The girl had collapsed when Lily tried to help her to her feet. Lily couldn't bring herself to leave the poor girl there, so she chattered a cab to take them home.

She had initially been living alone in a big bungalow in some fairly developed part of the state, since her father died of heart failure. Her mother had already died while giving birth to her, so her home was open to the girl.

Flora had narrated everything about herself, except the incident at the bush. She always started crying hysterically, so Lily had to dismiss the issue. She couldn't help but notice that they had a lot in common. Their meeting was fate.

Flora's parents were not dead of course, but were more useless than the dead. Flora had a dipsomaniac father who beat her and told her she was good for nothing. A typical case of the kettle calling the pot black. Her mother always brought her numerous boyfriends home and locked her out each time they came. She slept in their neighbor's place most of the time, until the other family discovered what was going on and barred her from coming to sleep in their house. So, she slept in the common kitchen. Quite a lot for a child to go through.

She had to leave home in search of greener pastures, after her secondary school education in a public school in their area. The rest was history. However, what was more important now was that Flora had found her a home, someone who would die protecting her if need be. Lily's heart ached as she watched the delicate doll on the bed. Flora had those kind of fragile looks that could illicit a strong maternal instinct from any woman. Her mother must be a Jezebel, Lily fumed for the umpteenth time.

They had become best friends, sisters, everything to each other. Lily had an insurance set up by her father to cater for her education and they'd strictly maintained it was only for her education and nothing more. So, she worked on a part-time job to support herself.

On their first year in the university, she rented out the bungalow to a young couple and moved into a small apartment, since she also had to pay Flora's school fees. She was a class ahead of Flora, but couldn't gain admission immediately after secondary school. Thankfully, they both made it into University the same year. Wasn't this fate? Flora was the best friend anyone could ask for and was very hardworking.

They'd studied together, prayed together, worked together, shared secrets. They did fall out with each other a few times, but always settled their differences without much friction. They could best be described as soulmates. Lily grinned in spite of herself, swiping at the tear drop on an eyelash.

"She's asleep now," the doctor said, intruding into her thoughts. "Would be nice if you drop her hand and let her get some rest. She's psychologically traumatized."

He turned to leave, while the nurse gathered the materials into a tray. She gave Lily a comforting pat on the back and left the room. Lily slowly collapsed into a nearby armchair.

Why were all these things happening to her? What did she do to deserve all these? Just what? First, Chris suddenly stopped talking to her. She thought he needed space and let him be. But he also had the temerity to ignore all her frantic texts and then blocked her number. Why?

His secretary vehemently refused her entrance whenever she came. Last time she went there, they alerted security to throw her out. And she didn't know his home. Now, Flora was badly battered by God knows whom and left unconscious. A sob escaped her lips and she rejected it. She never gave in to tears. She considered it a waste of precious bodily fluid. Crying over spilled milk never helped.

It wasn't easy growing up without a mother; and after her father died, she thought nothing could break her again. She had seen the very worst life had to offer. Another sob came, then another and she collapsed into a crying puddle.

The sun illuminated her softly chiselled features. The naturally long eyelashes and high cheek bones suggested the dainty looks of an Indian Princess. The lines of strength and character on her face gave her a determined look even as she dozed. They portrayed a woman who knew her own mind, who knew exactly where she was going and how to get there. The small red lips, straight nose and fair skin could make one mistake her for a Fulani. Lily automatically swiped at a fly that dared perch on her aquiline nose, then continued dozing. Something was pinching her by the side, making her uncomfortable on the wooden seat she slept on. She shifted to the other side and yelped, sitting up, as a displaced nail slightly pricked her.

Her pupils slowly adjusted to the bright light as she tried to remember where she was. And who the hell covered her with a blanket? Oh, yes she was at the hospital. Where was Flora? She jumped up in alarm, dumping the blanket on the floor. She berated herself for always sleeping like a log and had made to go outside when Flora came limping from the bathroom, carrying her tooth paste and brush.

"Flora," she called softly, coming over to hug her friend.

Flora looked up and smiled. "Oh you're awake?"

On a normal day, Lily would have said, 'no I'm sleep-walking,' but this was neither the day nor time for sarcasm.

She helped Flora to the bed. "Nne, what exactly happened?"

"My dear, it's a long story o," Flora said, dropping the toothpaste and brush on a table beside her hospital bed.

"I have time," Lily cut in, reclaiming the seat she once vacated. She folded the blanket neatly.

"First off, I'm hungry," Flora whined in that voice that always seemed to get her whatever she wanted from Lily.

"Okay, I'm coming." Lily went out to buy food and was back in few minutes. She handed it to Flora and took the seat again.

Flora started her long story, talking with mouth full of rice and salad. There was a big can of Lucozade boost to wash down everything.

"I was coming home on a keke napep yesterday and we were attacked by armed robbers," Flora began, devouring the chicken.

"Are you serious!" Lily exclaimed in dismay. "Nne, they did this to you?"

"Nne eeh," Flora affirmed. "The driver refused to stop initially. I don't know what they did to the keke napep and the thing fell down. I happened to be sitting at the front and it fell on my side. I sustained these injuries while squeezing out myself from underneath it," she rattled off.

Guilt-ridden, she hid her face behind her long hair and made it look like she was too occupied with eating the food.

"How about your eyes? How did you get these swells?" Lily asked sympathetically, touching her lightly on the face. "Is it still paining you?"

Flora turned her face away, averting Lily's gaze. "I'm coming na. They asked us to bring our money and I refused. Nne, if you see the way I was beaten eeh."

"Hei," Lily said with sympathy. "People are wicked."

"Hmm. I finally had to realize that my life is more important than 5k. You know that money I borrowed from you to buy materials for my project?" She asked, taking a long draw from her Lucozade boost.

Lily nodded.

"I gave them all the money. Everything," she finished, munching her chicken.

"How did you get here na?" Lily asked, reaching out to remove something from Flora's hair.

"My dear, that one is a different story altogether. One man saw me stranded by the roadside and offered to help. He even happens to come from my village. God bless him for me." Flora dropped the chicken bones, smacking her lips. She drank more of the Lucozade boost.

"Eyaah. Thank God there are still good people around. Thank God you're alive. At least they did not shoot you. My dear, in case of next time, don't struggle with armed robbers o. Don't even try to negotiate with them! Just give them everything you have and come out with your life," Lily lectured, holding her ear in emphasis.

Flora smiled sweetly. "You're so caring."

Flora's mind snapped back to the issue that had been gnawing at her. "Did you see anyone on your way to this room yesterday?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant.


"Like somebody na. Anybody," Flora tried again, hoisting her plastered legs unto the bed. Lily was up in a second to help her, draping the blanket over her and adjusting the pillow.

"Mba. The corridor was even too dark to see anyone. Who do you think I should have seen?" Lily took her seat again.

"Okay. A nurse or something," Flora said, coiling a strand of hair around her finger. A gesture meant to keep her from meeting Lily's gaze. "They didn't come when I called."

"Those people sha," Lily cut in angrily. "I wonder what they're actually here for. By the way, how much is the bill?"

"The man that brought me here paid for everything."

"Ewoo, God will bless him. So, such people still exist in this world?"

"My dear o. So how're you doing with Chris?" Flora asked, crushing the guilty flush that assailed her.

"My dear, same old story o. Chris just changed into something else before my very eyes. He now ignores my texts and calls. If you see the kind of embarrassment I got last time I went to his office eeh, you will weep for me." Lily hissed in annoyance.

"Eyaah. Go to his house na," Flora supplied, intently gauging her reaction.

"I don't know where he lives na. I don't know," Lily lamented, using a palm to support her chin.

Flora didn't know what else to say without giving herself away. "Men sha, Tufiakwa," Flora spat, hissing. "Nne who told you he didn't know that you have been coming to his office? He has simply dumped you. That's the bitter truth. That's the way men behave. Dump him too and move on with your life. Don't go and give him the impression that you can't live without him o. That will only serve to massage his bloated ego."

Lily sighed in resignation, looking like she would pass out. "He said he loves me. The way he was just showing me off to his friends and taking me with him everywhere. He even introduced me to a certain Pastor he said was his boss." She gave a reminiscent chuckle. "He asked which colour of interior design I liked and the colour of lilies I preferred."

She gently dried a trickle of tear, smiling ruefully. "In fact I don't understand," Lily said, suddenly exhausted.

All the while Lily spoke, Flora stared at a poster on the wall behind her, carefully avoiding her gaze. "He's simply fed up with you," Flora began with a small voice. She cleared her throat, finding her voice. "So, leave him biko. Before he starts thinking he's the best thing that has ever happened to humanity," she advised.

"My dear, he even sent me a text message yesterday, telling me how he didn't know my true colours. How he was totally fooled by the facade of gentility I wore; that I was evil and he pitied any man that would call me a wife. That he didn't know I was as low as this and he regretted ever knowing me.

"Then he warned me to change and stop hurting people who care for me. Can you just imagine? I sent him a text to find out what the problem was and got ignored again. Calling him is a different story altogether. If only he will tell me what I did wrong! I have been thinking and I simply can't figure out how in the world I've wronged Chris. In fact I'm sick of the whole thing," Lily narrated, sagging on the chair.

Warning bells were ringing in Flora's head. "Did he explain what he meant by, you're hurting people who care for you?" she asked tentatively.

"Explain ke? When was the last time Chris ever explained anything? I got ignored for so long, only for me to get a vague text message with insults!" Lily was vibrating with fury.

"Hmm. If you ask me, the man is no longer interested. Even if he was, why should he insult you like that? Who does he think he is? Abeg ditch him and move on with your life jare," Flora ordered like a ship captain.

Lily sighed deeply. "Yeah, right? Nne eeh, it won't be easy at all. I'm down for this guy. You won't understand. But what choice do I have? Thank you dear."

Lily's phone rang the beginning notes of 'No one,' by Alicia Keys. It was the first song Chris had sent to her on whatsapp. For a while, she thought she would cry, then chinned up. It was the assistant manager of the supermarket where she worked part-time. She explained the situation and promised to be there soon.

Flora eyed her phone as she hung up.

"Nne let me come and be going. I will come and take you home in the afternoon. I will drop some money with you. Please tell anybody around to help you buy food, you hear?" Lily said, hurrying up to leave.

Flora chuckled. "I told you that's a very wrong English. Okay na, come and be going."

They laughed.

"You don't have to bother sha. The man said he would come and pick me," Flora added quickly, twining a strand of hair around a finger.

Lily couldn't believe her ears. She stopped on her way to the door. "Hian! You don't even know him."

"I do know him dear, only that we didn't maintain contact. He's a great guy. I will be safe. He knows how to spoil someone sha. So by the looks of it, I might even be coming home next week," Flora rattled off in a singsong voice, biting her nail. A habit that came to her when she was nervous.

Lily moped in bewilderment. "You want to go and live with him or what?" she demanded, hands akimbo.

"I've already told you he's a family friend. That was why he ignored other passengers and helped only me. I will be safe," Flora stressed, in a tone that signaled that the issue was dismissed.

She turned on the bed and faced the wall. Lily sourly itched to thoroughly lecture this naive young lady, then thought better of it.

"See me o. Do you know what his life is like? He might even be a thief or ritualist for all I care. Anyway, I'm sure you're old enough to take care of yourself!" Lily knew it was useless going on about this and she had done her part like any good friend should. She turned and stumped out of the room, outraged and flabbergasted.

"Flower sis, thank you. I promise to call you everyday to tell you I'm fine," Flora said, turning to face her again.

Lily stopped, gave her a final look and continued on her way. The young lady would come back to her senses in due time.

Yeah! There, she had done it! Flora giggled triumphantly on the bed, as soon as Lily's footsteps faded. She thought of the plan to get Lily's iPhone and shrugged it off. Even the devil was not that wicked. Unless pushed to the wall, she would never do anything to hurt her friend personally. She only intended to separate Lily and Chris. That should be enough. She would gently explain to Iyke that she couldn't do it please.

Now, she had gotten the source of all the money. Who said she wouldn't get her own iPhone in due time? It was time to actually let Lily be. These were not her original plans, but they were most definitely better. Flora whistled with delight as she picked her phone to dial Chris's number, then stopped to think of what to tell him. There! She giggled excitedly and clicked the dial button.

To be continued...


Fulani: A tribe in Nigeria, mostly Nomadic.

Nne: Mother; often used to address a female.

Keke napep: A Tricycle.

Tufiakwa: God forbid.
